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Advice for making a conference presentation [closed]

I participate in a couple of OSS projects and I really want to help out in marketing them, so I thought it'd be interesting and a valuable personal experience to make a presentation/talk on one or several developer conferences.

What's a good structure for presenting a technical software framework/product? Any advice on what NOT to do? Should I have slides filled with code, or should I make it into some form of entertaining show?

What was your most memorable conference talk? What do you like about them? What do you dislike? Should I do live coding (all live coding fails right?)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Video Confrence on the website

I want to create a website for education institute and main function which i want is video conference. I saw webRTC but i don't understand anything about it and i also saw another question related to this but that doesn't help me either. Please tell me how can i create a website where teacher will start video conference with students. it would be great if you can guide me step by step and which language will be best for this feature. I think it is done through php. it would be very helpful for me. I will create login and everything just this video conference part is hard for me coz i don't know any single thing about it. Thank you so much

Source: (StackOverflow)


Conferences or journals that accept conceptual papers

I have done extensive research and design on a storage level product. The conceptual design has been completed but I have not got around to implementing a prototype and this might not happen in a while because of time constraints and the vast scope of the project. I am wondering whether there are file system or database conferences/journals that might accept conceptual papers. (I see that Google's f1 paper does not have an experimental section although it has been deployed in production).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Should I pay out of pocket to attend a conference? [closed]

I have been programming for about 10 years and most of my experience is in C++, MFC, Win32. I now have a project where .NET is the thing and C# is the preferred language. This is partly due to the fact that almost all the other developers are young and grew up on .NET - and think that C++ == punch cards. I have been learning .NET, C# and SqlServer on my own time and try to squeeze them in at work but I want to go to a conference to get the latest. My boss didn't respond to my asking for him to pay so my question is, should I pay out of pocket? The Microsoft DevConnections by my calculation will run into a few $$$ but I think it will be worth it. IS this a wise investment?

I am not absolutely clueless about .NET. I try to read a few chapters every week, buy at least one book every month and watch at least 1 channel9 video every week. I also have a subscription to Safari Books. The problem is that if you are perceived as being a luddite (that's how C++ is considered here b/c a senior dude never understood pointers) then your job will be at stake.

Source: (StackOverflow)

FourSquare in a Conference setting

Is there a way to use FourSquare in a conference scenario without being the owner of the venue?

I'm looking for a way to create for multiple conferences in multiple geographic locations various checkins based on our conference schedule with custom badges, rewards and specials.

Is this possible via the API?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Handling mobile/landline phone calls/conference through my PC

Sometimes I have call with 6 different teams at a time. In this call I should be able to add all incoming calls on master phone in conference.

I also want a provision of handling the people in conference such that if two teams shouldn't need the info we are now sharing then they should be put on hold or music should be hear by those.

I want to handle these things through software.

How can I make these things work. What all requirements are there. What kind of phone, language, hardware is required.

Is it Possible.

Please let me know ASAP.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Developer events in 2010 [closed]

I am hoping to attend some sort of developer events, preferably Microsoft technologies, in Southern California in late 2010, but have been unable to find any information for anything that far in advance.

The reason I am thinking about it this far in advance is that I would like to see if I can get my company to pay the attendance costs, I will be in California on holiday.

Does anyone have any information about any events at that time in the LA or San Diego area.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Open space technology conference - any advice before attending to?

I'm going to attend my first one OST conference (unconference) and I'm very excited. I'm looking for advice what to do to gain more experience. Should I talk about areas within I'm good at or technologies I want to know better? Any other advice?

Maybe it is a little subjective question, but sometimes after fact I have feeling that with the benefit of hindsight I think I would do quite different things, and I would like avoid situation like that.

Edit: After comments I must add some additional information:

  • that will be programming unconference
  • there will be "hands together" section - in workshop form - so we will be programming
  • for me unconference seems like SO in real world :)

Well known example od open space conference is JavaPosse Roundup

Source: (StackOverflow)

Tech-Ed instead of Microsoft PDC?

For the last 8 years or so I've been making a point to attend PDC. This past year I did not feel that I got nearly as much out of the conference then I have in years past. I think mainly this was because I'm still trying to learn the new technologies introduced during the last PDC, and I felt I spent most of my time searching for good content on present technology. However, as the conference was PDC and the focus of course being new technology, I felt most of my time there was spent context switching and I guess I just felt a little weary of that.

Anyway, I'm considering going to Tech-ed instead because I pretty much can only afford to go to one or the other. I've never been to a Tech-ed event, but from what I've read about it, Tech-ed seems to be more geared towards Microsoft's current technology rather then future technology (something like more LINQ content less "Azure" content). I'm also kinda of wondering whether or not Tech-eds have more interactive content like Labs, BOF's, workshops etc.

For those of you who have been to both, which one would you advise that I go to (if it truly could only be one or the other?) Would missing PDC be considered sacrilegious to a Microsoft developer? ;-) Would I really get more "applicable" information from a Tech-ed?

Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can anyone suggest any good Conferences on Parallel and Distributed Computing?

The team I work with attended the SuperComputing Convention last November, but it was geared far more towards hardware then application and algorithms. We would like to find a convention for us to attend that caters towards the algorithmic and implementation side of things.

We have found this convention, but I haven't seen any press on it. And given our budget, I would hate to spend all the money of attending it and have it be a waste. So I ask of you fellow SO'ers, do you have any suggestions for conferences or conventions regarding parallel and distributed computing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to hide Characters when Call Objective-C

I have a URL for conference call from iPhone,


This is the conference call number followed by the Passcode. While calling the whole number and characters are displayed. How can I hide the ',,' in the call.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I connect online with other programming conference attendees with similar interests?

I would think that in this age of social software that it would be easier to network socially around a software conference. Here's the particular problem I'm trying to solve: In past PDCs I've run into a large number of my fellow Orthodox Jews and it turns out everyone is praying in his own hotel room because nobody ever organized anything together. So now I've arranged for the closest rabbi to help me organize something and I can't figure out how I'll get the word out to others who would be interested. How can I get the word out and, ideally, get it to go viral?

Source: (StackOverflow)