

Bootstrap for Ember.js

Creating a Twitter Bootstrap modal in an EmberJS application using bootstrap-for-ember

Following the guides here, to create a modal dialog programatically.

<h1 class="page-header">Welcome!</h1>

{{bs-button title="Create Modal" clicked="createModalProgramatically"}}

I created a modal_controller.js file and inside it:

MyEmberApp.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  manualButtons: [
      Ember.Object.create({title: 'Submit', clicked:"submitManual"}),
      Ember.Object.create({title: 'Cancel', dismiss: 'modal'})

  actions: {
    submitManual: function() {
      Bootstrap.NM.push('Modal destroyed!', 'success');
      return Bootstrap.ModalManager.close('manualModal');
    createModalProgramatically: function() {
      //@property {string} The name of the modal, required later to close the modal (see submitManual function above)
      //@property {string} The title of the modal.
      //@property {string} The template name to render within the modal body, a View class may also be specified.
      //@property {array} Array of Button meta data
      //@property {object} The controller instance that instantiate the modal.
      Bootstrap.ModalManager.open('manualModal', 'Hello', 'index', this.manualButtons, this);

I want to extend the ApplicationController (not the index controller) because I want to be able to invoke a modal dialog from anywhere in the application programatically.

How can I accomplish this without repeating my modal code on every controller I want to use a modal?

What am I missing here? Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Bootstrap for Ember using Ember CLI; can't get popovers component to work

I'm stuck here...

http://ember-addons.github.io/bootstrap-for-ember/#/show_components/popover shows the documentation on how this is supposed to work...quoted below may be the bit I'm not understanding (it's a little confusing because this all mentions tooltips and not popovers but I'm making a leap that since it's all in the same documentation that it's all related...)

For Popover support, it is required to adapt the application route and add a named outlet to your main template and reference a controller that extends from Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController

//Create some controller in your app that references Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController App.TooltipBoxController = Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController

//Application route App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    renderTemplate: function() {
        // Render default outlet
        // render extra outlets
        var controller = this.controllerFor('tooltip-box');
        this.render("bs-tooltip-box", {
            outlet: "bs-tooltip-box",
            controller: controller,
            into: "application" // important when using at root level
    } });

Ok fine, so in templates/application.hbs I added this bit:

{{outlet bs-tooltip-box}}

Then, at routes/application.js I added what it said:

renderTemplate: function() {
    // Render default outlet
    // render extra outlets
    var controller = this.controllerFor('tooltip-box');
    this.render("bs-tooltip-box", {
        outlet: "bs-tooltip-box",
        controller: controller,
        into: "application" // important when using at root level

Predictably, upon rebuilding, I get an error that controller named 'tooltip-box' doesn't exist. So I create one: ember g controller tooltip-box Ok, great, now it doesn't puke on that part.

Now here's were things go sideways for me... I'm trying to do this bit:

//Create some controller in your app that references _Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController_
App.TooltipBoxController = Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController

So my assumption is that instead of the generated blueprint of:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({

I'm guessing need it to say something like this??: <-- this is where I'm stuck

import Bootstrap from 'somewhere I cant seem to figure out';

export default Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController.extend({

Additional information: I've added this to a template that's otherwise working fine:

<h2 {{bs-bind-popover testme}}>Click for a popover</h2>

And in the appropriate controller, I've added:

testme: Ember.Object.create({
    title: "Hello world!",
    content: "yup",
    placement: "left"

It's not complaining about the {{bs-bind-popover}} handlebars and I've tested a couple of other things included and they seem to work OK so I'm fairly confident that I've added the assets to the project properly, etc.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Ember Components not styling Tabs

This question is specifically pertaining to using http://indexiatech.github.io/ember-components not Ember Components in general.

I followed the manual installation method as shown on http://indexiatech.github.io/ember-components/#/getstarted and to make sure that my version of jquery, handlebars, and ember is compatible, I used the ones that were installed by bower. I've also linked to the necessary bootstrap stylesheet. To test the installation, I simply used the skeleton code from ember's starter kit. When I pasted in the example code for Tabs, I get

  • Foo
  • Bar
  • Baz

Foo Content

When I was supposed to get Tabs. I've created a jsbin not with the exact same versions of ember and jquery as what I'm using but the results appeared to be the same. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)