

Collection of SUIT CSS components SUIT CSS: style tools for UI components

What is the difference between User Control, Custom Control and Component?

These are three different things you can add to a project and I am not quite sure if I understand the difference. They all seem to for example show up in the component toolbox when working with a Form. What are some common usage scenarios for each of them? What is the difference?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to create a dialog like component that allows drop other controls inside it?

It is a Firemonkey component, however I could see that most of the component base is the same for VCL and FMX, so please if you know how to do that in VCL share your knowledge, it can be eventually the solution for my case.

I am using a TPopup as the ancestor. It is convenient for me since it remains on the form/frame and I can wire it with LiveBindings using the same context/structure of the parent, this is very convenient for me.

I need it behave exactly it is the TPopup, as a container. But I need it looks better and have my specific buttons (I have created some properties and automations for my software inside it)

The problem is that I create some internal controls, like TLayouts, Tpanels and Tbuttons to make looks like this: (empty)

My empty Popup

That black area inside it is where I want to drop controls like TEdit and others.

I have set all the internal created controls to Store = false, so it is not getting stored on the streaming system. Doing that when I drop a TEdit for example, what I get is this (Tedit with aligned=top I need this):

My Popup with TEdit

However I was expecting this:

My popup with TEdit in the right position

If I change the Store = true I can get the right effect, but all the inside controls are exposed on the Structure panel and every time I save the form and reopen everything gets duplicated. The inside components exposed is not a problem for me, but the duplication is, if I close and open the component 10 times I will get the entire inside structure replicated 10 time.

I will try to show some code that is related to the design of the component:

Class declaration:

  [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64 or pidOSX32 or pidiOSSimulator or pidiOSDevice or pidAndroid)]
  TNaharFMXPopup = class(TPopup, INaharControlAdapter, INaharControl)
    FpnlMain       : TPanel;
    FlytToolBar    : TLayout;
    FbtnClose      : TButton;
    FbtnSave       : TButton;
    FbtnEdit       : TButton;
    FpnlClientArea : TPanel;
    FlblTitle      : TLabel;
    procedure   Loaded; override;
    procedure   Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;

constructor Create:

    constructor TNaharFMXPopup.Create(AOwner: TComponent);

      FpnlMain         := TPanel.Create(Self);
      FlblTitle        := TLabel.Create(Self);
      FlytToolBar      := TLayout.Create(Self);
      FbtnEdit         := TButton.Create(Self);
      FpnlClientArea   := TPanel.Create(Self);
      FbtnClose         := TButton.Create(FlytToolBar);
      FbtnSave          := TButton.Create(FlytToolBar);

      Height         := 382;
      Placement      := TPlacement.Center;
      StyleLookup    := 'combopopupstyle';
      Width          := 300;



Setting properties of the internal controls:

procedure TNaharFMXPopup.ApplyControlsProp;
  with FpnlMain do
    Parent         := Self;
    Align          := TAlignLayout.Client;
    StyleLookup    := 'grouppanel';
    TabOrder       := 0;
    Margins.Bottom := 10;
    Margins.Left   := 10;
    Margins.Right  := 10;
    Margins.Top    := 10;
    Stored         := false;
  with FlblTitle do
    Parent         := FpnlMain;
    Text           := 'Título';
    Align          := TAlignLayout.Top;
    Height         := 36;
    StyleLookup    := 'flyouttitlelabel';
    Stored         := false;
  with FpnlClientArea do
    Parent         := FpnlMain;
    Align          := TAlignLayout.Client;
    StyleLookup    := 'gridpanel';
    TabOrder       := 0;
    Margins.Bottom := 5;
    Margins.Left   := 5;
    Margins.Right  := 5;
    Margins.Top    := 5;
    Stored         := false;
  with FlytToolBar do
    Parent         := FpnlMain;
    Align          := TAlignLayout.Bottom;
    Height         := 50;
    Stored         := false;
  with FbtnClose do
    Parent         := FlytToolBar;
    Text           := 'Fecha';
    Align          := TAlignLayout.Left;
    Height         := 50;
    StyleLookup    := 'tilebutton';
    TabOrder       := 0;
    Width          := 70;
    ModalResult    := mrClose;
    Stored         := false;
  with FbtnEdit do
    Parent         := FlytToolBar;
    Text           := '';//'Edita';
    Align          := TAlignLayout.Left;
    Height         := 50;
    StyleLookup    := 'tilebutton';
    TabOrder       := 1;
    Width          := 70;
    ModalResult    := mrContinue;
    Stored         := false;
    Enabled        := false;
  with FbtnSave do
    Parent         := FlytToolBar;
    Text           := 'Salva';
    Align          := TAlignLayout.Left;
    Height         := 50;
    StyleLookup    := 'tilebutton';
    TabOrder       := 2;
    Width          := 70;
    ModalResult    := mrOk;
    Stored         := false;


procedure TNaharFMXPopup.Loaded;


I have tried the following with notification, trying to make the inserted control a parent for my intenal "clientarea"

procedure TNaharFMXPopup.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
  if (Operation = opInsert) and (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
    if AComponent.Owner = self then
      if AComponent is TFmxObject then
        (AComponent as TFmxObject).Parent := FpnlClientArea;


But that made nothing change.

I have asked similar question before, but I was not aware of many things on creating such a component and the answer I got gave little help, I was missing the Parent of each internal component.

Now I am trying to really show where is my need: I need to drop controls on my TPopup dialog that will be parented of the ClientArea inside it.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Why is CommonJS only said to be suitable for non-browser apps?

Why not use it as a general component pattern for Javascript, including browser-executed Javascript?

At a glance, it seems to be a good way to modularize the project I'm currently working on, which consists of a large Javascript code-base, with lots of components, some of which interact with eachother.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Free Barcode API for .NET [closed]

Is there a decent free API/component for printing barcodes in C#?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Java Component based vs Request based frameworks

I was recently asked in an interview - In java, how do you compare component based frameworks to request based frameworks? I explained EJB as an example of Component based framework and Struts as a request based framework but was not convinced if I did justice to the question.

Any ideas on what interviewer meant and what should have been compared??

regards, avajurug

Source: (StackOverflow)

Financial charts in .NET? Best library to display a live streaming 1-min stock chart? [closed]

We are using C# .NET.

We're looking for a method to display live streaming 1-min financial stock charts.

Need: - Candlesticks - Zoom/pan - The chart scrolling in real time as it receives streaming data

Woud like: - A method to print metadata on the chart (buy/sell points, etc)

We don't mind paying for it, so any recommendation goes!

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does OSGi solve?

I've read on Wikipedia and other sites about OSGi, but I don't really see the big picture. It says that it's a component based platform, and that you can reload modules at runtime. Also the "practical example" given everywhere is the Eclipse Plugin Framework.

My questions are:

  1. What is the clear and simple definition of OSGi?

  2. What common problems does it solve?

By "common problems" I mean problems we face everyday, like "What can OSGi do for making our jobs more efficient/fun/simple?"

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get the current MavenSession or MavenExecutionRequest from a Plexus Component

I created a Plexus component to house common logic for several Mojos I want to create. I have been able to pass information like localRepository and project from the Mojo (and test cases).

I was wondering if there is a way to get the MavenSession or MavenExecutionRequest from within the component without having to pass them as parameters from a Mojo. I know my component will be running from a Maven Mojo.

I'm using Maven 2 in this instance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

In C#, can a class inherit from another class and an interface?

I want to know if a class can inherit from a class and and interface. The example code below doesn't work but I think it conveys what I want to do. Does anyone have any recommendations??? The reason that I want to do this is because at my company we make USB, serial, Ethernet, etc device. I am trying to develop a generic component/interface that I can use to write programs for all our devices that will help keep the common things (like connecting, disconnecting, getting firmware) the same for all of our applications... Any suggestions would be appriciated!

To Add to this question: If GenericDevice is in different project, can I put the IOurDevices interface in that project then then make the USBDevice class implement the interface if I add a reference to the first project?? Because would like to just reference one project and then implement different interfaces depending on what the device is...

class GenericDevice
   private string _connectionState;
   public connectionState
      get{return _connectionState; }
      set{ _connectionState = value;}

interface IOurDevices
   void connectToDevice();
   void DisconnectDevice();
   void GetFirmwareVersion();

class USBDevice : IOurDevices : GenericDevice
   //here I would define the methods in the interface
   //like this...
   void connectToDevice()
       connectionState = "connected";

//so that in my main program I can do this...

class myProgram
      USBDevice myUSB = new USBDevice();

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is component binding in JSF? When it is preferred to be used? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I have read about component binding with binding attribute in following questions:

I understand that it binds the UI component behind the JSF tag in the view to an UIComponent property in the backing bean. However, I am confused what the use of component binding is and when we should use it. Can someone explain it in a more simpler way and give some practical examples?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does the 'binding' attribute work in JSF? When and how should it be used?

There are lot of materials out there differentiating value attribute and binding attribute in JSF.

I'm interested in how both approaches differ from each other. Given:

public class User {
    private String name;
    private UICommand link;

    // Getters and setters omitted.
    <h:commandLink binding="#{user.link}" value="#{user.name}" />

It is pretty straight forward what happens when a value attribute is specified. The getter runs to return the name property value of the User bean. The value is printed to HTML output.

But I couldn't understand how binding works. How does the generated HTML maintain a binding with the link property of the User bean?

Below is the relevant part of the generated output after manual beautification and commenting (note that the id j_id_jsp_1847466274_1 was auto-generated and that there are two hidden input widgets). I'm using Sun's JSF RI, version 1.2.

<form action="/TestJSF/main.jsf" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    id="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1" method="post"  name="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1">
    <input name="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1" type="hidden" value="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1">
    <a rel='nofollow' href="#" onclick="...">Name</a>
    <input autocomplete="off" id="javax.faces.ViewState" name="javax.faces.ViewState"
        type="hidden" value="-908991273579182886:-7278326187282654551">

Where is the binding stored here?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Delphi Ownership Confusion

I always thought that the owner is responsible for destroying visual controls and that I can manually control destruction if I pass nil as the owner.

Consider the following example:

TMyForm = class (TForm)
  FButton : TButton;

FButton := TButton.Create(nil);   // no owner!!
FButton.Parent := Self;

I would expect this button to produce a memory leak but it doesn't and in fact the destructor of TButton is called.

Further investigation showed that the TWinControl destructor contains the following snippet of code:

I := ControlCount;
while I <> 0 do
  Instance := Controls[I - 1];
  I := ControlCount;

which looks like it is destroying the child components (the ones with Parent set to the control itself).

I was not expecting the parent control to destroy the control. Can anybody explain why this is happening? And who is destroying the object if I pass in an owner?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml

When creating a custom component in android it is often asked how to create and pass through the attrs property to the constructor.

It is often suggested that when creating a component in java that you simply use the default constructor, i.e.

new MyComponent(context);

rather than attempting to create an attrs object to pass through to the overloaded constructor often seen in xml based custom components. I've tried to create an attrs object and it doesn't seem either easy or at all possible (without an exceedingly complicated process), and by all accounts isn't really required.

My question is then: What is the most efficient way of construction a custom component in java that passes or sets properties that would have otherwise been set by the attrs object when inflating a component using xml?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Conditionally displaying JSF components

First, I am new to Java EE, came from a strong ASP .NET development background. I have gone through the net, and I might miss this but it seems like there is no simple and straight-to-the-point tutorials on how I could connect backing bean class to a JSF components.

A good example is like this, currently I am trying to create a JSF page where there is a set of links as menu bar and a set of forms. What I am planning to do is, when clicking a link, a particular form will be rendered.

In ASP.NET, I could easily retrieve the element and then set the attribute to be displayable. I am wondering if there is easy way (heck, even any way) to do this in JSF.

The forms is already in the page, it is just a matter of setting the "render" attribute to true when I click a particular link.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Simplest way to create busy animation in WPF

I mentioned that there is no standard busy control in WPF. So what's the easiest way to display animated busy circle (not progress bar) such as your browser displays when loading a page ?

Please if you suggest downloading control from internet make sure that this control is for free and with no licence restriction (such as I would be forced to GPL my application if I use it).

Thank you in advance

Source: (StackOverflow)