
cloud-storage interview questions

Top cloud-storage frequently asked interview questions

Can I put Applications into Dropbox? If not, is there anywhere else I can?

I am wondering if I can use Dropbox to put applications in, or if there is another 'cloud' that I can use. This would make transferring applications from computer to computer much easier.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Combine multiple online cloud storage services into one drive? [closed]

Cloud storage services, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and SkyDrive, all provide a limited amount of free online storage.

Is there any way, preferably for OS X or Linux, to combine them into a single mounted directory?

Ideally, a solution would distribute the data similar to how a RAID-5 system works.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is there any option to use Amazon Cloud Drive from terminal (Linux)?

As you probably know, Amazon did not release any Cloud Drive client for Linux. Is there any other option to access ACD from terminal?

Source: (StackOverflow)

My uncle is the family historian. We need to host about 5-15 TB of images and video. Any inexpensive ideas?

Basically we have hq scans of thousands of old family photos. Plus tons of family video. We want to host them where we can still have total control over the content and restrict access. I'm a php programmer, so the security is not an issue. What is an issue is finding a host to store 10 TB of data and not be paying a ton of money.

We really are not planning on a lot of traffic. Maybe 1-10 visitors a day; family only. Kind of like an online library.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I run multiple instances of SpiderOak?

I want to synch different folders that belong to different SpiderOak accounts. Can I run more than one instance of SpiderOak at the same time? Can I set them both up to start at startup?

(I need instructions for both an Ubuntu 11.10 machine and a Windows 7 machine. I'm guessing that on Windows I can just install it twice into different folders?)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Use DropBox Cloud storage from Linux file system

Anybody know how to use DropBox cloud storage from the Linux file system (that is, access the files through the file system without storing them locally, as opposed to the normal method of storing a local copy and synchronizing it)? I can find a Windows Shell extension project for DropBox. How about Linux? Or, do you know any other Cloud storage solution which allows mounting as Linux file system.

I want to use my Cloud storage from Linux as like normal files in local HDD without any web user interface.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Backups and Virtual Machines [closed]


  • An automated backup solution, for a Windows-based PC, that provides for a holistic, seamless recovery.
    • Practically: I'd like to restore my programs, not just my documents and pictures.


  • Would it be best to reduce my machine to a virtual machine and back that up?
    • If so, which service/solution would be best?
      • All things being equal, I'd probably favor a cloud-based solution over an external hard drive solution.

Source: (StackOverflow)

USB flash drive that can receive files wirelessly/remotely?

I am looking for a USB flash drive that I can send files to wirelessly or remotely; one that I can transfer files to without actually having to plug it into a computer that the files are on. Does anyone know of anything like this, or of any possible alternatives?

My exact situation is that I have two televisions displaying JPEGs off of a USB flash drive in a restaurant, but each time I want to update the JPEGs I have to retrieve the flash drives from the restaurant and then transfer the updated JPEG files.

Anyone have any ideas, it doesn't necessarily have to involve a flash drive, that was just an idea I thought of.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I keep files synchronized with Amazon Cloud Drive?

I want to begin using Amazon Cloud Drive unlimited, but there is no synchronization available. Using Cloud Drive Desktop there is only an upload. I do not want to keep uploading 1500 gigabytes repeatedly. They discontinued Cloud Drive Sync Application (formerly called the "Cloud Drive desktop application"). Though it can be found and will still work I won't use unsupported software.

I regularly back up my machines to a terabyte drive and when finished I clone that drive to another. I want to begin synchronizing in the cloud. I have a few folders I back up in between full backups and would like to keep those synchronized, too.

The terabyte drive has a lot of old files, archives, and historical stuff as well.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I encrypt a file on Windows 8 before storing it on Dropbox?

I would like to store some sensitive information in the cloud (my preferred cloud service is Dropbox). I would like to encrypt it before putting it in the Dropbox folder for synchronization.

What's the easiest way to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Drive status icons not appearing in Windows Explorer [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I have installed the Google Drive client for Windows. However, the status icons (green check mark, à la DropBox) are not appearing next to the files' names in Explorer.

I'm running Windows 7 Pro SP1, with Google Drive client Version 1.5.3449.3345.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to sync a Portable Apps folder?

Couldn't find a good resource for this particular dilemma, so I thought asking the good people at super user for help.

Background: I am a portable apps enthusiast, and whenever possible, my apps are portable. I have written a complete set of batch and powershell scripts that allow me to run my environment which is based on the PortableApps platform and LiberKey along some other "home-brewed" portable apps anywhere I can.

NOTE: Not all of my applications are "pure" portable, some might right to the registry, some might leave traces on the system. It's OK by me, as long as they are my systems.

What I'm looking for: I'm looking for a good way to sync this "behemoth" of portable apps folder between 3 locations:

  1. Any PC I work on (Work, Home PC, Home Laptop)
  2. My portable USB HDD
  3. Cloud storage

Main problems: - I tried using sync applications, but I'm probably doing it all wrong, I always get too many duplicate files. - Because I'm working with application directly from the portable-apps folder, some files might be locked at some times. when a folder has locked files, I want the sync to skip it altogether (I know: this is the hard one) - Initial sync can be around 5 GB of applications and storage (mainly applications) - so LAN Syncing is important.

Assumptions: - no assumption :) - you may assume I am approaching the whole thing from a wrong direction, I am willing to learn. - I am willing to script (batch, powershell, python) or program (C#, Java) to get the task done. (I might even start a stratup on this if it makes any sense)

Anyone have an ideas how to concoct such a sync system from the tools available today on the Web?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you store Digital Media

This is, in my opinion, a massive problem and one that the companies selling digital media will need to address at some point.

I would quite like to be able to subscribe to programs, ala iTunes Season Pass, and download high definition copies. All my music is digital now and I tend to prefer a digital format for my videos as well. I currently have a 1tb hard drive onto which I burn my DVDs so that on one device I have my entire collection.

But this is not practical really. It doesn't connect to a network in order to steam the media to many devices and space will eventually become a problem again which would require more external hard drives and it all becomes a mess!

How are we going to be able to have a fully digital media collection? How can this work when a typical HD 45 minute TV show is at least a gig in size?

I see two solutions: Home media servers or, when connections are fast enough, our media stored in the cloud. Maybe one subscription opens up a world on demand media. How do you stores yours, how would you?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Good practices of creating redundant archive for long time cloud storage

I want to create digital archive of photos, documents and other imporant stuff to store in the cloud (likely Amazon Glacier). Preferably one year per archive, up to 10 gigabytes each. I want to make sure storage and network transfer errors won't break anything so I want to include a solid recovery data overhead.

Do you have any recommended best practices and tools here? RAR with recovery data? Is it worth to store each file checksum along with archive? Any other suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Desktop application allowing backup (syncing) of local folders onto Cloud Storage? [closed]

(I find it odd that this question hasn't been asked already... I thought there were more people paranoid that I am...)


Is there a desktop application, that allows me to backup a given folder to a (Cloud) storage service (Amazon / Rackspace / ...) etc.. ?

Note: I am not looking for closed-source offering backup solutions, there are plenty.

I am looking for this combination instead:

  1. Free application (open source)
  2. Ability to chose cloud-storage providers

Any pointers would be really helpful !

Source: (StackOverflow)