data-liberation interview questions
Top data-liberation frequently asked interview questions
The question is simple, how can I recover my playlists from Grooveshark now that the service has been shut down?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Google recently decided that I can't be logged in to my Gmail and Apps accounts at the same time, so I want to move my Google Reader data from one to the other. I know of the "Import/Export feeds" function, but I want to export as much as possible from:
- Feeds
- Starred items
- Trends
- Read/unread status
- Liked items
- Comments
Google must have thought of this when they made the decision, so I suppose there is some way.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'd like to save references and copies to/of all the comments, and submissions made by the account, as well as a listing of upvoted/downvoted links, in addition to private messages, in a user-friendly and presentable format, kind of like how facebook account exports work with styled HTML files in a .zip archive.
What's the closest one can come to this?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I would like download all my YouTube history in various formats like CSV. I don't think YouTube allows to do that directly so I've tried to check each Ajax call on this page
, but it seems very difficult to get it automatically. Any ideas?
By the way, I am also having the same problem with my Google search history. Is anyone able to provide a good solution to this?
Source: (StackOverflow)
Are all our changes logged, safe, saved, secure and downloadable? Has Google Docs committed to it all being seeable, shareable, protected and preserved?
Remembering what was said is important. I write about Language Evolution et al, so I need a memory, a change log, to show a path.
Important work and business needs reliable, transparent records, so is Google Docs able to recall and share what happens in a living documents' life?
Version history by Google Docs is advocated to give us all integrity, in creative processes, but I am cautious and curious if our full, true timelines will survive long-term.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I have hundreds of locations starred in Google Maps. I'd like to export the list of them so that I can import them into other software, like Google Earth or map applications on my Android phone. Is there any way to do this other than manually clicking on them one-by-one?
If there's no official way, is there a workaround? Google Maps for Android can access the starred locations, so maybe there's a way to rip them out of its database files? Maybe some other software that can access it?
This is very similar, but I am asking about Starred locations, they aren't in My Maps.
They recently changed it so that starred locations are listed along with other locations under "My Places", but I still don't see a way to export.

Source: (StackOverflow)
I am considering using Picasa Web Albums as the main storage point for all my pictures and videos.
Strangely, Google has officially stated that It's not possible to download videos from Picasa Web Albums at this time. This is very frustrating since it essentially means that it is not future-proof to use Picasa as the single storage place for videos.
It also seems contrary to the stated purpose of Google's own Data Liberation Front.
Thus, there seems to be a slim hope that downloading videos might be made possible in the future.
Unless there is a specific reason for this unfriendly policy.
What is the reason for the policy? Is it just technically difficult, or is there some business reason for actively disabling it?
If I understood this better, I could better judge the likelyhood of this feature beeing supported in the future.
(I realize that there are some workarounds for downloading videos but they are cumbersome, they do not seem to support HD, and they are impractical to use on a large number of videos)
Source: (StackOverflow)
A friend uses Gmail with her own domain. All her emails are stored with Gmail.
However, she's not too satisfied with Gmail. Should we decide to let her to move back to a dedicated client or another webmail app hosted on her domain, is there a way to move the actual email data (contacts, folders, emails, etc. etc.) out from Gmail and into the new system?
I am a developer, so I am not afraid to have to code something ad-hoc for the transfer.
My question is twofold:
- Is there a way to export all the raw data held by Gmail?
- Is it easy to do or do tools already exist to move away from Gmail, or I'll have to code things for myself?
Source: (StackOverflow)
I read about this in the press today, but can't find it anywhere within Facebook. Perhaps the feature isn't live yet? I've tried clearing cache and reloading, but don't know where I should be looking.
Source: (StackOverflow)
Traditionally, you backup your computer's data to the web, but anyone who uses a lot of webapps puts a lot of data out there. Is there a good tool to backup all my gmail mail, facebook pictures and status updates, google docs, etc. to my computer? Preferably automatically.
Source: (StackOverflow)
What is the difference between Wikidata and Freebase?
Both seems to be gathering open data in a Wiki spirit, readable by machine and humans.
Freebase has existed for years, Wikidata is new.
Source: (StackOverflow)
I'm using Gmail, Google Reader, calendar, Picasaweb and other services.
I've decide to change my Google ID. And I am moving Gmail data first (via POP3), but it is a very hard job. I'm afraid to move other services' data. Does Google supports migrating from one account to another?
Source: (StackOverflow)