

Light-weight Python OLAP framework for multi-dimensional data analysis Cubes | Data Brewery

Analysis Services 2005 OLAP Cubes : Can I create a distinct count measure on a nvarchar column?

I'm trying to create a cube with a single measure. This measure is a distinct count of a "name" column. The cube works perfectly if the measure is set to "count" type. However when I set distinct count I get this error:

"Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The sort order specified for distinct count records is incorrect"

I have read in some blogs that you can only have a distinct count on a numeric column. I can't see a good reason for this, and I can't find that info on official documentation. However, it may be true. Anyways, I'm really stuck with this issue. What are my options?

Source: (StackOverflow)

SQL Server OLAP CUBES (Tutorials) [closed]

Hope this isnt a repost, at least I didnt find any results that I was happy with on google.

The thing is I don't know much about OLAP connections but I'm decent when it comes to SQL requests but I would like to further my skills

What site, book - would you recommend

Source: (StackOverflow)


Silverlight OLAP Data Grid? [closed]

Is there any control around where I can have something like Flex OLAP Data Grid for Silverlight?

I tried to create one on my own, but hitting the wall all the time, if there aren't something like this in the market, can we brainstorm a bit on how to approach creating a control like this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Anyone know anything about OLAP Internals?

I know a bit about database internals. I've actually implemented a small, simple relational database engine before, using ISAM structures on disk and BTree indexes and all that sort of thing. It was fun, and very educational. I know that I'm much more cognizant about carefully designing database schemas and writing queries now that I know a little bit more about how RDBMSs work under the hood.

But I don't know anything about multidimensional OLAP data models, and I've had a hard time finding any useful information on the internet.

How is the information stored on disk? What data structures comprise the cube? If a MOLAP model doesn't use tables, with columns and records, then... what? Especially in highly dimensional data, what kinds of data structures make the MOLAP model so efficient? Do MOLAP implementations use something analogous to RDBMS indexes?

Why are OLAP servers so much better at processing ad hoc queries? The same sorts of aggregations that might take hours to process in an ordinary relational database can be processed in milliseconds in an OLTP cube. What are the underlying mechanics of the model that make that possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Postgresql for OLAP

Does anyone have experience of using postgresql for an OLAP setup, using cubes against the database etc. Having come across a number of idiosyncracies when using MySql for OLAP, are there reasons in favour of using postgresql instead (assuming that I want to go the open source route)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Datamart vs. reporting Cube, what are the differences?

The terms are used all over the place, and I don't know of crisp definitions. I'm pretty sure I know what a data mart is. And I've created reporting cubes with tools like Business Objects and Cognos.

I've also had folks tell me that a datamart is more than just a collection of cubes.

I've also had people tell me that a datamart is a reporting cube, nothing more.

What are the distinctions you understand?

Source: (StackOverflow)

MDX Calculated Member CrossJoin question

I have an MDX query with the following calculated member:

with member [Measures].[BBOX] as
        CrossJoin([Dim Response].[Response ID].Children, [Dim Question].[Question Text].Children),
        [Measures].[Question Bottom Box] > 0

The idea is that I want a count of the combinations of two members of a dimension. (Forgive me if my MDX vocabulary is a little off). It is also based on some criteria.

The rest of the query looks like this:

{({[Measures].[TBOX], [Measures].[BBOX]}, 
[Dim Product].[Category Name].&[Office])} on columns,
{[Dim Question].[Question Text].Members} on rows 
from H1_FY10_Revised
where ({[Dim Question].[Category Name].&[Partner]}, 
{[Dim Subsidiary].[Subsidiary Alias Name].&[Germany]})

My question is: does the slicing of data that occurs in the main query (the where clause) translate to the calculated member? Is there any sort of implicit join between the data that comes back from the calculated member and the axises in the main query?

Or another way to phrase it: does the cross join in the calculated member execute in the context of the main query?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Simulated OLAP

We have a client that has Oracle Standard, and a project that would be ten times easier addressed using OLAP. However, Oracle only supports OLAP in the Enterprise version.

Migration to enterprise is not possible

I'm thinking of doing some manual simulation of OLAP, creating relational tables to simulate the technology.

Do you know of some other way I could do this? Maybe an open-source tool for OLAP? Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

View MDX query generated while browsing a cube

In Sql Server Management Studio once I browse a cube I can drop column fields, row fields and filter fields. This displays the required data.

I want to know if there is a way to view the MDX query being generated behind the scenes to display the data?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any way to use LINQ for MDX queries?

Anyone know if there are plans for LINQ to MDX .

Does any way currently exist to use LINQ with MDX / CUBES

Source: (StackOverflow)

Fast way to check if long integer is a cube (in Java)

I am writing a program in which I am required to check if certain large numbers (permutations of cubes) are cubic (equal to n^3 for some n).

At the moment I simply use the method

static boolean isCube(long input) {
    double cubeRoot = Math.pow(input,1.0/3.0);
    return Math.round(cubeRoot) == cubeRoot;

but this is very slow when working with large numbers (10+ digits). Is there a faster way to determine if integer numbers are cubes?

Source: (StackOverflow)

book suggestions to learn about olap [closed]

I want to learn about olap and 'cubes', I have a very limited understanding and looking for recommendations on good beginner books on these sort of topics.

I use sql server primarily so if the book is geared towards sql server it would be ideal.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cube Design - Bridge Tables for Many To Many mapping with additional column

Am making a cube in SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 and have a question about many to many relationships.

I have a many to many relationship between two entities that contains an additional descriptive column as part of the relationship.

I understand that I may need to a bridge table to model the relationship but I am not sure where to store the additional column - in the bridge table or elsewhere?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Simpler interface for SQL Server analysis services cubes for end users

Is there a simpler interface for end users to run "queries" on pre-existing SqlServer Analysis Service cubes? I'm looking for a way to deploy the cubes and allow the users to work with the data through a simpler interface than BIDS. Is this even possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

get output of last Process on SSAS cube

I have processed a SSAS cube. After it was done processing, I hit the close button - and then realized that I should have saved the output.

I think SSAS stores the processing log as a text or XML file, but I do not know what folder to look into.

Can someone direct me to retrieving processing logs?

Source: (StackOverflow)