
connection-sharing interview questions

Top connection-sharing frequently asked interview questions

Share internet connection from virtual machine with host machine

Ok this is a little bit strange, I hope you will understand.

I have an internet stick, that only works in windows XP. My laptop is running Windows 7 64 bit. So I have set up vmware, with a windows xp virtual machine. I added and installed the usb internet stick, and I have internet inside my virtual machine.

Now I want to share this internet connection I have inside my virtual machine, with my host machine, the windows 7 laptop.

Does this make any sense to anyone, and if so, does anyone know a way to accomplish this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Share wireless connection for a Windows 7 host and VirtualBox guest

I am using a Windows 7 x64 laptop as my VirtualBox host. And I'd like my single-NIC Linux guest to share the wireless connection of host.

I want my guest to be a network peer of the host, so using NAT is not an option.

I tried to create a bridge connection with wireless NIC and VirtualBox host-only NIC on host. It works at start, but it fails when the laptop restores from sleep. The bridge connection loses its IP, and there is no way to regain it with DHCP, except for removing the bridge and recreating it.

Source: (StackOverflow)


I can't set up an ad-hoc network anymore

I use a windows7 ultimate operating system. For some time i've been unable to set up an ad-hoc network. Each time I try, it displays "Windows could not set up 'NetworkName' ". Pls, I need suggestions on how to solve this problem. Thanks

Source: (StackOverflow)

Share wired internet connection of windows 7 pc to iPad via bluetooth?

At my work, we have wireless... but our desktops are wired. The wireless in the building is sparse and horrible and my iPad has an unstable wifi connection to it.

However, I was wondering since my iPhone is capable of sharing internet to my iPad via bluetooth protocol, if my PC could somehow reproduce that same protocol and allow the iPad to do the same?

I'd love it if my iPad had a stable connection via bluetooth when it's just sitting near my desktop.

Please advise!


Source: (StackOverflow)

Sharing Wifi-internet access via bluetooth

I'm on an extremely strict wireless network, which locks down one machine to one account. [Hotel wifi] Is there a way that I can share the Wifi connection with my android tablet via bluetooth?

Windows and Linux solutions are prefered.

The machine connecting to WIFI will be the Laptop/[Windows|Linux] machine.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Connecting internet, Android, Ubuntu and Xbox360

I want to connect an Xbox 360 to the Internet, via a Ubuntu 10.4 laptop that receives its Internet connection through a USB-connected Android 2.2 phone.

Xbox 360 <-- Ethernet --> Laptop <-- USB --> Android phone <-- --> Internet

I have no problems getting an Internet connection on the laptop from the connected Android phone, but how do I share this connection to the Xbox 360 connected to the laptop via an Ethernet cable?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows Firewall and Android's internet passthrough connection

So long as I have the Windows Firewall turned off, internet passthrough works perfectly. Running without a firewall is not feasible for me so I'm trying to find out which app or port the passthrough uses. I've created an exception for HTC Sync but this clearly isn't what manages the connection.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using a Mac to share a VPN connection

I am using an iMac to share a wired network connection with other devices in my house. I am using Apple's built-in sharing functionality which works very well.

I have also been using Tunnelblick as an OpenVPN client. The two technologies work great when they are not used together.

The moment I connect to my VPN, sharing stops working on all other devices; the whole point of this setup was for me to share my VPN connection.

Is there a way to make Internet connection sharing and OpenVPN work together on the Mac?

I am using Snow Leopard.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mac OS X Lion Terminal SSH connection sharing error

I sometimes get this error when I try to ssh to a remote host:

mux_client_request_session: read from master failed: Broken pipe

I'm using Macbook Air OS X Lion with this in ~/.ssh/config:

ControlMaster auto
ControlPath /tmp/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r

ControlPersist 4h

ForwardAgent yes

Host [ex]
    HostName [example.com]
    User [somedude]

The error above happens when I do:

ssh ex

Terminal hangs for ~1 min and then displays:

mux_client_request_session: read from master failed: Broken pipe
somedude@example.com's password:

I type in my password and it's ok. And if I open another Terminal tab, connection sharing is ok too. How can I fix this? It's not terrible, but it's annoying.

Source: (StackOverflow)

VPN sharing on Mac OS X 10.5 machine

I have a rather weird problem. I want to share a VPN connection that has been established by my Mac OS X 10.5 computer with another machine in my network. This is what I did:

  1. In the /etc/hostcongig file on the main computer I added the line: IPFORWARDING=-YES-

  2. I assigned a fixed IP address to my computer (, a fixed one to the other machine ( and my computer's IP address as gateway on the other machine.

  3. I connected to my VPN using the internal Mac OS X VPN client (PPTP connection)

  4. I run this script:


    natd -same_ports -use_sockets -unregistered_only -dynamic -interface ppp0 -clamp_mss
    ipfw -f flush
    ipfw add divert natd ip from any to any via ppp0
    ipfw add pass all from any to any
    sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1

    Source: Using (and sharing) a VPN connection on your Mac

Now everthing works smootly, however speed is an issue. I get 1,8 MBit/s on my main machine and only 0,3 - 0,6 MBit/s on the other one.

My question: What could possibly be wrong? Do I have to tweak MTU settings, is there any packet inspection ongoing that needs time....? Any help appreciated!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sharing two wireless networks for backup

I have two stores in two different sides of the same street, Each one has an ADSL connection with a wireless router and a different IP address.

So I have two different wireless networks connected to the Internet separately.

I want to share these networks so that when one ADSL router is disconnected from the Internet it will connect to the other network wirelessly to keep the connection.

I want the networks to be connected 24/7 in both the stores, and in case of ADSL problems in one of the networks, the other network will back it up.

I can't connect a cable between the stores, because there is a road between them.

How can I configure the routers to share my networks?

EDIT: The reason I'm asking this question:

I have two CCTV systems with DVRs, one in each store. Each is connected to its own router, and I want them both to be online even when one internet connection is lost.

This way I can always connect to the CCTV of both stores using my phone or home computer and know that everything is OK...

The solution of creating one wireless network seems good, but I need the DVRs to work on both networks, so I need the routers to connect to each other wirelessly (is that a word?).

I would also accept a solution involved with changing my hardware.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Two internet Connections, one LAN - how to share?

Well, the title says what I'd like to achieve: I'd like some workstations connect through my 1st internet account and some through my second one.

  1. The workstations are in a workgroup. They're not in a domain. So They don't have a server. One workstation has the internet connection and shares the internet through the whole LAN.
  2. I have 2 ADSL internet accounts on that workstation.
  3. The workstation's OS is Windows XP SP2.

I think I should define two http proxy servers on the workstation (probably via a software) and set the IE/Firefox proxy settings on each workstation to the appropriate proxy server. e.g. If I want station A to connect via ADSL1 I should set the proxy settings for ADSL1 as I have defined it in my workstation.
My question is:

  1. is my approach correct? Do I need to use a third party software to be able to achieve what I have described or can I just use Windows connection sharing features?
  2. What if I have to connect via ftp/telnet/etc? should I define other proxy servers and set the appropriate values in workstations as well?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use iPhone internet tethering via USB with Ubuntu 10.04?

What are the steps to use iPhone 3G Internet tethering via USB on Ubuntu 10.04?

What software do I need to install on Ubuntu for this? The phone is detected and I am able to play its songs in Ubuntu, also the tethering works fine on Windows OS.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Share Internet Connection with Windows 7 Starter

I get the Internet via WiFi on my Windows 7 Starter netbook. I want to share the Internet to my Linux box via the ethernet connection (e.g. using a crossover cable). ICS is not available in Starter to bridge the connections.

Is there a hack or 3rd-party (preferably open) software which does this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

I want to share my internet connection with my portable devices


I'm currently deployed to Iraq with the military. I want to share the internet connection I have (which is ethernet) with all of my portable devices using WiFi.

The internet situation here is pretty abysmal. $110/month for 256kbps!! Yes that is Kilobits. Each machine on the network must authenticate via a login webpage that pops up when you first connect.

I've tried using the Mac internet connection sharing, and/or using a wireless access point. The ISP's authentication seems to use RADIUS and each session seems to be authenticated by IP and MAC address. Thus I can't share the connection like this.

I've read about using Squid and have installed SquidMan but don't fully understand how to configure it.

Bottom Line: I need a tutorial on sharing my internet connection via wifi.

Source: (StackOverflow)