
comments interview questions

Top comments frequently asked interview questions

Can I disable comments by default on my YouTube videos?

Comments are unfortunately always automatically enabled when I upload a video to YouTube either via their website or iPhoto, but more often that not I later manually disable comments for each uploaded video by following the steps from the "comments on my videos" section of YouTube Help.

I would much rather have comments automatically disabled, that is to say, disabled by default, for all of my uploaded videos. Is this possible? I couldn't find a setting for it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

My likes on YouTube comments do not register

I am not able to Like or Dislike comments on YouTube videos.

The buttons appear but when I click them there is no highlighted green thumbs up. I've tested liking a comment on one of my videos that was unlisted with a friend and it still didn't work.

I can Like or Dislike videos it just seems to be comment that are an issue.

Does anyone know what this problem could be?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Why can't I comment on Facebook Questions?

I can see a comment on a question, but I can't see how to comment!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Comment on a Facebook page item owned by me, as myself

I'm the administrator of a Facebook page for an organization, and when adding comments to items posted there (by myself or by other administrators), the comments show up as being "added by the page". I would like to be able to comment as myself, the person, and not as the organization. Is this possible?

By the way, the "Like"s show us as mine, not the page's.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to jump to friend's comment on video or photo

On Facebook, in the news feed you can see when friends place a comment on a video or photo. However, what that friend has written is not shown directly, which is annoying when the video or photo has thousands of comments.

How can I jump to, or directly view, what that friend in particular has written? I.e. How can I avoid having to click show more comments a billion times and then ctrl+F'ing my friend's name?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I view the whole comment history on a Facebook Wall post?

We have a student who has posted a status on Facebook and received some unpleasant comments. The person who has posted the comments has then spammed the comment area, bumping up the comment count to over 3,500 comments. As well as this being probably abuse of Facebook's ToS, is there any way that we can view the post, and all comment on one page?

I've initiated a request for the user to download all their profile information (Facebook will provide this in a .zip) file although I don't know how long this will take to process, and I don't know if this will even work.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hiding job title on blogs using Facebook comments

On Techcrunch or other blogs using Facebook comments, I noticed that your job title displays next to your post. Is there any way to limit the privacy settings so it only displays to friends versus public and does not show up outside Facebook?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How many reports on Facebook comments are needed to get an offending comment deleted from Facebook?

Is there a number of reports needed to get a comment deleted? Or is it not automatic?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable highlighting commented text in Google Docs?

Any time you add a comment in Google Docs (Google Drive), the text selected becomes highlighted:

enter image description here

If you don't select any text, you either will not be able to leave a comment or the nearest word will be highlighted. This is problematic for documents that are heavily commented, as the document becomes one big highlighter-yellow sheet.

Is it possible to disable highlighting so that one can leave comments without painting colors all over a document?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Post an image in a comment on Facebook

Is there a way to post a photo when I leave a comment in Facebook?

I want to be able to include an inline image when I comment.

Or is this not enabled/allowed?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to synchronize comments between Wordpress and Facebook?

I import my Wordpress posts into my Facebook account as Notes. I end up having two separate sets of comments for the same blog post this way. Is there any way to do a two-way synchronize these comments?

Does the Comment Box (Facebook social plugin) accomplish this? Meaning.. if someone leaves a comment on the imported note in Facebook, would it appear in the comments list in Facebook if I used the plugin?

Thanks for any help.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to print a Google Docs document with comments in the margin?

Is there any way to get a Google Docs document to include its comments in the PDF file that it creates when you click the "print" button?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I find my comment on a Google+ post when no one has commented after me?

Let's say you make a comment on a Google+ post and someone comments on the post after you. You'll receive notifications with links back to the post. Even if you have disabled notifications, you can still find the post you commented on by navigating to https://plus.google.com/notifications/otherposts via Notifications -> More -> Posts by others.

If you make a comment on a post and no one comments after you, however, you may well have trouble ever finding that post again. You'll receive no notifications (there's really nothing to notify you about), and I'm not aware of any URL you can visit to see those comments you've made when no one has yet commented after you. Is there such a URL?

Sorry for all the emphasis, but I've already asked about this on the google-plus-discuss list, and multiple people have mentioned notifications, which are no help when no one comments after you.

I really think this deserves an entry on the Google+ Known Issues page. I'm less inclined to put any thought into comments if I know I may never see them again.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you take ownership of your comments? [closed]

Answers so far (and what these services ought to deliver):

  • Disqus Profile (full ownership on Disqus enabled sites, claiming authorship on others)
  • Intense Debate] (for blog publishers: tightly integrated into the WordPress blogging platform)
  • BackType Connect Plugin (for blog publishers: copies comments (that link to one of your posts) to your blog, no matter where they are on the web)
  • Gravatar (self-promotion, better visibility)
  • Google Sidewiki (adds another layer)
  • become a blog publisher

In addition, here are some other services:

  • co.mment (conversation tracker)
  • coComment (conversation tracker - still alive and kicking?)
  • Google Reader: "Like" item action (appreciation feedback)

Convenient solutions for ordinary netizens preferred.

For your reading pleasure:

Comment ownership is a complex problem. The commenter writes the comment, but the blog owner hosts it. So of course, the blog owner has the right to decide what he agrees to host or not. But the person who wrote the comment might also want to claim some right to his writing once it’s published.
("Who Owns Your Comments?" by Stephanie Booth)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable comments for my post in Facebook?

I don't want any comments to my post from my friends or anyone.

Is this feature available in Facebook?

Source: (StackOverflow)