
clipboard interview questions

Top clipboard frequently asked interview questions

Large image to clipboard freezes computer

So I was messing around with some height map images and found this one:


This image is 21600x10800 when I right click "copy image" from my browser (I am using chrome) it slows down my computer until it freezes. After that I must restart. I am curious to why this happens I presume it is the size of the image, all though its only about 6mb when saved.

I am also using Windows 8.1

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I load a file's contents into the clipboard?

I have a files where I need to copy their contents to another file or into an application and rather than open it up, select all the text then copy and paste I'd like to know if I can effectively cat the file contents into the clipboard. Is this possible?

A Windows program would be fine but something that works on Linux would be useful too. I don't use a Mac but it might be useful to others. Bonus points if this can be done on the command line.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I view my clipboard history on OS X?

I am often copying and pasting various tidbits of information, and then forgetting to save it. I would copy something else and lose what I had in the clipboard before.

Is there some sort of built-in way to view the history of the clipboard, or do I have to install a program? If so, what program?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I paste the Windows clipboard into my PuTTY session, using only the keyboard?

I would like to paste text the Windows clipboard into my PuTTY session using only the keyboard. I am running PuTTY 0.60 on Windows XP.

Usage example: I just selected a bunch of nice text inside of my Emacs on Windows. I then shift my focus to a Putty window. Then I press the magic keyboard shortcut, and the application waiting for input on the other side gets some.

I have tried the keyboard shortcut to paste into cmd, Alt+Space+E+P, but it doesn't paste the clipboard into my PuTTY window.

This question and answer about opening the system menu using Alt+Space looks interesting, but it doesn't bring me closer to an answer.

So, does anyone know how can I paste the Windows clipboard into my PuTTY session using only the keyboard?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I enable the shared clipboard in VirtualBox?

Where is the configuration option for sharing clipboards (copy & paste) between the host OS and the guest OS?

Source: (StackOverflow)

VirtualBox bidirectional clipboard sharing stops working after some time on a Linux guest OS

Clipboard sharing starts working fine, but it stops working after some time (until I reboot the machine).

From what I understand sometimes the guest additions stop working. I read that I should see vboxadd-timesyn running on my system. I checked ps -A | grep -i vbox and I don't see it. All I get is:


If this is indeed the problem, how do I restart the service? If it isn't, what else I could look at?

This is with a Windows 7 host and Linux Ubuntu guest.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Copy filename to clipboard

Is there a way to copy the currently selected filename, including the path, to the clipboard? Ideally this would be through the right-click menu.

Some degree of flexibility would be useful, like the ability to copy just the filename, path+filename, filename minus extension, etc. This isn't essential, though, as long as it can copy the path+filename.

The solution must be compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to paste CSV formatted data into Excel 2007?

I want to copy and paste CSV formatted text into Excel 2007.

Is there a way of doing this without saving it to a temporary file first?

I'm sure in previous versions of Excel there was a way to trigger the CSV import wizard by hand in this situation, but I don't know how do this in Excel 2007.

For reference, in OpenOffice this Just Works - pasting in 2+ lines of CSV text will trigger the CSV import wizard.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent Excel from clearing copied data for pasting, after certain operations, without Office clipboard

Whenever you copy a cell or a range of cells in Excel (my version is 2010 on Windows 7), and then do something else like insert new sheet row or simply edit another cell, Excel removes the clipboard data. For me this seems to me so utterly stupid and it's very frustrating (probably it has some logic behind it like preserving references or something like that, but I don't think it would be rocket science to make it work like any other program that has Copy-Paste available).

The only workaround is to use the Office clipboard, but I don't want to (uses space on the screen and it's a lot less comfortable than CTRL+V) and I don't think I should be forced to use it.

Here's a reference to some posts also complaining about this problem:

Excel Loses Reference to Data to Copy When I Type Elsewhere On the Sheet

Excel 2010 removes data from clipboard, how can I stop it?

Is there any way I can force Excel to keep my data into the clipboard until I decide I don't need it no more instead of it, without using the annoying (to me) Office clipboard? Maybe using the Windows clipboard.

Or at least you could explain to me why this is happening (I know this is normal behavior, but why?)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I restore copy/paste functionality for my remote desktop connection?

My question has been asked on superuser before, but the accepted answer did not work for me.

Sometimes when using remote desktop on my Windows 7 computer, the copy-paste functionality between the remote desktop and my computer suddenly stops working. How can I restore it?

I have looked at Fixing Copy/Paste for Remote Desktop Sessions and SQLAuthority News – Fix : Remote Desktop Copy Paste Stop Working

But killing and restarting rdpclip doesn't seem to work for me. How can I fix this?

This is driving me a bit crazy. Restarting the computer or the remote desktop connection doesn't work either. Anyone have any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Windows sometimes "copy to clipboard" when I press the delete key? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How can I prevent shift-delete from cutting in Windows?

I'm a programmer so I spend a lot of time in a text editor. For whatever reason about 25% of the time when I press the Delete key Windows will copy my selection to the clipboard right before deleting.

It's frustrating because I'll highlight some code that I want to move, press Ctrl+X and then highlight the extra space left behind and press Delete. A moment later I'll hit paste but instead of seeing what I copied I'll get a blank line (the content of what I deleted).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Clipboard operations (copy/paste) often stop working on VMWare Workstation

I have a dual-screen set-up with a Windows host and a Linux virtual machine.

Windows Host: Windows 7 x64, VMware Workstation (8.0.5, most recent)
Linux VM: CentOS 6.4 x64 (most recent) + VMware Tools (most recent)

The shared clipboard feature is of great importance to me. I often copy commands from the Windows host into the Linux VM, but clipboard sharing often stops working.

A reboot of the guest does not solve the issue. A reboot of the Windows host machine does solve the issue, although it's only a temporary measure. The issue often comes back within 20-30 minutes after reboot.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Clipboard manager for Ubuntu? [closed]

I'm looking for a good program for managing clipboard history on the Ubuntu desktop used primaraly for software development. Ditto is exactly what I need, except it wont run on Ubuntu.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How secure is the Windows clipboard?

I've been using the Windows clipboard as a method of getting passwords from Lastpass into desktop applications.

I've been wondering exactly how secure is this? Can't any program access the clipboard at any time?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I paste plain text by default?

I regularly copy and paste text between spreadsheets, emails, browser windows, etc. I can't think of a single time when I've wanted to keep the formatting from the source text.

I already know about the following workarounds:

  • Use Edit > Paste Special > Unformatted text
  • Paste to Notepad and copy from there
  • Install a program that takes over the clipboard

What I want is to tell Windows to just do this by default.

Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)