

CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due Cron Expression Parsing in PHP - mtdowling as a php developer, i’ve often been faced with the task of ensuring something happens on a recurring schedule or determining the next date in …

How to schedule jobs in Jenkins

I added a new Job in Jenkins, which i want to schedule periodically

From the configure job, i am checking the "Build Periodically" checkbox and in the Schedule - text field added the expression

15 13 * * *

But it does not run @ the scheduled time.

Is it the correct procedure to schedule a job? Please correct me.

enter image description here

The job should run @ 4:20 AM, but its not running.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How schedule build in Jenkins?

How do I schedule a Jenkins build such that it would be able to build only at specific hours every day?

For example to start at 4 PM

0 16 1-7 * *

I understand that as: 0 minutes, at 4 o'clock PM from Monday to Sunday every month, however it builds every minute :(

I would be grateful for any advice. Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)


quartz scheduler: run on last day of the month

I need to run a job on the last day of every month. i tried the following cron expression:

<property name="cronExpression" value="0 0 3 L * * *" />

but got this error:

Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Support for specifying both a day-of-week AND a day-of-month parameter is not implemented.

it doesnt like the L, but without using it, how can i run on the last day of the month?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Convert cron expression into nice description strings? Is there a library for JAVA and Objective-C?

I am looking for a parser that converts a cron expression like 45 17 7 6 * * into Every year, on June 7th at 17:45 The parser should be adjustable to other languages. German for the first step.

Is there a library for a

  • JAVA based Android project
  • Objective-C based Iphone project.

See here for the usecase.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cron expression for every five minutes in the next n hours?

I know every five minutes is:

0 0/5 * * * *

But how do I limit the number hours for this to happen? Like: "Every fire minutes for the next 10 hours".


Source: (StackOverflow)

CronExpressions - any librarys out there to generate them/convert them into human readable form?

I am using Quartz.NET, and my scheduler relies heavily on the use of cron expression's - such as the ones detailed on this link:


Ideally, I'd like the 2 scenarios to be made possible (the 1st is probably much difficult, and less likely to be anything out there for it)

1: The ability for the user to construct a cron expression on an ASP.NET form, where they choose which minutes, hours, days etc

2: The ability to turn a cron expression into a short string, such as 'Every {x} minutes on Friday' or 'At {x} o clock on the last day of every month'

I've begun writing my own versions of these, but it's a very hefty task and I'd love to find out there's a library out there, or even to have any hints and tips on this off you guys.

Note: If there is nothing out there for this and I am (relatively) successful in creating the code, I'll gladly share the source if anyone wants it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Specify arbitrary start and end times for cron job

For Quartz Cron, is it possible at all to specify a cronexpression that corresponds to:

Run every 6 minutes, starting from 9:12 AM until 5:37 PM.

I attempted to write the cronexpression 0 12-37/6 9-17 ? * * but this does only runs once an hour. I also understand that the cronexpression 0 /6 9-17 ? * * corresponds to Run every 6 minutes between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM.

But is there any way to constrain the starting and ending minutes on that cronexpression? More generally, can I specify an arbitrary start and end time with the job in question running every n intervals of time?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Storing recurring time periods in Oracle database

I'm writing monitoring software, where most of the logic will be in Oracle databasen & pl/sql.

When my monitoring is called it should alert about problems. For example, it should alert about problem if
1. There are less than 2 operation, in every minute, on Friday from 22:00 till 23:00
2. There are less than 5 operation, in every minute, on 31 of January from 22:00-23:00
3. There are less than 3 operation, in every minute, every day from 10:00 till 12:00 If my monitoring is called on 22:30, 31 of January I should compare my operation number to 5.
4. If there are less than 5 operation, in every minute, from Friday 22:00 till Monday 15:00

I was thinking about saving data periods with cron expression format in database. In this case I have to compare SYSDATE (current call date of monitoring function) to cron expression saved in the database.

My questions:
1. How can I find out if SYSDATE falls under cron expression?
2. Is it correct to use cron expressions in this case, at all? Can you suggest any other way of saving periods of time.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to run every 25 seconds in quartz scheduler?

I am using the quartz scheduler api for Java. Could you help me how to run every 25 seconds in cron-expression. Its just a delay. It does not have to start always at second 0. For example, the sequence is like this: 0:00, 0:25, 0:50, 1:15, 1:40, 2:05, etc until minute 5 when the sequence begins again at second 0. Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any java class to get Date from cron expression

I need to find out the first occurrence of Date and time represented by given cron expression. Is there any java class, utility code which can help in getting data object from given cron expression ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cron Expression to execute cron triggers for 12 hours of a day?

I need a cron-expression (0 0/60 * * * ?) to fire application every 12 hours (twice a day).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Validate a javax.ejb.ScheduleExpression

I have a text field where users can enter a cron expression (e.g., 0 */5 * * * *). I then split it and build a javax.ejb.ScheduleExpression.

Now javax.ejb.ScheduleExpression accepts any String for the different elements without validation. I can for example


and is accepted. If then try to use the ScheduleExpression I obviously get errors (e.g., when I try to create a timer with it).

I was beginning to write code to validate the input but the rules are not so short and trivial: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/ejb/ScheduleExpression.html

Is there a simple way (in Java EE) or a library that does already does the job?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Quartz Document and Wiki - Contradict on Cron Expression for Day of Month field

Here in wiki


under subheading "Predefined scheduling definitions"

Its mentioned that "day of week (0 - 7) (0 or 7 are Sunday, or use names)"

its referring 0 or 7 as Sunday

and under subheading "CRON expression"

its referring "the last Friday" ("5L") of a given month. In the day-of-month field,

but the Quartz Documentation

here http://quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.1.x/tutorials/crontrigger

Contradicts things its saying

"Day of week 1-7 or SUN-SAT" (its not from 0-7 as mentioned in wiki)

and in the Special Characters subheading

its referring "6L" means "the last friday of the month" (In wiki its 5L)

So my question is

  1. Which one is correct ?
  2. Are both of these are correct in their own context ? (meaning quartz for only quartz and in wiki for unix based os)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Workaround for CronSequenceGenerator Last day of month?

Ok so here it is I want to schedule a task to run on last day of every month on 10:10 AM.My cron expression is

0 10 10 L * ?

Now the problem is CronSequenceGenerator is throwing NumberFormatException for 'L' value.This means Spring's CronSequenceGenerator does'nt support this kind of expression.How to do this in any other way (workaround).I don't want to use quartz or Does spring's gonna support this in new releases.

Here is full stacktrace:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "L"
    at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65)
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:492)
    at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(Integer.java:582)
    at org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronSequenceGenerator.getRange(CronSequenceGenerator.java:324)
    at org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronSequenceGenerator.setNumberHits(CronSequenceGenerator.java:297)
    at org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronSequenceGenerator.setDays(CronSequenceGenerator.java:275)
    at org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronSequenceGenerator.setDaysOfMonth(CronSequenceGenerator.java:266)
    at org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronSequenceGenerator.parse(CronSequenceGenerator.java:239)
    at org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronSequenceGenerator.<init>(CronSequenceGenerator.java:81)
    at org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronTrigger.<init>(CronTrigger.java:54)
    at org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronTrigger.<init>(CronTrigger.java:44)
    at com.hcdc.coedp.datantar.scheduler.SchedulerUtil.start(SchedulerUtil.java:75)
    at com.hcdc.coedp.datantar.scheduler.SchedulerUtil.changeTrigger(SchedulerUtil.java:106)
    at com.hcdc.coedp.datantar.scheduler.SchedulingService.scheduleTransfer(SchedulingService.java:70)
    at com.hcdc.coedp.datantar.scheduler.Scheduler.schedule(Scheduler.java:107)
    at main.Main.main(Main.java:47)


Following is my scheduling method

    * Schedule a task {@link Task} with a specified cron expression.
    * @param task {@link Task}
    * @param cronExpression cron expression to be applied must be a vaild one.
    * @param taskName
    * @return 
     public String start(Task task, String cronExpression, String taskName) {
        CronTrigger trigger = new CronTrigger(cronExpression);//line 2

        CronSequenceGenerator generator = new CronSequenceGenerator(cronExpression, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+5:30"));
        List<Date> dateList = new ArrayList<>(5);
        Date currentDate = new Date();
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            currentDate = generator.next(currentDate);
            System.out.println("Next Exceution times are" + currentDate);
        ScheduledFuture sf = tps.schedule(task, trigger);

        //TODO Save this scheduled future with a specific task name.
        ContextHolder.schduledFutureMap.put(taskName, sf);
        return cronExpression;

And on line 2 it throws NumberFormatException when I pass specified cron expression.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Coldfusion crontime incorrectly running on weekend

I have a scheduled task that needs to run three times a day, on each weekday. The setup surrounding the task is Coldfusion, and it is in the Crontime format. It should run at 11:30, 15:45 and 18:30 server time.

For some reason the task is occasionally running on weekends, which it should not do.

Here are the three strings for each of the days:

0 30 11 ? * 1-5
0 45 15 ? * 1-5
0 30 18 ? * 1-5

Can anyone point out to me why the task is sometimes running on weekends? Is there a mistake in my string?

The Coldfusion crontime documentation can be found here:

Source: (StackOverflow)