
bug-trackers interview questions

Top bug-trackers frequently asked interview questions

Which bug trackers support email? [closed]

I want to be be able to create and reply to bugs via email, what trackers allow it? and are there any limitations of it in that tracker?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change Bugzilla change privacy notice?

How can I change the privacy notice in both the site and email messages? My instance is not public facing. I don't like this:

PRIVACY NOTICE: Bugzilla is an open bug tracking system. Activity on most bugs, including email addresses, will be visible to the public. We recommend using a secondary account or free web email service (such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, or similar) to avoid receiving spam at your primary email address.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to report non-developer, non-security issue to Facebook?

I have found a small, yet annoying issue with Facebook Page Ads (details below) and I would like to report this to Facebook. How can I do this?

Fifteen minutes of search lead me to only tools for reporting security vulnerabilities, developers API bugs and to some misleading texts in Facebook Help (where title and introduction says something like "If you want to report a bug, you're in a right place", but then only links to some texts follows and there is no link to any real bug reporting tool).

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I import issues from BitBucket to GitHub?

I am trying to migrate a project from BitBucket to GitHub, and would like to import all the issues (preferably keeping their issue numbers intact).

Is there some tool or service which will accomplish this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get list of my tickets in SourceForge?

How can I get the list of all tickets I submitted on SourceForge?

I tried almost everything in the profile but don't see my tickets. The Profile / activity tab shows just "No activity to display". The closest I can get is Account settings / Subscriptions, which shows tickets I get notification from - but I might have unsubscribed from my own tickets, so it might be that some are not listed.

PS: I have added new ticket now and at least I see that it is added to subscriptions automatically. But this is not sufficient.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Github: new/fixed issues statistics?

JIRA has graphs showing the evolution of created/closed issues:

enter image description here

Does Github have the same kind of graph?

If not, is it available on a third-party website, or generatable via a script?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a Google Code-like web application to install on your own web and svn server? [closed]

Is there a Google Code-like web application to install on your own server which supports:

  • Source code versioning, e.g. with subversion, git, mercurial...
  • Wiki
  • Issue tracker

All in one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Team Foundation Server have a REST API?

I could have sworn that I stumbled upon documentation for Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) REST API at some point, but can't seem to find it now. I can only seem to find stuff on their .NET SDK.

Does Team Foundation Server have a REST API for reading, creating, and editing work items?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Creating a troubleshooting tree in Google Forms, but it can't embed images or links

I tried creating a troubleshooting tree in Google Forms but appear to be unable to embed either pictures or links.

I wanted to create a tree wherein users get directed to different nodes with further suggestions and questions depending on their earlier answers, similar to (but hopefully more useful than) the Microsoft Windows troubleshooter. If they are unable to resolve the problem themselves, I would like to receive an email or for a ticket or spreadsheet row to be created with the answers they provided.

I am the volunteer webmaster for a co-op preschool and receive many similar support requests, such as parents being unable to see the calendar for their child's class. I created detailed guides that I can't get people to read. Instead, everyone just emails me without giving me any of the details I need to solve the problem.

If this isn't possible to do in Google Forms, I'm open to other tools or services which can create tickets/emails as outlined above.

Other posts such as building a support section to a website and small business online support apps are too bulky, and would prefer a lighter-weight solution if it's a no go in Google Forms.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Open source Pivotal Tracker clones [closed]

Are there any open source Pivotal Tracker clones that people have experience using or think might be good, with essentially the same features?

Key features are:

  • Automatically popping tasks out of a certain time window, based on complexity, dragging based priority and number of tasks estimated possible to do, based on actual past progress.
  • One view with (preferably split by this sprint, next sprint, and later tasks)
  • Projection of future iterations and release dates
  • The User story, Minimum Viable Product focus
  • Simplicity

Source: (StackOverflow)

Trac: Show list of matching Wiki pages

In Trac 0.11 is there a way to list wiki pages matching a certain pattern in the title?

For example say we want a dynamically generated index page showing every page in the wiki with 'Cheese' in the title. In pseudo code: [[search(title=*cheese*,*Cheese*)]]

would yield:

  • CheeseShop
  • WhineAndCheese
  • Shop/cheese
  • ...

Basically I'm looking for the wiki equivalent of the TicketQuery system, for a stock install and no ability to install plugins or modify the file system. From reading WikiMacros it looks like this should be possible using TitleIndex or even RecentChanges, but my attempts so far keep coming up with empty results. I can't tell if what I'm trying is flat out not possible or my syntax is messed up. If the latter, working examples would be appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Project bug tracking system [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What web-based software combines bug tracking, agile project management and client collaboration?

Having to project manage an upcoming web developement project im looking for a bug tracking system, where client / me can login to post bugs related to the website in developement.

Ideal, it would be cool if I could create user login for my client and one for me as admin, and one for developers-to respond to reported bugs / mark them as fixed.

Do anyone know of any good online system to achieve this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What web-based software combines bug tracking, agile project management and client collaboration? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What are project managing, task/issue/time tracking web apps are available for free or at least cheap enough?

I'm aware of really good packages that handle each one individually: 1. Bug tracking: Trac, Mantis, JIRA, FogBugz 2. Agile Project Management: Version One, Pivotal Tracker 3. Client Collaboration: Basecamp, activeCollab

But I haven't seen anything out there that handles all three things very well.

We've been slowly building our own system over the past 3 years, but I'd like to know: Is there a definitive web app already out there that combines these three things nicely?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Submitting bugs and enhancement requests to Google Documents webapp


Does Google provide a public bug tracking system, issue tracking system, or enhancement tracking system (similar to, say, Bugzilla) into which their users could submit reports to actual Google developers and not just other users (note: see below the Dead-End Reference Material that specifically excludes Googles support forums)?

Dead-End Reference Material:

The following are links to my web sleuthing that turned out to not be answers to this question:

  1. Note that I already know about the various Google-app-specific Google support forums (e.g. http://webapps.stackexchange.com/a/2583/14529), and that is not the answer I am looking for.
  2. Google search: how to submit bug requests to google documents
  3. Is there any where to submit feature requests for Gmail (or other Google apps)?
  4. http://webapps.stackexchange.com/a/35171/14529
  5. Report Gmail Bug

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where can I report a bug relating to Google Plus?

I think I have some bugs to report when I use it but I wonder where to report those bugs. Where should I report a Google Plus bug?

Source: (StackOverflow)