
copyright interview questions

Top copyright frequently asked interview questions

Copyrighted audio disabled from YouTube video - how did they know?

I posted a video on YouTube (SFW) nearly two years ago, with an ambient soundtrack taken from an Aphex Twin song (which I credited at the end of the video). After nearly 3000 views, it has had the audio stripped out and a copyright notice attached on behalf of the content owner (WMG). It says, "Matched third-party content." That's fair enough.

What fascinates me is how did they work out that the audio was, well, dodgy? Does anyone know how that happens? It can't be a manual process, can it? Someone playing all the videos and suddenly going, "Hey! I know that song!"?

EDIT: See 'Google seeks to turn a profit from YouTube copyright clashes' which seems to support Olly's answer, which is why I'm accepting that one.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are mixcloud users protected from SOPA and PIPA? [closed]

Some friends and I upload music to mixcloud and then stream it on our website

We do not own the copyright to any of the music.

What can we do to stay safe now that the US government is so close to introducing PIPA and SOPA? Are we in breach of any laws here?

We don't provide a downloadable mp3 but I understand that these new laws cover streaming too.

Would I be advised to shut this website down? What if we stopped streaming it on our site and sent listeners to our mixcloud page instead?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to report Copyright infringement on Wikipedia?

I have found a few images on the English wikipedia that are under copyright. I'm not the owner of the copyright. The real owners of the copyright are too technologically illiterate to do anything about this.

How and where can one report Copyright infringement on Wikipedia?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to copyright an image which will be posted on a tumblr blog?

I am using tumblr from last 2-3 years. Now I want to use Tumblr for blogging photos. But I want my photos to be copyrighted. Is there any way to copyright them so that I can post them on tumblr?? What kind of copyright options do I have? Also I would like to know if there is any way to copyright all types of content in tumblr?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I upload a video game screencast to Vimeo?

I wonder whether video game screencasts are within Vimeo's Terms of Service.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Site used to search for web scrapers and copyright infringement [closed]

When I was working for a smaller company a few years ago, I discovered a site that would parse your own site and use that to search the web for other sites that are copying your content. It was made more to find scrapers but I was able to use it to find sites that were actually copying the copyright protected content and passing it off as their own.

I can't for the life of me remember what it's called. Does anyone use something similar or have any idea what this is called?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a simple way to attribute a CC image on flickr?

To legally reuse a CC image from Flickr, you must attribute properly the source and license, as explained on this blog: http://librarianbyday.net/2009/09/28/how-to-attribute-a-creative-commons-photo-from-flickr/ Another question about how to properly attribute was answered http://webapps.stackexchange.com/a/47595/19350

Proper attribution involves many steps of linking info back to the source. The relative complexity of attribution seems to dissuade people from properly doing this (they will tend to just copy/paste the image and be done with it).

Is there a tool or place on Flickr where I can copy/paste the attribution to a CC image such that I can simplify this process? I'm looking for a "Copy image with attribution" feature, that when you then paste, supplies all the information in various formats.

Note that when I copy text from my Kindle reader on PC, the text will be pasted with a reference to the book and location (relative within). It's a "smart" copy/paste that sort-of does what I'm asking. Here's an example (I just selected a paragraph in the Kindle, did a copy, then pasted it here. The second part contains the attribution to the book.):

Applying the Language

To apply the patterns in this book to the solution of the example problem, first build a working pattern language for the project. The language will contain those elements of the fault tolerant vocabulary presented here that will be useful in the design of the system. Patterns are not included if they will clearly not be needed or useful.

Hanmer, Robert (2013-07-12). Patterns for Fault Tolerant Software (Wiley Software Patterns Series) (Kindle Locations 4972-4975). Wiley. Kindle Edition.

I'm looking for something similar, but with CC images on Flickr.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to check if a Google Books item is in the public domain without API?

I know the Google Books API, but if for whatever reason I can't access it, how do I check whether a book is in the public domain?

For whatever reason, Google doesn't think this is an information worth of the information pages or of the advanced book search.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Youtube account suspended, What now?

My youtube account has been suspended for the video that I have created. And I still suspect if it has broken any law.

What to do now? Can I reinstate my youtube account or the least create a new account from the same email address?

Here is the email I got after filling an error request. I do not understand how to work on the text I have bolded.

Thanks for your email. Your "yadishansar" account has been suspended due to repeated or severe violations of our Terms of Use and claims of copyright infringement. Suspended accounts cannot be reinstated. Federal law requires that we terminate accounts when there are repeated claims of copyright infringement. Because you have had other videos rejected in the past, we are unable to reinstate your account. Users with suspended or terminated accounts are prohibited from creating new accounts or accessing YouTube’s community. In order for your account to be reinstated, you will need to resolve at least one of the following video removals.

The following videos have been removed from your account:

Penalty 1: "How to Download Facebook Video - without any plugin or software (DIY Tutorial)" formerly at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9WTGpe_Sbs Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 11/16/2012. Please see http://www.youtube.com/t/terms and http://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines

To learn more about copyright, please visit YouTube’s Copyright Center at: http://www.youtube.com/t/copyright_education

To learn more about the consequences of alleged infringement, please visit: http://www.youtube.com/t/copyright_strike

If you are sure a content owner has misidentified your content as infringing, learn more at: http://www.youtube.com/t/copyright_counter

PLEASE NOTE this is an automated response. Any replies to this message will not be reviewed.


The YouTube Team

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I submit a copyright infringement notification to the various MSN sites?

I uploaded a video to YouTube which has become moderately viral. Unfortunately part of this experience has involved filing copyright infringement notifications with various video sites all over the internet. Somewhat surprisingly I have had the most difficulty with figuring out how to file notices with the various MSN brands: uk.msn.com br.msn.com ca.msn.com mx.msn.com xin.msn.com in.msn.com etc.

Is there a single form or email address that can be used to file copyright infringement notifications across all of the MSN sites?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it allowed to show information from Wikipedia and other sites on my site? [closed]

For Example: I want to create an institute directory of my country. I want to show institute name, logo, emails, phone numbers and some other information. Now I have two resources, institute website and Wikipedia. Can I copy these information from these two resources without permission.

Remember I don't want to copy any word by word content from these resources. I just want to show their information with their name which is already available on their sites.

Is it allowed without permission ? If yes then please provide some examples.


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add a purchased song as background music to a Youtube video

What's the procedure in adding copyrighted music to an uploaded YouTube video?

We've been creating some original video that uses some copyrighted background music. But when we uploaded it to YouTube, it gets blocked due to copyright claims.

There must be a process to correctly add such copyrighted background music, because we can see many videos doing this. Examples:

Note that these videos have an iTunes "Buy Link" as part of the video description.

In YouTube's "Using copyrighted material in your video" it only says to get permission from the content owner (no specific details on how).

We are willing to pay for the original (e.g. buy it from iTunes), and add the buy link, but how do we do that? What's the specific process involved here?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it a copyright violation to upload a video singing traditional Christmas songs to YouTube?

I just uploaded a video of our family signing some traditional Christmas songs to YouTube. There is no musical instruments or pre-recorded backup. We have a mix of teenagers and small kids who sing at different tempos and levels of enthusiasm. Just barely passes as singing.

YouTube reported that there was a copyright claim against my video. When I clicked details it reported "Entity: Music Publishing Rights Collecting Society Content Type: Musical Composition".

It was my understanding that singing or humming a song was not considered violation according to YouTube, but singing along, or using backup music was. Is this a case of YouTube's detection algorithm going overboard, or just the usual overbearing copyright law?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to determine the legality of a YouTube clip?

Some content on YouTube is clearly legal; excluding the independent stuff, there are official pages for Disney, Pixar, the Muppets, and so on. (Yes, generally I only see anything on YouTube when my kid is using it).

There's also content that was illegally posted, but the content rights owner has chosen to use YouTube's system to monetize the content rather than have it pulled. I presume this is roughly equivalent to saying that they are ok with people viewing the content on that page.

I would prefer to only link to YouTube content of this type - where the content rights owner has given permission. I'm not concerned with the legality of the linking; it's about wanting to respect the creator's rights (whoever might currently own them...).

Is there some way to look at a YouTube page and determine whether it's official or whether it's part of the monetization scheme? Is there a way to search for this content specifically?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I know if that the sound quality of my video is bad enough so that it doesn't trigger copyright claim on YouTube?

I recorded a video in a club, which means that there is a music background which is copyrighted. The club being ~105 dB and the record device being simply my phone, the music quality is pretty bad. How bad does it need to be for me to avoid copyright claim on YouTube?

Source: (StackOverflow)