

Bunny is a popular, easy to use, well-maintained Ruby client for RabbitMQ (3.3+) Bunny, a dead easy to use RabbitMQ Ruby client

How to start bunny thread in Rails and Thin

I'm integrating Bunny gem for RabbitMQ with Rails, should I start Bunny thread in an initializer that Rails starts with application start or do it in a separate rake task so I can start it in a separate process ?

I think if I'm producing messages only then I need to do it in Rails initialzer so it can be used allover the app, but if I'm consuming I should do it in a separate rake task, is this correct ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

who knows the volume of Stanford bunny model?

I have developed an algorithm to compute the volume of point set.And now I plan to use Stanford bunny model for testing my algorithm,but I haven't found the true value of the volume yet,so I don't know whether the value I computed is accurate.Is there anybody who knows the true volume of Stanford bunny model?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Monitor multiple RabbitMq subscriptions using single application

I have an application that I wrote in .NET that can monitor multiple RabbitMq queues using a single consumer.

For example:

 using (IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection())
    using (IModel channel = connection.CreateModel())
        var _consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);        
        string[] list = new string[] { "Queue1", "Queue2", "Queue3", "Queue4" };
        _consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
        foreach (string currQueueName in list)
            channel.QueueDeclare(currQueueName, false, false, false, null);
            channel.BasicConsume(currQueueName, true, _consumer);

        while (true)
            var ea = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)_consumer.Queue.Dequeue();

            var body = ea.Body;
            var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
            Console.WriteLine(" [x] Received {0}", message);

Basically, I just want to be able to distribute work across multiple queues, but only have a single application consuming them all (or multiple applications can be deployed and perform the same function).

I'm trying to spread work out across queues so that consumers are taking jobs equally across the queues.

Is this possible using Bunny, or the native Ruby driver?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where can i put this rabbitmq consumer code?

I have this code of a rabbitmq consumer using bunny that should listen to messages published to a rabbitmq queue and display a flash notice on the view whenever a message is consumed. The consumer is running in a different session from the producer though they are in the same application. The application uses a direct exchange which uses the message receiver's email as the routing_key. I would like when a message with a routing_key similar to the current_user's email is published, a flash message is displayed for that user indicating that he has a new message without refreshing the page. I want behavior similar to Facebook notifications.

The producer code looks like this:

class MessagesController < ApplicationController    
  def create
   @message = Message.new(message_params)
   @message.creator_id = current_user.id
   @message.receiver_id = params[:message][:receiver_id]

   if @message.save
     email = @message.receiver.email
     $message_exchange.publish(@message.content, :routing_key => email)
     redirect_to user_path(current_user)

The consumer code: looks like this:

  email = current_user.email
  $message_queue.bind($message_exchange, :routing_key => email)
  logger.info " [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C"
  $message_queue.subscribe(:manual_ack => true) do |delivery_info, properties, body|
    logger.info " [x] #{delivery_info.routing_key}:#{body}"
    if delivery_info.routing_key == current_user.email
      flash[:notice] = "you have new message: #{body}"

The problem is that i don't know where to put the consumer code. I have tried putting the code as a method in the application controller but this does not seem to work. Any suggestion on how to do this better is highly appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

RabbitMQ Bunny unacked messages

I want to start some consumers simultaneously in different threads. Here is rake task that starts consumers:

namespace :messaging do

  desc 'Start consumers'
  task start: :environment do

    queues = { 'app.queue1' => 4, 'app.queue2' => 10, 'app.queue3' => 50 } # etc

    puts "Starts #{queues.size} consumers"

    threads = queues.map do |name, threads_number|
      Thread.new do
        Messaging::Consumer.new(MESSAGING_CONFIG, threads_number).subscribe name




And Messaging::Consumer class (slightly simplified version):

class Messaging::Consumer

  TIMEOUT = 120 # 2 minutes

  def initialize options = {}, threads_number = 1
    @options = options || {}
    @threads_number = (threads_number || 1).to_i

  def subscribe queue_name
    queue = queue queue_name
    puts "#{queue_name} connected"
    queue.subscribe(manual_ack: true, block: true) do |delivery_info, properties, body|
        message = JSON.parse(body).with_indifferent_access
        ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
          Timeout::timeout(TIMEOUT) do
            # somehow process message
      rescue Exception => e
        # retry message manually through retry exchange here
        channel.ack delivery_info.delivery_tag


  def connection
    @connection ||= begin
      conn = Bunny.new @options.merge(automatically_recover: true,
                                      recover_from_connection_close: true)
      at_exit do

  def close_connection
    @channel.try(:close) unless @channel.try(:closed?)
    @connection.try(:close) unless @connection.try(:closed?)
    puts "closed connection"
    @connection, @channel, @queues = nil, nil, {}

  def channel
    @channel ||= begin
      ch = connection.create_channel nil, @threads_number
      ch.prefetch @threads_number

  def queue name, exchange = nil, arguments = {}
    @queues ||= {}
    @queues[name] ||= begin
      q = channel.queue name, arguments.merge(durable: true, auto_delete: false)
      q.bind (exchange || default_exchange), routing_key: name

  def default_exchange
    @default_exchange ||= create_exchange MAIN_EXCHANGE

  def create_exchange name
    channel.direct name, durable: true


First problem:: when messaging:start is executed it doesn't necessarily start consumers for each queue (e.g. 2 of 9; it means doesn't puts "#{queue_name} connected" 9 times). It happens sometimes.

Second problem: In some time (it may be 10 minutes or 10 hours) unacked messages appears blocking message processing. How can it be possible? Messages are acked in ensure block which is always executed. Any ideas?

I use rails 4.1.5, bunny 1.3.1, ruby 2.1.2, rabbitmq 3.4.2.

Solution: the problem really was not in the code above: i used the same channel to retry (publish) messages. So after fixing it everything goes fine.

Source: (StackOverflow)

http get with queue subscribe in bunny gem

I am using bunny gem to pop a string off from a queue. The string is a url that I'd like to access. So here's the code I've come up with:

# set up channel and queue ...
queue.subscribe(manual_ack: true, block: false) do |delivery_info, _, payload|
  response = Net::HTTP.get(URI(payload))
  # do something with the response ... (for now leave blank)
  channel.acknowledge(delivery_info.delivery_tag, true) # ack

However, the ack never came back. Here is what I have tried:

  1. Using pry to debug this. During the debug session, calling Net::HTTP.get(URI(payload)) directly from the debug console works, and response came back. Stepping through the debugger ran into bunny raising timeout errors. But even if there was no timeout errors, the ack never happened.
  2. switch to use other http clients including open-uri, and httparty. The same symptom happens. This leads me to think there might be a naming conflict as a result of interactions between bunny and some low level call all these http clients share.

Has anyone come across this before? Suggestions on how to troubleshoot this further?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hutch & RabbitMQ: set timeout on re-queued messages

When my Hutch consumer loses connection to a database I would like to requeue all the messages I got and try to handle (and save to the DB) them later.

I found I can use requeue! method like this in my consumer:

def process(message)
  rescue ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished => error
    Rails.logger.warn("Connection to database is broken: #{error}")

But then I will get that message instantly back from Rabbit, and so, my consumer stuck in trying to process this message when it's obviously can't be saved to the DB.

Is it possible to put a timeout on either Hutch or RabbitMQ site in this situation?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Bunny Connection-level error: CHANNEL_ERROR - unexpected command while processing 'tx.commit'

I have a piece of code that uses bunny to grab an message from a source_queue, transform it into multiple messages, and publish those messages onto destination_queue.

def run
  source_queue.subscribe_one do |message|

def subscribe_one
  source_queue.subscribe(manual_ack: true, block: true) do |delivery_info, _, payload|
    yield payload if block_given?
    source_channel.acknowledge(delivery_info.delivery_tag, false)

def push_all(payloads)
  payloads.each do |payload|
    destination_queue.publish(payload, persistent: true)

What I noticed is this code works when the count of transformed messages is about 20 or so. But if the resulting transformed message count is around 3000, I came across what appears to be a timeout error:

/<path_to_bunny_gem>/gems/bunny-1.7.0/lib/bunny/consumer_work_pool.rb:55:in `join': Connection-level error: CHANNEL_ERROR - unexpected command while processing 'tx.commit' (Bunny::ChannelError)
        from /<path_to_bunny_gem>/gems/bunny-1.7.0/lib/bunny/consumer_work_pool.rb:55:in `block in join'
        from /<path_to_bunny_gem>/gems/bunny-1.7.0/lib/bunny/consumer_work_pool.rb:55:in `each'
        from /<path_to_bunny_gem>/gems/bunny-1.7.0/lib/bunny/consumer_work_pool.rb:55:in `join'
        from /<path_to_bunny_gem>/gems/bunny-1.7.0/lib/bunny/queue.rb:188:in `subscribe'
        from /<my_project>/<file_that_contains_the_code_snippet>.rb:64:in `subscribe_one'
E, [2015-08-13T05:09:25.851870 #20135] ERROR -- 
#<Bunny::Session:70205855873340 ...>: Uncaught exception from consumer
#<Bunny::Consumer:70205864294760 @channel_id=2 @queue=files>
@consumer_tag=bunny-1439442530000-287206794908>: #<Bunny::ClientTimeout: 
execution expired> @ /<path_to_bunny_gem/gems/bunny-1.7.0/lib/bunny
/concurrent/continuation_queue.rb:25:in `pop'

I was not able to fix this problem by changing the default continuation_timeout of bunny from 4 seconds to 100 seconds. So in the bunny initialization code:

Bunny.new(<connection string>, continuation_timeout: 100000)

I don't quite understand the nature of this issue, and the meaning of this Connection-level error. Any suggestion or explanation to troubleshoot this further?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ruby - Elastic Search & RabbitMQ - data import being lost, script crashing silently


I have a lot of messages in a RabbitMQ queue (running on localhost in my dev environment). The payload of the messages is a JSON string that I want to load directly into Elastic Search (also running on localhost for now). I wrote a quick ruby script to pull the messages from the queue and load them into ES, which is as follows :

#! /usr/bin/ruby
require 'bunny'
require 'json'
require 'elasticsearch'

# Connect to RabbitMQ to collect data
mq_conn = Bunny.new
mq_ch = mq_conn.create_channel
mq_q  = mq_ch.queue("test.data")

# Connect to ElasticSearch to post the data
es = Elasticsearch::Client.new log: true

# Main loop - collect the message and stuff it into the db.
mq_q.subscribe do |delivery_info, metadata, payload|
            es.index index: "indexname",
                     type:  "relationship",
                     body:  payload

            puts "Received #{payload} - #{delivery_info} - #{metadata}"
            puts "Exception raised"

There are around 4,000,000 messages in the queue.

When I run the script, I see a bunch of messages, say 30, being loaded into Elastic Search just fine. However, I see around 500 messages leaving the queue.

root@beep:~# rabbitmqctl list_queues
Listing queues ...
test.data    4333080
root@beep:~# rabbitmqctl list_queues
Listing queues ...
test.data    4332580

The script then silently exits without telling me an exception. The begin/rescue block never triggers an exception so I don't know why the script is finishing early or losing so many messages. Any clues how I should debug this next.


Source: (StackOverflow)

RabbitMQ - Ruby - Bunny - Best practise to (re-)publish messages to next queue

we are checking RabbitMQ for some Workflow use case.

So far, we created a test environment with ruby which fits our needs and seems to work fine.

The question I have, in case of being Rabbit newbies, is about best / good practise.

Lets define 3 QUEUES (just for the example)

  2. Q_RIGHT
  3. Q_LEFT

every producer will post message inside Q_DECISION

There is a worker running on that queue which check some content of the body. In case of decision, the message / task has to be moved to Q_LEFT or Q_RIGHT.

We are storing message specific information properties.headers, so we repeat them as well as the body.

So far no problem, question is now about republishing:

q_decision.subscribe(:block => true) do |delivery_info, properties, body|

  # ... more code here

  if (decision_left)

    q_left.publish(body, :headers => properties.headers, :persistent => true)



If we do re-publishing like above, do we loose something from the previous message?

There are a lot of attributes defined / stored in delivery_info and properties as well.

Do we have to re-post them or only the self created headers and body?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Singleton for sidekiq threads possible?

So I need to be able to create a single RabbitMQ connection and channel per Sidekiq thread because I run out of RabbitMQ connections if I don't and because the docs suggest it. The docs show how to do it with Unicorn:

before_fork do |server, worker|
  $rabbitmq_connection.close if $rabbitmq_connection

after_fork do |server, worker|
  # the following is *required* for Rails + "preload_app true",
  defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and

    $rabbitmq_connection = Bunny.new

    $rabbitmq_channel    = $rabbitmq_connection.create_channel

Is it possible to do something similar for Sidekiq threads? Is there something I can do in Sidekiq.server_configure? It looks like this is where Sidekiq starts a thread but I don't see anyway to hook into the start/stop?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Routing messages in RabbitMQ topic exchange that do NOT match a pattern

Two queues are bound to a topic exchange with the following routing keys:

Queue A, bound with routing key pattern match *.foo
Queue B, bound with routing key pattern match *.bar

I'd like to add a third queue to this exchange that receives messages that are neither foo messages nor bar messages. If I bind this queue with a # routing key, I naturally get all messages I need, but including foo's and bar's which I don't want.

Any way to route messages patching a pattern NOT *.foo AND NOT *.bar ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Get just one message from rabbitmq queue and unsubscribe

I am using RabbitMq for communication, and I would like to consume just one message and unsubscribe. How to do it in ruby bunny? My subscribe block is pretty easy:

  queue.subscribe(block: true) do |delivery_info, properties, payload|
    puts "[consumer] #{q.name} received a message: #{payload}"

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to publish message to existing exchange

I'm playing with Bunny, and trying to publish message to existing queue. Unfortunately inside Bunny documentation are snipent for consumer creation but not for produser. So for example when I try to bind to some exchange, it throws an error

PRECONDITION_FAILED - cannot redeclare exchange 'test' in vhost '/' with different type, durable, internal or autodelete value


conn = Bunny.new()
ch = conn.create_channel
x = ch.direct("test")

Do you know why it's trying to redeclare.

Maybe I need first bind to a queue?

Thanks for any help.

Source: (StackOverflow)

TCP Connection Failure issues in latest bunny version (2.0.0)

I'm trying out the Bunny amqp client gem version 2.0.0. And while I was trying I found the following error :

W, [2015-08-03T07:36:21.913706 #9100] WARN -- #: Could not establish TCP connection to /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p320/gems/bunny-2.0.0/lib/bunny/session.rb:298:in rescue in start': Could not establish TCP connection to any of the configured hosts (Bunny::TCPConnectionFailedForAllHosts) from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p320/gems/bunny-2.0.0/lib/bunny/session.rb:264:instart' from rabbit-client-test.rb:12:in <main>

Also, I noticed that the same error does not occur in the previous version of bunny 1.7.0. Is it something related to gem?

Source: (StackOverflow)