

Cal-Heatmap is a javascript module to create calendar heatmap to visualize time series data Cal-HeatMap : Javascript calendar heatmap for time series data cal-heatmap is a javascript module to create calendar heatmap to visualize time series data

Highlight multiple options in Cal Heatmap

I have an array of Javascript datetime objects which I want to display on a cal-heatmap. For this, i've done the following:

var startTimes = [] //array of datetimes to show
var cal = new CalHeatMap();
    itemSelector: '.heat-map',
    domain: 'day',
    subDomain: 'hour',
    range: range,
    start: new Date(startTimes[0]),
    highlight: new Date(startTimes[0])

for (s in startTimes) {
    cal.highlight(cal.options.highlight.push(new Date(startTimes[s])));

This however, doesn't seem to work as only the first date gets marked.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Django: passing JSON from view to template

In views.py, I have time series data stored in a dictionary as follows:

time_series = {"timestamp1": occurrences, "timestamp2": occurrences}

where each timestamp is in unix time and occurrences is an integer.

Is there a way to pass the time series data as a json object in the context of the render function?

Why do this: I am using Cal-heatmap on the front end which requires the data to be in json format. Ajax requests work just fine for now but I ideally would like to use the render approach if possible.

Source: (StackOverflow)


cal-heatmap - legendColors as array of color values?

I am trying out cal-heatmap, and I want to supply a simple array of the legend colors to use, rather than having to define CSS classes for each color.

So far in my testing this doesn't seem possible?

for example, using:

legendColors : ['rgb(103,0,31)','rgb(178,24,43)','rgb(214,96,77)','rgb(244,165,130)','rgb(253,219,199)','rgb(224,224,224)','rgb(186,186,186)','rgb(135,135,135)','rgb(77,77,77)','rgb(26,26,26)'],

Gives me a scale with 10 steps from the first to the second color, ignoring the rest.

Am I missing something simple in the documentation, or is this not possible?

I know that I can create CSS classes, but I don't want to do that - I need to have a dynamic, variable number of categories, with dynamically created colors.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does my cal-heatmap not not display data

I have cal-heatmap below (+see JSBin) I'm trying to color using data.

var data = {"63556099200":2,"63556185600":4,"63556272000":2,"63556358400":1,"63556704000":2,"63556790400":1,"63556876800":1,"63556963200":1,"63557222400":1,"63557308800":1,"63557827200":1,"63557913600":1,"63558000000":2,"63558086400":1,"63558172800":1,"63559296000":3,"63559728000":2,"63559814400":1,"63559900800":3,"63559987200":1,"63560246400":2,"63560332800":1,"63560419200":2,"63560505600":2,"63560592000":1,"63560937600":1,"63561456000":4,"63561801600":2,"63562060800":2,"63562147200":1,"63562233600":2,"63562320000":1,"63562406400":1,"63562665600":1,"63562752000":1,"63562838400":2,"63562924800":1,"63563270400":2,"63563961600":2,"63564048000":2,"63564134400":3,"63564220800":3,"63564566400":2,"63564739200":2,"63564825600":1,"63565084800":2,"63565171200":1,"63565257600":2,"63565344000":2,"63565430400":3};

var cal = new CalHeatMap();
  itemSelector: "#cal",
  data: data,
  itemName: ["visit", "visits"],
  considerMissingDataAsZero: true,
  legend: [1, 2, 3, 4],
  cellSize: 17,
  cellPadding: 2,
  domain: "month",
  domainGutter: 10,
  domainDynamicDimension: false,
  domainLabelFormat: function (date) {
    return moment(date).format("MMM, YYYY").toUpperCase();
  subDomain: "x_day",
  subDomainTextFormat: "%d",
  range: 12,
  start: new Date(2015, 0, 1)


The cal-heatmap seem not to recognize the data as correctly formatted. What am I missing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Easy configurable javascript libraries to render sequence of month for 100 rows per page

I need to show up to 100 components similar to cal-heatmap calendar with year-month view. It seems that creation of 100 cal-heatmap per paginated table is not good idea due to performance.

The requirement is to show each resource availability within selected interval (eg. Feb15 - May 16) in table view.

What are the best configurable javascript libraries to render sequence of month for each row(100 rows per page).

{% for row in queryset %}
var cal{{ forloop.counter }} = new.CalHeatMap();
cal{{ forloop.counter }}.init(
          {id:"cal{{ forloop.counter }}", itemSelector: "#previousSelector-a", previousSelector: "#previousSelector-a-previous", domain: 'day', subDomain:'hour', colLimit: 24, range: 4, displayLegend: false, domainLabelFormat: ""}
{% endfor %}

{% for row in queryset %}
    <div id="cal{{ forloop.counter }}"></div>
{% endfor %}

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cal-Heatmap - Display arbitrary past 30 days instead of full month

Is it possible to take a Cal-HeatMap and display the past 30 days in a month domain instead the date-range for that month?

Could custom domains be defined or is this functionality already available? I wasn't able to find anything on the documentation page on github.

I'd appreciate any help, thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cal-HeatMap is displaying calendar empty

Im trying to learn/play with cal-heatmap as a possible project I have to do. However, i am having difficulties with the data.

The webpage is displaying an empty calendar for 2015. My data does not seem to load or display.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="//d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="cal-heatmap.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" rel='nofollow' href="cal-heatmap.css" />
<div id="cal-heatmap"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var cal = new CalHeatMap();
    data: "mal1jan2015.csv",
    dataType: "csv",
    start: new Date(2015, 0),
    id : "graph_c",
    domain : "month",           // Group data by month
    subDomain : "day",          // Split each month by days
    range : 12,
    cellSize: 15,
    domainGutter: 10,
    cellRadius: 15,
    scale: [150, 300, 450, 600],

And my data is as follow:


Im leaning towards that the dates in the first column of csv are not in the correct format. However, im not really certain how to integrate a conversion script that would do yyyymmdd -> seconds since July 1st, 1970 and be proper for cal-heatmap.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add url/link on d3 objects in Cal-heatmap

As a newbie to both d3 and js, or just front-end in general, I have spent enough time to basically understand how Cal-heatmap works. I have a working version, but really want to make the tiny boxes on the calendar hyperlinks for extra functionality, and reading the source code was a complete disaster for me. I suppose I should add .attr("xlink:href", url) to some object as suggested here, but I really can't figure out where. Is there anyone that has done something similar? Also I don't really understand how attributes I specify when initializing is passed through to the source code either. Any help is appreciated!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cal-HeatMap - How to format date and value in subDomainText cell

I'm trying to include both Date and Value in the same cell using Cal-HeatMap

Here is a fiddle example of what I'm trying to do ....


Any advice help greatly appreciated. Thanks Paul

Source: (StackOverflow)

cal-heatmap data from linq query

I'm getting started with d3 and cal-heatmap and have an issue both related to data.

According to the documentation (http://kamisama.github.io/cal-heatmap/#data-format) data need to be supplied in a format like this http://kamisama.github.io/cal-heatmap/datas-years.json

I'm using LinqPad4:

int userId = 4;
DateTime start = new DateTime(2015, 1 , 2);
DateTime end = new DateTime(2015, 6, 30);

var result = (from r in Response
    where (r.RespondentUserId == userId)
    && (r.ResponseBegin >= start)
    && (r.ResponseBegin <= end)
    group r by new { date = r.ResponseBegin.Date } into grp
    select new 
        Ticks = grp.Key.date.Ticks,
        Reports = grp.Count()
    .Select (r => new 
        timestamp = new TimeSpan(r.Ticks).TotalSeconds,
        value = r.Reports

    new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result).Dump();

Which produce this format:


Can a linq query produce the correct format directly?

Source: (StackOverflow)