
cinnamon interview questions

Top cinnamon frequently asked interview questions

Mouse pointer invisible after reinstalling Unity on top of Gnome in Ubuntu 13.10

I am using Ubuntu 13.10. I usually use Cinnamon and Gnome shell and had removed Unity and related packages. I re-installed Unity, and everything works fine except that the mouse pointer is no longer visible. It would help if anyone can suggest some ideas to resolve the issue.

I have a Dell XPS 15z L502X with a GeForce GT 540M card. I am also using Gnome shell 3.10.1 and Cinnamon 2.0.12.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to enable Unity's Global Menu in Cinnamon desktop? [closed]

I installed the Cinnamon desktop on Ubuntu 11.10 64bit but the global menu does not show up. I read that it stills appears and there is a way you can remove it (by uninstalling the menu packages). However, I WANT the global menu on Cinnamon, but it isn't there!

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to completely remove Unity, and replace it with Cinnamon?

I installed Cinnamon 1.8 on Ubuntu 13.04, and now I would like to completely remove Unity and everything related to it, but I'd like to keep the programs, LightDM and Software Center.

What packages should I remove?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How heavy on resources is Cinnamon desktop environment?

I have a 1GB RAM PC running Lubuntu. In Xubuntu is still ok, but in KDE and Unity it is not. (The condition of my PC appears clearly in this answer).

Compared to these DE-s, where stands Cinnamon? I am in the mood to try it but I thought maybe to ask first :)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I write applets for Cinnamon?

I'm very excited about the cinnamon desktop environment and want to write applets for it.

How can this be done?

Where can I find information and tutorials about it? (I have searched in google, but was unable to find any examples)

Thanks for the help!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I disable the Cinnamon 2 lock screen?

When my computer is locked, I am presented with the default Ubuntu lockscreen. When I enter my password and unlock it, I am presented with the Cinnamon 2 lock screen and I have to enter my password again.

How can I disable the Cinnamon 2 lock screen?

Note: I've installed Cinnamon 2 with these commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/cinnamon-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cinnamon

Source: (StackOverflow)

Computer wakes up to a black screen in Ubuntu 12.04 dual booted with Linuxmint 14 Cinnamon on separate hdd

3 days now I have not been able to boot my computer to my OS due to a black screen. Wow, and I really did love this OS at one time. I'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET PASS THE BLACK SCREEN SINCE YESTERDAY MORNING. CAN SOMEONE AT LEAST TELL ME HOW TO GET IT UP? SO I CAN AT LEAST SEE THE SCREEN AGAIN? I NEVER HAD ONE PROBLEM WITH 12.04 UNTIL I HIT 12.04.2 AND 13.04. I've never had this problem until recently and don't know if it has something to do with Ubuntu being on a SATA HDD and LinuxMint 14 on a IDE HDD.

When I move my mouse to awake the computer, the monitor light goes from orange to blue so I know the monitor comes on - however the screen is solid black. Sometimes when I restart I watch my HDD light when it stops blinking. I'm guessing its at GRUB menu so i press Enter, then it will come to my first option to allow to sign in which I can see, and sometimes it doesn't. I have HDMI, but I'm running DVI. I can't see my first option in GRUB, I just press Enter, and then I see my sign in screen.

After several times of pushing the restart button on my computer it finally comes up, but it takes quite a few tries.

When I am on LinuxMint HDD, the same thing happens there as well.
I have a Radeon HD 6500 graphics card and tried several different drivers (open source and proprietary), but nothing fixed it. I am now using AMD Catalyst 13.4 driver, which works great, except for this issue.

I've researched Google and tried a few things but nothing works and this is getting very old fast.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

If the computer goes to sleep and I wake it within 3 minutes, it comes up fine, with no issues, but if it goes to sleep for awhile, an hour or so, it has this issue.

I am using the 3.5.0-28-generic kernel as well as the newest quantal x stack.

Checking my BIOS - I am already set to "s3". I'm not really sure I want to suspend to hard drive since suspend to ram was working. I have also tried the "acpi_sleep=old_ordering" trick in Grub boot options to no avail.

To add to this, when I added LinuxMint, on second HDD I unplugged my SATA HDD from computer that had Ubuntu on it, then installed LinuxMint 14 on the IDE HDD. Once installed, I then plugged my SATA drive back up and ran sudo update-grub.

As I've been reading more on Ubuntu 12.04.2, I wonder if when my kernel and xorg stack updated to quantal if this is my issue... Is there a way to roll back to an older kernel to test this? I can't remember correctly right now, but this issue might have started when I put LinuxMint 14 on the IDE HDD and thats equivalent to Ubuntu 12.10, right? Could this be the issue? The new xorg and kernel? Although my boot priority in BIOS loads my SATA drive which has 12.04 Ubuntu on it first anyway, but also has been updated to the new quantal kernel. I set a link here to my xorg file, hoping it might help some as well.

Update 1:

I just tried to run memtest from Grub menu, and I get an error "too small lower memory (0x99100 >0x99800)". The test doesn't start and I have 2 entries of memtest in Grub2. I am running 8gigs of ram, gigabyte socket 775 board, quad-core setup. I'm not having any crashes, my memory shows up in system monitor.
I've just researched this issue. Seems its a bug, but would it affect my S3 setting in BIOS?

Update 2:

Just switched from S3 to S1. It Doesn't work neither.
I've noticed in my xorg log file that I'm receiving some errors

(EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory,,,,,
(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory,,,,,
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for fglrx,,,,,,,
(WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0@1:0:1) found,,,,,,,
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa,,,,,,,,
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for modesetting,,,,
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for fbdev,,,,,
(WW) fglrx(0): board is an unknown third party board, chipset is supported......

I have also upgraded to 13.04 and still fighting this issue. I've tried nomodeset in Grub and yet [nothing is working](my xorg.conf).

Update 3:

Today, as usual, when my computer rebooted and came back up, I couldn't see anything but a black screen. Not even BIOS or Grub. However, I assumed that Ubuntu was highlighted in the Grub and pressed Enter. Then I see my HDD light lit up, then hear the Ubuntu chime. I attempted several reboots, for about 30 minutes. Then I become frustrated on last attempt and did this - while my computer was running I unhooked my DVI cable from the graphics card and then hooked it back up. And all of a sudden I no longer had the black screen. I could see my desktop finally. Does this help anyone out there to help me fix this issue?
Another thing I've noticed is my LinuxMint HDD is /sda1, while my Ubuntu SATA HDD is /sdb. Should the Grub be on /sda1?


This is my syslog picture.

Source: (StackOverflow)

No menu option to "switch user" in Cinnamon desktop

The menu has options to lock the screen, log out and shutdown, but there isn't an option that allows me to switch to a different user. Is there another way to do that or, even better, is there a way to add that option to the global menu? I am using Ubuntu 11.10.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the difference between Cinnamon and Cinnamon (Software rendering) when choosing a desktop enviornment before logging in?

Okay, what is the difference between Cinnamon and Cinnamon (Software Rendering) when choosing a desktop environment for Ubuntu?

Sub question:

What is the difference between Linux Mint with Cinnamon vs Ubuntu running with the Cinnamon Desktop Environment?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I install the Cinnamon Desktop?

I have read that there is a new Gnome-2 like interface called Cinnamon produced by the Linux Mint developers.

Is this available for Ubuntu users - and if so how do I install it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get Cinnamon working in Virtualbox?

I installed Ubuntu 11.10 (32-bit) in VirtualBox 4.1.8.

I wanted to install Cinnamon, so I did and I have the option to choose it from the login screen, as well as GNOME options.

If I choose Ubuntu I get Unity, which works fine. GNOME also works. But when I choose Cinnamon, the screen goes black and nothing responds and I have to reset the virtual machine.

I have already installed Ubuntu 11.10 (64-bit) onto the PC in a separate partition (currently running 10.10 but trying out 11.10) and in that Cinnamon works perfectly. In VirtualBox I have 3D settings enabled and gave the virtual machine 128 MB graphics RAM, and 1024 MB system RAM.

What settings should I change or what should I do to get Cinnamon working in Ubuntu in VirtualBox?

I have also tried doing it in LinuxMint 12, but I get the same problem, just a black screen when selecting Cinnamon.

So are Cinnamon and VirtualBox incompatible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a shell-independent HUD-like menu search tool for Xfce/GNOME/Cinnamon?

The Ubuntu Heads-Up Display (HUD) - you love it or you hate it. Personally I rather like a classic desktop, so I use Xfce or GNOME-fork Cinnamon, and I'd like to keep those menu's where they are.

But the HUD is pretty awesome when your menus are complex and you forgot where an option sits. This makes that search trick very interesting.

I know the HUD is Unity specific. I am looking for a HUD-like tool to complement the menu in shells other than Unity.

There is Appmenu Runner for KDE that does this. There is also appmenu-qt for KDE.

Problem with the above is that it uses KDE libs, and it only works for KDE apps.

This is Linux, there aught to be something like this for GNOME/GTK apps, right?

Looking for any tool that can search the menus. I already use(d) Synapse, Kupfer and GNOME Do, but those are simply app-launchers (with some tricks). Something like that would suffice if only they included searching the menus for the currently focused application.

The HUD allows users to activate menu items by typing part of the name. It uses a fuzzy search algorithm that will highlight partial matches. It can match menu items that are multiple layers deep in an application's menu hierarchy. The feature, which replaces traditional menu accelerators, is activated by pressing the alt key.

Similar questions:

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I restart Cinnamon from the tty?

I installed Cinnamon on my Ubuntu 12.04, and it works well, but sometimes it just freezes for no reason. I can move my mouse but can't click on anything.

So I want to restart Cinnamon from tty, like I used to do with gnome shell. How do I do that?

I tried killall cinnamon and nothing happened.

Then I tried export DISPLAY=:0.0 , cinnamon --replace and still nothing.

I guess the command cinnamon is not valid. I don't want to restart the whole X server because then all of my windows will get closed. I just want to restart the window manager cause I believe it is causing the problem.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Unity isn't starting on 13.10 (with Cinnamon 2.0 installed) [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

Since upgrading to 13.10, I can't log in to unity desktop. Light dm works correctly, but attempting to log in tries to start the session then drops back to light. I've already dropped to terminal (ctrl+alt+f2) and done this:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop

sudo apt-get install unity

Logging in as a guest session also fails. Logging in to other window managers works with varying degrees of success.

Note: I have Cinnamon 2.0 installed from PPA.

I'm using a 2 monitor setup.

Also of note is that the session prior to my upgrade to 13.10 the background of unity failed to display at all, instead showing what was there in the screen buffer from the previous frame. The entire OS worked correctly otherwise though, so I just ignored it for the session. No other upgrades or even updates were done prior to this occurring.

My upgrade path to 13.10 was basically this: Install 13.04 alongside Windows 7, use ubuntu as a glorified web browser for a while, get updates (in preparation for 13.10), install 13.10.

I also used Unity Tweak Tool to change some aspects of unity, particularly auto-hide.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated, as I'm typing this on my phone :(

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to switch the window buttons to the left in Cinnamon?

I tried Ubuntu Tweak and dconf-editor but nothing seemed to help. Perhaps if there is an extension for the same, please share if you happen to know this or any other workaround.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)