
default-settings interview questions

Top default-settings frequently asked interview questions

notepad++: How to reset all the setting to default ones?

i change settings a lot. Now, i think I've played with Notepad++ too much. Now how can I reset the settings ?

btw, I don't want to uninstall, then install again. that's not so "superuser"-ish, right ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why don't I have a "Make Google Chrome the default browser" button in my Chrome settings?

My Chrome settings says "Google Chrome is not currently your default browser." But there's no button that allows me to set Chrome as the default browser:

enter image description here

Running Windows 7 x64. Absolutely baffled. Can't seem to find anything on Google. "Run as Administrator" doesn't change anything. IE and Firefox both have their "Make default" buttons present, so I don't think it's a network policy thing? Tried setting FireFox as the default then coming back to Chrome; still nothing.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to make Select Tool mode default instead of Hand Tool in PDF-XChange Viewer?

I am always using PDF-XChange Viewer for PDF viewing, which works great for me. One issue that bothers me a lot is that, by default, it will be in Hand Tool (second button checked in the following figure) mode when opening a file. What should be done in order to make Select Tool (first button checked in the following figure) mode by default in PDF-XChange Viewer?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Deleting user defaults under Mac OS X 10.10.3

Since a short time (I (guess* since Mac OS X 10.10.2) I was able to clear my settings under NSUserDefaults via

defaults delete ~/Library/Preference/<my app>.plist

But all of a sudden it does not work and my settings seem to be super-persistent. I also manually cleared anything under “Saved Settings” and issued the above command for “Containers” (though sandboxing was turned off for testing anyway).

What else can hold my settings? I guess the next reboot might clear it but I want to avoid rebooting in the future.

PS The settings did even survive a reboot :-(

Source: (StackOverflow)

In Windows 7, how do I make Sound Scheme changes for all users?

On a Windows 7 machine, I would like to make changes to a Sound Scheme and have them affect all users on that machine.

I've found that if I log in as a user without administrative privileges, I can make changes to which sounds play on which events that persist for that user across logon sessions on that machine. However, those changes do not apply to other users on the same machine.

If I log on as a user with administrative privileges, what would I do to make a change that will apply, by default at least, to all users on the machine?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you remove a default program association for file types in Windows 7?

I somehow have set the default file type association for a file type in Windows 7. It doesn't appear to be possible to delete it from the "Change the file type associated with a file extension" options screen. Is it possible to remove it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the conventional install location for applications in Linux?

I'm currently installing NetBeans, and the default install directory is /home/thomasowens/netbeans-6.8. I'm not a fan of that location, so I'm looking at /etc, /bin, /usr/bin, and /sbin. Does Linux have a place that, by convention, is the same as Windows' C:\Program Files directory?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 10 won't accept Firefox as the default browser

I have recently upgraded my Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 and basically everything seems to be working fine. Except for the fact that Win10 won't get Firefox as the default browser in the system... It started when I noticed that nothing happens when I click on links in email messages on Outlook. After I checked a few things, I also got to change the defualt browser to Chrome and the links worked. That's when I realized that the issue is with the definition of the default browser on Win10. I should mention that I have used all possible ways to set FF as the default browser in the system - from FF itself of couse, from the settings of the system, from file associations, program association and so on. Nothing changed when I did it for FF. Once I do it for Chrome (in ANY of the mentioned ways), it works exactly like it should. Is it a Win10 issue? Is it an FF issue? What can I do more about this?

UPDATE: I have tried everything that has to do with settings Firefox as the default browser in the system, including going through the Settings of Windows, going from the Settings of Firefox, setting default files and protocols, but nothing helps except for re-installing Firefox. If doing that would have closed the issue once and for all, I would have settled for that, but that's the "solution" after every reboot of the OS! This is very frustrating and I don't know what more I can do about it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 10 wipes out all my settings on every login

Suddenly my Windows 10 is doing something really weird. Every time I login I see a "Preparing Windows" message, and once I'm in, I see that all my settings are gone. By that I mean:

  • Desktop picture set to the default one with the Windows logo
  • Pinned taskbar shortcuts gone
  • Cortana search bar appeared (I had disabled it)
  • All accounts in Chrome gone
  • Custom regional settings gone
  • Installed keyboard layouts gone
  • All applications acting like it's the first time I run them (no applications seem to have been uninstalled)

Windows 10 build number is 10.0.10586. A couple of days ago I had configured it to receive Insider builds in the slow ring, but no updates have been installed since then (that I have noticed at least).

Another weird thing is that the in the insider build configuration screen I see the message "Another administrator has set up this device to receive builds". I am the only person using this computer and there are no additional user accounts.

So, what's going on here? Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to set gpg2 as default implementation of gpg on debian?

My debian installation came with gpg 1.4.12, while I would like to be running 2.0.19. The former comes in the package gnupg and the latter gnupg2. They can coexist peacefully as far as I know, but I would really like to use gpg2 as the default provider of gpg. I know debian has update-alternatives which is used for setting defaults, but I can't find any mention of gpg or gnupg in it.

How can I set this up?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are the common router default DHCP IP address ranges?

I'm trying to find out what the default DHCP ranges are for common routers. Does anyone know?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change Default Sorting Order of 'dir' Command in Windows

By default, Windows' dir command sorts files and directories alphabetically without grouping. The result is files and directories appear interleaved with one another. Sample output:

F:\Dev Kits>dir
 Volume in drive F is Buffer II
 Volume Serial Number is E039-C389

 Directory of F:\Dev Kits

07/26/2011  05:02 AM    <DIR>          .
07/26/2011  05:02 AM    <DIR>          ..
10/08/2009  05:41 PM           408,330 Bat To Exe Converter 1.5.zip
07/26/2011  04:53 AM    <DIR>          Boost
10/27/2009  09:37 PM        20,248,963 CodeBlocks 8.02 Mingw.exe
02/20/2010  12:26 AM         1,251,993 CodeBlocks Manual.pdf
04/18/2010  05:39 PM           610,769 Dependency Walker 2.2.6000 x86.zip
05/29/2010  04:37 PM             4,387 Dev Kits.sha2
07/26/2011  04:59 AM    <JUNCTION>     iOS SDK
01/31/2011  09:40 PM        35,213,765 MinGW GCC 4.4.0_1.zip
11/17/2009  01:41 AM         2,834,808 Notepad++ Portable 5.5.1.exe
01/07/2010  06:04 PM         3,860,528 Notepad++ Portable 5.6.4.exe
11/17/2009  12:31 AM           261,563 Notepad2 4.0.23.zip
03/08/2011  07:07 PM         9,932,872 Opera Mobile 10.1 Emulator.exe
05/25/2010  08:46 AM           162,506 PC-Police.zip
04/05/2010  10:37 PM    <DIR>          Python
07/26/2011  05:02 AM    <DIR>          Qt Framework and SDK
04/05/2010  10:35 PM    <DIR>          Series 80 SDK
07/26/2011  04:52 AM    <DIR>          Symbian SDK
07/26/2011  05:00 AM    <DIR>          Unit Testing
07/26/2011  04:51 AM    <JUNCTION>     Visual Studio Tools
04/07/2011  04:51 PM        17,349,072 Win32 OpenSSL 1.0.0d.exe
02/19/2010  11:05 PM           397,056 Win32pp Compiled Samples.zip
07/26/2011  04:53 AM    <DIR>          Windows Phone SDK
07/26/2011  04:52 AM    <DIR>          Windows Platform SDK
11/14/2009  07:49 PM        12,811,696 wxMSW 2.8.10 Setup.exe
11/15/2009  01:34 AM             2,808 wxMSW Installation.txt
              15 File(s)    105,351,116 bytes
              12 Dir(s)   1,346,224,128 bytes free

Adding the /OGN switch makes the output much more organized:

F:\Dev Kits>dir /ogn
 Volume in drive F is Buffer II
 Volume Serial Number is E039-C389

 Directory of F:\Dev Kits

07/26/2011  05:02 AM    <DIR>          .
07/26/2011  05:02 AM    <DIR>          ..
07/26/2011  04:53 AM    <DIR>          Boost
07/26/2011  04:59 AM    <JUNCTION>     iOS SDK
04/05/2010  10:37 PM    <DIR>          Python
07/26/2011  05:02 AM    <DIR>          Qt Framework and SDK
04/05/2010  10:35 PM    <DIR>          Series 80 SDK
07/26/2011  04:52 AM    <DIR>          Symbian SDK
07/26/2011  05:00 AM    <DIR>          Unit Testing
07/26/2011  04:51 AM    <JUNCTION>     Visual Studio Tools
07/26/2011  04:53 AM    <DIR>          Windows Phone SDK
07/26/2011  04:52 AM    <DIR>          Windows Platform SDK
10/08/2009  05:41 PM           408,330 Bat To Exe Converter 1.5.zip
10/27/2009  09:37 PM        20,248,963 CodeBlocks 8.02 Mingw.exe
02/20/2010  12:26 AM         1,251,993 CodeBlocks Manual.pdf
04/18/2010  05:39 PM           610,769 Dependency Walker 2.2.6000 x86.zip
05/29/2010  04:37 PM             4,387 Dev Kits.sha2
01/31/2011  09:40 PM        35,213,765 MinGW GCC 4.4.0_1.zip
11/17/2009  01:41 AM         2,834,808 Notepad++ Portable 5.5.1.exe
01/07/2010  06:04 PM         3,860,528 Notepad++ Portable 5.6.4.exe
11/17/2009  12:31 AM           261,563 Notepad2 4.0.23.zip
03/08/2011  07:07 PM         9,932,872 Opera Mobile 10.1 Emulator.exe
05/25/2010  08:46 AM           162,506 PC-Police.zip
04/07/2011  04:51 PM        17,349,072 Win32 OpenSSL 1.0.0d.exe
02/19/2010  11:05 PM           397,056 Win32pp Compiled Samples.zip
11/14/2009  07:49 PM        12,811,696 wxMSW 2.8.10 Setup.exe
11/15/2009  01:34 AM             2,808 wxMSW Installation.txt
              15 File(s)    105,351,116 bytes
              12 Dir(s)   1,346,224,128 bytes free

Question: Is it possible to make dir use the /ogn switch by default?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Permanently and globally stop openoffice calc from autocorrecting dates/time

When I type "15:45" or "21/12" openoffice Calc changes it to "15:45:00" and "21-12-2011".
How do I disable this globally and permanently?
I know you can use "Format cell..." and then select text, but I never ever want it to autocorrect dates/time.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sublime Text 2 opens last opened files from last session

Whenever I open Sublime Text 2 on Fedora, it used to restore the last session.

But now in Mac OS X Mountain Lion, and it's not opening the window from the last session. What setting do I need to change?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I get files with no extension to open with Sublime Text 2 by default?

Whenever I download programs or MediaWiki extensions there nearly always are README, INSTALL and COPYING files contained within the downloaded directory(s). These files usually have no file extension and hence the Open With... window has a blocked out

Always use the selected program to open this kind of file

box (hence one can't tick it to say yes to this option). Is there any way around this to get these types of files with no extension to automatically (i.e., by default) open with Sublime Text 2?

Source: (StackOverflow)