

A super cool, simple, and feature rich configuration system for Ruby apps. Mark Bates

configatron shorthand for namespaces

Is there a way to avoid typing the namespace each time when using the configatron gem? Say, you have

  configatron.email.pop.address = 1
  configatron.email.pop.port = 2

Can I configure port and address by somehow typing configatron.email.pop only once?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to store Configatron persistently, after Ruby app has run

I'm pretty new to Ruby (though not to programming) and am trying to create a persistent config. Though I thought using Configatron would automatically make my config persistent, it does not seem to be the case. How would I make this persistent throughout multiple runs? Should I store this to a file? If so, how? I would think a ~/.myapp file might be good?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Rails: configatron

In my app I'm using configatron gem. The problem is I dont't understand clearly where I should store configatron settings. I put configatron.application_url = 'http://google.com/' in config/configatron/defaults.rb but this is not working. In the view configatron.application_url displays #<Configatron::Store:0x000001035afe70>

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ruby: uninitialized constant Logger::Warn

I'm using Logger through config and this line:

configatron.log.level = Logger::Warn

gives me the error:

`<top (required)>': uninitialized constant Logger::Warn (NameError)

Even if I require 'logger' at the top.

what gives?

< Ruby N00B >

Source: (StackOverflow)

configatron a singleton? Why can't I access the configatron in my class

I'm using configatron to store my config values. I can access the config values without a problem, except when the scope is within a class's method.

I'm using configatron 3.0.0-rc1 with ruby 2.0.0

Here is the source I'm using in a single file called 'tc_tron.rb'

require 'configatron'

class TcTron  
  def simple(url)
    puts "-------entering simple-------"
    p url
    p configatron
    p configatron.url
    p configatron.database.server
    puts "-------finishing simple-------"

# setup the configatron.  I assume this is a singleton
configatron.url = "this is a url string"
configatron.database.server = "this is a database server name"

# this should print out all the stuff in the configatron
p configatron
p configatron.url
p configatron.database.server

# create the object and call the simple method.
a = TcTron.new
a.simple("called URL")

# this should print out all the stuff in the configatron
p configatron
p configatron.url
p configatron.database.server

When I run the code, I get

{:url=>"this is a url string", :database=>{:server=>"this is a database server name"}}
"this is a url string"
"this is a database server name"
-------entering simple-------
"called URL"
-------finishing simple-------
{:url=>"this is a url string", :database=>{:server=>"this is a database server name"}}
"this is a url string"
"this is a database server name"

Between the 'entering simple' and 'finishing simple' output I don't know why I'm not getting the configatron singleton.

What am I missing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the right /best place to store Configatron configuration in a Rails app?

I'm using the configatron gem for a new Rails app that is backed up by ActiveRecord. Some of my configatron settings are set in a file and some are pulled from DB, as they will change from time to time, here are a couple of lines from my configatron.rb

configatron.app.uptime.start = Time.now
configatron.email.signature = Setting.where(:keyname => "email_signature").first.value.to_s unless Setting.where(:keyname => "email_signature").first.nil?

Since this app sends multiple emails from multiple mailers - that is a good way to keep this global config in one place, plus it reduces db lookups for signature. If for some reason site admin decides to change it - they can do it through web admin interface that will update my settings table ( tied to Setting model).

This is all jolly & good, however what is the best place to store configatron.rb? Right now it's sitting in my initializers folder. Which means it will load once on application startup - which is good, however if one of the settings changes - site admin decides to tweak email signature to mention a new promotional website - in order for the change to take effect - I would need to restart app ( running passenger - so it trivial to do touch tmp/restart.txt from code). However that means other configatron settings that I don't wont to reset ( such as my uptime start timestamp) will be reset as well.

So what is a better place to move my configatron.rb and load from so that it would allow for loading once on startup and then changing some configs without and app restart?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Can't convert Configatron::Store to String error when value used as parameter to Object.const_get

I recently replaced a home-grown configuration module with Configatron, but I'm unable to get one use case working.

When I attempt to use a configatron value as an argument to Object.const_get like this:

def formatter_class

I get the following error:

file.rb:10:in `const_get': can't convert Configatron::Store to String 
  (Configatron::Store#to_str gives Configatron::Store) (TypeError)

The configatron assignment looks like this (simplified):

configatron.formatter = case
                          when condition?

Even if I do configatron.formatter = 'ScreenFormat', I get the same error.

I've tried variations on the formatter_class method too. This fails:

def formatter_class

Of course, this succeeds, but won't fulfill my use case:

def formatter_class

What am I doing wrong?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ruby Configatron, multiple values?

If I'm setting up configuration for my ruby application logging using configatron, does anyone know how to:

1. Do Enum values, e.g. configatron.log.level = 'DEBUG' where other acceptable values such as ERROR, WARN, INFO. are forced and other values other than these are rejected?

2. Do multiple values e.g. configatron.log.logto = [:file, :udp, :stdout] I'd like these values to be also enforceable.

Any clues appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

ruby configatron foreach, How to display the name of a config?

I want to see test and test2

configatron.providers.test.remote_dir = '/incoming/test/current'
configatron.providers.test.local_dir = 'data/test'
configatron.providers.test2.remote_dir = '/incoming/test2/current'
configatron.providers.test2.local_dir = 'data/test2'

configatron.providers.foreach do |p| 
    p.name() #<--- how to display test/test2

Tried reading the manual? did I miss this somewhere? Google was no help.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Ruby Configuration: replacing nested key value for dev environment doesn't work

Case: Development environment log level is DEBUG while Production is INFO. I want to use every default log configuration and overwrite only level if environment == develoment.

Problem: first level configs can be over-written but not sub levels.

Consider Example Code:

#file: config.rb

default = Configuration.for('default'){
  log {
    file '/tmp/foo.log'
    level 'WARN'
    freq 'daily'

development = Configuration.for( 'development', default) {
  log {
    level 'DEBUG'

In main file, I use the above code like so

# main.rb

require 'config.rb'    
$CONFIG = Configuration.for $DEV_ENV # either ('default' || 'development')
p $CONFIG.log.freq

I get an method missing error:

`undefined method `freq' for #<Configuration:0x00000003a65d80> (NoMethodError)`

The only (ugly) solution i have is to point file and freq values back to default like so:

  log {
    file default.log.file
    level 'DEBUG'
    freq default.log.freq

EEWWW!! Nasty!

Any other suggestions? I've tried to implement something like this with SettingsLogic and Configatron too at no avail. There goes the three top configuration gems for Ruby. Do I need to make my own?? Is this really such an exotic example?

Would love your feedback or suggestions.

Source: (StackOverflow)