
cisco-vpn-client interview questions

Top cisco-vpn-client frequently asked interview questions

/etc/hosts getting reset in Lion

In order to do web development on my local machine, I use the /etc/hosts file to define hosts that point back to to which I have Apache serve up via VirtualHosts. This works great, except that now it seems that Lion resets my /etc/hosts file every so often.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there any way to keep this from happening?

I never had this problem in Snow Leopard.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to force split tunnel routing on Mac to a Cisco VPN

Any one know how to hack the routing table (on a mac) to defeat the forcing of VPN routing for every thing over a cisco VPN? pretty much what I want to do is have only 10.121.* and 10.122.* addresses over the VPN and everything else straight to the internet.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I fix libdispatch problem crashing Mac OS X apps?

In the last day I have started having a lot of brokenness on my Mac (MacBook Air running Mac OS X 10.6.2 with all software updates).

Most noticably, iTunes no longer syncs with my iPhone. It fails with a crash dialog reporting "AppleMobileDeviceHelper quit unexpectedly" and an error dialog "iTunes was unable to load dataclass information from SyncServices. Reconnect or try again later."

I've attempted the fix at support.apple.com/kb/HT1747 but it failed.

I've also been having problems (at first seemingly unrelated) with the horrible Cisco VPN client, which started giving me this error:

Error 51: Unable to communicate with the VPN subsystem

I followed the steps at www.anders.com/cms/192/CiscoVPN/Error.51:.Unable.to.communicate.with.the.VPN.subsystem which don't seem to work for me, although I can connect if I use the command line with sudo :

sudo vpnclient connect MyProfile

I had a look in the Console app at the diagnostic messages and I noticed a pattern, that a number of apps were reporting "BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH". The affected programs are:

  • AppleMobileBackup
  • AppleMobileDeviceHelper
  • Safari Webpage Preview Fetcher
  • cvpnd (the Cisco VPN daemon)

Of these, only the last is non-Apple software!

The common text in the diagnostic messages is:

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread:  1  Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager

Application Specific Information:
BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH: Do not close random Unix descriptors

I'm beginning to wonder if there's a permissions problem, or corruption of an important library, ...

I should note that I've rebooted several times and verified the disk permissions and the disk.

Any help would be great!

More Info 2010-03-20

Looking into the logs a bit more I found the earliest libdispatch crash, and before that found that coreservicesd had died:

2010-03-17 14:17:43 ... CarbonCore.framework: coreservicesd process died; attempting to reconnect but future use may result in erroneous behavior.

and that after that there were problems talking to coreservicesd:

2010-03-17 14:17:45 ... LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10600000 ), so we cannot talk to it.

This lead to a forced reboot (I'd forgotten this) and in the reboot messages I see:

2010-03-17 14:25:24 kernel  hfs: Removed 1 orphaned / unlinked files and 0 directories 

Might be nothing, but is there any way to find out what this was?

Anyway, it all seems to load without major problems until:

2010-03-17 14:26:41 Safari Webpage Preview Fetcher[134] BUG in libdispatch: 10C540 - 1931 - 0x4

I'm at a bit of a disadvantage, because my Snow Leopard install CD is in my office, and I'm not going to be back there for a week... Anything I can try based on a Leopard install CD and a Time Machine backup?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Make Genymotion use a host VPN

I'm using Cisco's AnyConnect to connect to a VPN using my Windows 8.1 PC. When using the Genymotion emulator, I would like it to use the VPN too. However, although having Internet access from the device, I can't connect to IPs in the VPN.
Since Genymotion uses VirtualBox, I have tried disabling the first adapter (the host-only adapter) from VirtualBox's configuration, and left the second adapter enabled (a NAT adapter). However, it wouldn't work (I took that idea from this answer).

Do you have any ideas on how could I share this VPN access to my device?

Best regards.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Installing Cisco AnyConnect on CentOS 7

I have installed Cisco AnyConnect on CentOS 7. When I try to connect I get an error:

/opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpndownloader: error while loading shared libraries: libpangox-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I've Googled it, but there is no valid solution to this problem.

Does anybody use Cisco AnyConnect on CentOS 7 and know how to solve this issue?

Source: (StackOverflow)

No internet connection with Cisco VPN

I have a VPN connection set up using the Cisco VPN Client, and whenever I connect to it I lose my internet connection. This is the first time I have used this software, all previous VPNs I have used have been setup through Windows and I can uncheck the 'use remote gateway' box in the TCP-IP properties box to get around this.

Is there a similar option in the Cisco Client that I am missing? I am running on Windows 7 32 bit

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to properly install certificate issued to me?

I tried various ways to install certificate, but it seems it either not being seen by linux or something else is wrong.

I got .pfx to be able to connect to another server via vpn (need to use Cisco AnyConnect). I tried converting it to .pem, then adding that file into /usr/share/ca-certs (with both creating new directory inside there or just puting it directly), then running `update-ca-certificates. I always get this response:

Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs... 0 added, 0 removed; done.
Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d....

Then trying to connect using Cisco AnyConnect, would give me this error: 'Certificate validation error

The only way I managed to import certificate, was via firefox. I imported it in Your Certificates.

Then again trying to connect using Cisco AnyConnect, it would give me this error:

The AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be located. You may be experiencing network connectivity issues. Please try connecting again.

Then I Opened imported certificate in Firefox and saw this message:

could not verify this certificate because the issuer is not trusted.

So going in Authorities I found the one that issued me this certificate and edited to be trusted ticking all options. Now it shows that it was verified for ssl client certificate, email signer certificate, SSL Certificate Authority, Status Responder Certificate.

But still, trying to connect using cisco anyconnect, gives me that error for not locating secure gateway.

I don't have any ideas what else could I do to solve this problem.

I also written another related question here. That one is more about properly configuring vpn and this one about properly installing certificate.

Link to related question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/484096/setting-up-vpn-connection-with-cisco-anyconnect-the-anyconnect-package-on-the

P.S. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04

Source: (StackOverflow)

Location of Cisco VPN client profile configuration file (.pcf file) on Mac OS X

What is the default location of Cisco VPN client profiles? I need those .pcf files since my old Cisco VPN client doesn't work after upgrading to Mac OS X Leopard (version 10.5), and I don't remember my VPN settings.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Linux guest VM can't use host's OSX anyconnect VPN

I'm using cisco anyconnect to get into my work VPN, that on Mac OSX Lion.

I created a Xubuntu 12.10 VM in virtualbox and I can navigate the web while connected to the VPN in the OSX host, but I have no access at all to my work sites and services.

I've tried having the VM to use NAT and bridge for networking.

What's weird is that I have a similar setup in my office, have windows 7 as host being connected to the VPN with anyconnect client, and I have a Fedora 16 guest VM made with VMware, and that one just worked out of the box.

Any clues? thank you

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cisco VPN stops Windows 7 Browsing

My browsing and other 'internet' activity (dropbox,digsby etc) halts when I connect to a VPN session using Cisco Systems VPN client Version on Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit on my Dell XPS M1530.The only option left for me at this time is to use my vpn network proxy to enable the connection back.

I tried doing the ucheck "Use default gateway on remote network" solution as mentioned on a previous post Windows 7 VPN stops web browser but I don't see that option on the properties of "Cisco systems VPN adapter" connection properties.

alt text

Source: (StackOverflow)

Connect using anyconnect from command line

I am trying to use cisco anyconnect 3.1 from linux command line to connect to a server. I can connect, but I have to submit one parameter at a time. I would like to connect from a script that will run in another server. Can I do that? Something like

vpn connect server_add group_name user_name passwd

Source: (StackOverflow)

The Cisco VPN Service has not been started

i'm trying to use Cisco VPN client, but i get the error:

Error 56: The Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service has not been started.
Please start this service and try again.

enter image description here

Of course the service is started; so that's not very helpful.

It's been working for years (two years), but today i go to use it and it's borken.

Some people have suggested that the Internet Connection Sharing service can interfere with Cisco and should be disabled; it already was.

Edit: Windows 2000 Professional

Have restarted the service, have rebooted multiple times, have manually run vpngui.exe, vpnclient.exe, ipsecdialer.exe, nothing ever appears.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Fast User Switching still disabled after disabling Cisco AnyConnect VPN's "Start Before Login" feature

I am running Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate and using Cisco AnyConnect VPN 2.5.3041. As expected, Fast User Switching got disabled as soon as I installed the VPN software.

This FAQ from Cisco references how to enable Fast User Switching when their VPN product is installed:

A. Microsoft automatically disables Fast User Switching in Windows XP when a GINA.dll is specified in the registry. The Cisco VPN Client installs the CSgina.dll to implement the "Start Before Login" feature. If you need Fast User Switching, then disable the "Start Before Login" feature. Registered users can get more information in Cisco Bug ID CSCdu24073 (registered customers only) in Bug Toolkit.

My problem is that I have disabled this on the client, but fast user switching is still greyed out.

This article mentions a registry edit, however they key they mention, GinaDLL, does not exist at the WinLogon registry point.


This article from Cisco covering AnyConnect specifically gives a one liner:

AnyConnect is not compatible with fast user switching.

The only problem is I now I had found a workaround before the last reformat/reinstall, but I can't remember what exactly I did previously.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable CISCO VPN client routing for selected subnet on Mac OS X

I'm using a Mac laptop and when I am connected to the CISCO VPN, all traffic is routed through the tunnel. However I need to run a VM (VirtualBox with Ubuntu as guest) for certain services. VM is connected with host via Host-Only network ( When the VPN is connected even traffic to this address range are also sent to the VPN so I can't connect to the VM anymore.

I've tried to mess around with route command a bit. When I tried

route change -net

to setup the route, I got sendto: Permission denied when I try to ping VM address.

What would be the correct route setup so I can connect to the VM (through vboxnet1 interface) while leave all other traffic through the VPN?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cisco AnyConnect VPN Error: "Failed to initialize connection subsystem."

My Cicso AnyConnect VPN client on Windows 7 suddenly started giving the error:

Failed to initialize connection subsystem.

Rebooting didn't help. How can I resolve this?

Source: (StackOverflow)