
collaboration interview questions

Top collaboration frequently asked interview questions

Are there apps for [near] real-time collaborative programming in JavaScript? [closed]

I'd like to take part in, or host an event where I collaboratively code something with a small group of people in geographically dispersed locations.

Is there a web app like jsbin.com or jsFiddle that allows near-real-time editing and code sharing? I'm thinking of the sort of editing you see in Google docs spreadsheets, where the cursors and editing of other people editing the spreadsheet are shown to the other editors/viewers in near-real-time.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Collaboratively edited flowcharts? [closed]

Interested in an online app that allows multiple users to edit, perhaps simultaneously, a flowchart or collection of flowcharts.

So far I've only found sites which allow you to share your flowcharts with others.

In this case free is required, and it's ok if the flowcharts are public. To some degree, I'd like to see a stackexchange or wiki like site, except the posts are community editable flowcharts.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Collaborative translation tool [closed]

Do you know any collaborative translation tool?

I've seen the suggestions in this answer, but I'm specifically searching for a tool to translate books (so large documents made of paragraphs, mostly), with possibility for other users to check/correct/validate other users' translations, roles (admins, validators...), and if possible something that has a nice API so I can convert the result into LaTeX to publish the book.

The tool could be SaaS (preferably free) or open-source (to be hosted on LAMP or similar).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Show edits from Google Docs users in different colors

I frequently use Google Docs for collaborative assignments, and love its ability to show you where other people are typing (and who is doing it) in real time. However, when returning to a document after editing has already been done, it is sometimes difficult to see who has added what. I know it's possible to go back in the revision history, but I would like a way for all edits from each user to appear in a different color. So, if I edit a document, my edits would show up in one color, and remain that color until manually changed otherwise, and likewise with different colors for everyone else editing the document. Does anybody know of a way to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Collaborative online editor with folding in hierachical organization [closed]

Online collaboration for normal texts, you often have not only flat lists but

  • Hierarchies. Such as main issue XY, possible ways to adress that issue, pro & contra about those solutions, opinions etc. Some online editors have non-flat listing, i.e. Google docs.

  • However, if you start filling those hierarchies, it's very common to loose overview, and get lost. Folding is cool, it exists in some desktop text editors, and of course in IDEs such as Eclipse and intellij. In Google wave, there was the possibility to have comments and fold/expand. Unfortunately, it seems there is no easy to use and free on-line service offering a Google wave-like experience. The Google wave clones don't seem to be ready?

This seems like a pretty basic and obvious need, yet I can't find a solution. Is there something like this? It should be free & open source. If it's made for programmers, it's ok unless it's programming specific functions are not overwhelming for non-programmers. Furthermore, text folding often works only when writing actual code, i.e. A method body. It would be great to have it also for normal text, without having to do {} or similar.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to switch "To" and "Cc" fields in Google Groups Collaborative Inbox?

I'm currently evaluating the Collaborative Inbox of Google Groups to be used as a group inbox for sales orders. The inbox will be able to receive messages from the public.

I'm unable to find how to reply to the sender by using the To field instead of Cc. By default, the receiver is the group itself and the original poster will only receive a carbon copy of the reply. I don't think this is acceptable, mainly because of the semantics and because some people filter email messages based on the role they are set (to/cc/bcc).

If I make a support request or an order to a company, I don't want a carbon copy, I want to be the receiver.

Is it possible to set the original sender as the receiver of the reply and send a carbon copy to the group?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Best place for collaboratively developed, courseware [closed]

What sites can I use to access free repositories of collaboratively edited text-books, curriculum, class notes and courseware?

Some good ones that I'm aware of:


OER Commons


Source: (StackOverflow)

Tool for teaching maths online [closed]

I'm trying to find a good tool for teaching someone maths online. Some kind of a online whiteboard that the student can be invited to.

I need to be able to draw graphs and handwrite using my drawing tablet. I also need to be able to type text and formulae.

Something with similar features to the Windows application iDroo would be great!

What online tool would be most suitable?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Free/cheap desktop sharing service for remote teaching?

I am leading a free web development study group and we need some way to meet online in some kind of virtual classroom.

Do you know if any free service exists that has these characteristics:

  • Free or very cheap.
  • Desktop sharing with a group of around 10 people.
  • Change what participant is showing his screen. (This is very important)
  • It would be nice if we could record our sessions.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Private, everlasting version of what was previously Etherpad

I really enjoyed Etherpad.com while it was around. I know that the owners open-sourced the project, but I am wondering if anyone has adapted the code so that I can have private, everlasting "Etherpads" to use with some co-workers for real time collaboration.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I get a permalink for a comment in a Google Doc?

I will probably just go ahead and tag people in my comment (Request for somebody to comment on a section of a Google Docs document?) for now, but I was hoping there would be a better way to do this.

Does anyone know if there's a way to get a link that takes people directly to my comment on a large Google Document?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why do some collaborators have edit privs while others do not?

I have created a small site using google-sites, and I listed a handful of people as collaborators. Some of them have gmail accounts, while some don't. I would understand it if only the users with gmail accounts were able to edit, but that is not the case. Some users can, and some can't. but some gmail users can, and some gmail users cannot.

Should I be focusing on the user, the browser they are using, or is there somewhere else I should look to troubleshoot this?

Does it sound like user error? I have asked them if they see the EDIT button at the top right, and they say no edit buttons of any kind appear.

EDIT: In researching this, it appears that sometimes it is related to the difference between google apps accounts and gmail accounts. Can anyone add anything to that possibility?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Web based Collaborative document commenting tool [closed]

I am trying to find a web based document commenting tool that will allow people to upload documents so that other can view and comment on them.

It would be great if it was open source so that it could be deployed on an internal server.

I remember seeing such a tool a few months back which impressed me, however I can't remember what it was called, all I remember was that their site claimed that the tool got used a lot for refining legal documents.

I found the almost perfect example of what I'm looking for, the Django Book. Hopefully this will narrow the field a little better.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Website for facilitating interactive discussion? [closed]

I had heard of websites that would allow two or more people to share a common text editor, so that changes to the text can be made and simultaneously viewed by all participants in real time - this kind of websites is ostensibly used for conducting interviews online.

I know they exist (I had read of them in a tech magazine), but I can't seem to find the right search term for google to throw me a correct link. So, I'm asking you guys, as you might have used it before, or know what I'm talking about.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Collaboration wiki which provides page level access/ authentication

Is there any wiki/web service like Google sites which allows the admin to givepage level access/ authentication to the users ?

Source: (StackOverflow)