
characters interview questions

Top characters frequently asked interview questions

How to change characters used for link hints in Firefox Vimperator?

Instead of numbers used for link hints in Firefox Vimperator addon, I would like to display characters like in Vimium in Google Chrome.

How can I change this configuration?

Source: (StackOverflow)

The '¤' character

Lately I've started wondering about the ¤ character which is shift+4 on my Norwegian keyboard (it's also present on several others, including the U.S. International keyboard layout). I've never seen a use for it, yet for some reason someone decided it was important enough to have it put in such a central place on the keyboard. What is this character called, and what purpose does it have?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Character count for SublimeText/WordCount

I'm new to Sublime Text (using ST3) and I've managed to install the SublimeText/WordCount package via Package Control.

https://github.com/SublimeText/WordCount/blob/st3/readme.md lists enable_count_chars as a preference that I can set to 'true'.

But I have no clue how to do that. Yes yes, I've tried googling it, but I'm having no luck finding it and I'm sure someone knows exactly how to do it :)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Linux: Print specific character range in each line

What is the most straightforward way, using Linux command line utilities, to print a specific range of characters for each line read on stdin?

For example, for this input file:


It should work as follows:

> cat input_file | foo 3-6

Source: (StackOverflow)

CMD: How to use non-English characters?

I want to work with non-English File names in CMD (Command Line) like creating Folder with the names or deleting several files that names are non-English. How can i work with this names ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ctrl-C behavior in gnome-terminal

I have installed Ubuntu 10.04. It works fine, but when I press Ctrl-C in gnome-terminal I get:

user@desktop:~$ ^C
user@desktop:~$ ^C

In Ubuntu 9.04 (I did have it before) it was so:


Who knows how can I fix this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Preventing OSX from using "smart" curly quotes

Is there a way to prevent OSX from using curly double and single quotes by default? I use Evernote to store SQL commands for reference and instead of getting " and ' when typing I end up with and . It's annoying to say the least.

From what I understand, this has nothing to do with Evernote because it's just using the standard encoding scheme for OSX

Source: (StackOverflow)

Notepad Ctrl-Backspace behavior

Text fields in almost all software erase a word when ctrl+backspace is pressed. However, Notepad behaves differently, and inserts a character which is:
`` (I copy-pasted it here. I'm not sure if it is visible. It looks like a rectangle in Notepad.)

Here is a screenshot:


  • What is this character?
  • Why does Notepad do this? Is it simpler to implement?
  • Are there other key combinations for other characters?
  • Is there a key combination in Notepad for erasing a word?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I stop the Character Viewer from appearing every time OS X asks me for a password?

This is new behaviour in OS X 10.6: when I get keychain dialog boxes asking me for my password or to approve use of my keychain, the Character Viewer appears over top.

I don't want to disable the Character Viewer completely because I use it; I just don't want it popping up at this totally unrelated time.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the quickest way to count the number of each character in a file?

I want to count the A's T's C's G's N's and "-" characters in a file, or every letter if needed, is there a quick Unix command to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Insert Unicode characters via the keyboard?

I am familiar with inserting an ASCII character into a text document by using 'Alt+ASCII code' on the NumPad keys (e.g. Alt+130 inserts an é character).

Is there a similar way to insert a Unicode character via the keyboard using the unicode value given in Windows Character Map?

alt text

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can a OCR confuse letter case?

Can a OCR sometimes confuse between letter case? For example 't' interpreted as 'T' or 'r' as 'R' at some point?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you type Unicode characters using hexadecimal codes?

This is in Windows, but answers for other operating systems can be handy to others.

Most guides say something to the effect of "hold down the Alt key and type in the code on the keypad". This works fine for decimal codes (like 65 for 'A'), but not for hexadecimal codes (like U+0041 for 'A').

Some applicatons provide other facilities that will allow hexadecimal Unicode character codes to be typed and then transformed. Word allows you to type the code (such as 200f) and then convert it to Unicode by typing Alt-X.

I'm looking for a general method of doing this that will work with the standard input.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to set character encoding when opening Excel

Is it possible to set the default encoding for Excel (any version, e.g. 2010) when opening files like csv files (like you can in Open Office Calc)?

I When I try to open a csv file encoded in Japanese SHIFT-JIS, it opens but with mojibake (corrupted characters). In Open Office Calc, if you click on a csv file with a non-standard encoding like SHIFT-JIS, it automatically opens a dialog where you can set the encoding.

Source: (StackOverflow)

A rapid way to type funny characters from Scalaz?

Is there any easy and fast way to type the funny characters (like ⊛, ≟, ∘, ∨ etc) from Scalaz? (I am using Ubuntu 9.04)

Source: (StackOverflow)