
bookmarklet interview questions

Top bookmarklet frequently asked interview questions

Does anyone know a Vtunnel bookmarklet?

You may know the vtunnel.com. You can access blocked sites through this. There is a form which takes the url of the site I want to go and after posting, the site appears with some vtunnel urls, unblocked.

I was thinking of a bookmarklet which will take the current url typed in the address box and post it to vtunnel with the appropriate form values and the site will appear. Is there any such bookmarklet? And if one is not there, I think it will not be difficult to make. But I am not a Javascript guy. Can anyone help me?

Or, is it not even possible? I don't have any idea actually.

Source: (StackOverflow)

NYClean no longer works. Is there an alternative? [closed]

NYClean, a bookmarklet to bypass the New York Times' 10-article limit, no longer works. It is still hosted here, but the information provided appears to be outdated.

Is there a new workaround to bypass the New York Times' paywall?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Google Plus `Stream This` bookmarklet [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Bookmarklets for quick sharing in Google+

I'm looking for bookmarklet allowing me to quickly add a new post in a selected stream to my Google+ home.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Bookmarklets for quick sharing in Google+

Google Reader supports bookmarklets that allow for the quick sharing of anything that can be displayed on a browser. I believe the code for the Google Reader bookmarket is this (from the Google Reader interface):


One of the advantages of using bookmarklets is that they can be associated with quick search links, and can be triggered with short text strings typed in the URL field of a browser (both Chrome and Firefox support this). Is there any bookmarklet known for sharing in Google+?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a bookmarklet that will let me email a selection from a website and its corresponding URL?

I use Posterous for blogging, and do all of my posting through Mail.app

I do a lot of kottke-sullivan-style posts in this format:

The New York Times reports:

Blah blah blah


But what should be a pretty easy process takes a lot of work, and it's too much work to get done on an iPad comfortably.

I'd like to have a bookmarklet where I could just select the paragraph (Blah Blah Blah above) to become the block quote and have it instantly create a new message in Mail.app or iOS Mail with the url in a link ready to turn into "The New York Times reports:" or "John Gruber riffs:", then the block quote, then I can just type in my comments and send it off.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Selected text in browser converted to a contact in Google Contacts [closed]

In email messages and sometimes on web sites, there will be a block of information I'd like to add as a contact in my Google Contacts list. Is there a Google Labs experiment, Chrome extension, Firefox add-in, bookmarklet, or any other tool which allows me to do this more easily? Ideally, given a block of selected text, it should figure out name, postal address, phone number, email addresses, web sites, and then put each in its proper place in a new Google Contacts entry.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Gmail for App Domains Compose Bookmarklet

I am looking for a bookmarklet that will open Gmail for App Domains with the current URL pasted in.

I used to use GmailThis!, but it stopped working recently. Any ideas on a) how to fix it or b) finding a working one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Customize Tumblr bookmarklet to only post to a certain account

I frequently post to tumblr via the tumblr bookmarklet. I also manage two different tumblr sites and once in awhile I would accidentally post content meant for one site onto the other (forgot that I was logged in with the wrong account).

Does anyone know a way to customize the bookmarklet so that it will only post to a specific account? Or at least warn that the wrong account is currently active?

Source: (StackOverflow)

StumbleUpon bookmarklet to favorite any website (not the ones I get to using their toolbar)

The situation

I'm looking for an easy way to thumbs-up/favorite any websites which I've found browsing the web (not using StumbleUpon). I want it among my other StumbleUpon favourites (to customize my future stumbles).

Current possibilities we have

  • Grab this browser extension (for Chrome)
    • Advantage: can be used to load up the SU toolbar on any page thus allowing me to fav.
    • Disadvantage: Unnecessarily overhead: it loads itself to Every single tab I open from the point I enable the toolbar. Slows down every page load and takes up precious memory (haven't profiled it though). Cumbersome to enable and disable it every time.
  • Use this url as a bookmark (I use this option currently)
    • Advantage: Isn't a resource hog in any way, very lightweight for what it does.
    • Disadvantage: Have to go through a number of steps (Copy current url, open new tab, click bookmark, click in textbox, CTRL+A to select all, paste, click submit, click 'I like it', close tab) That is as much as 9 steps! Which are the same for every site I need to use it with, and those steps could be easily automated.

Solution I'm looking for

A simple and clean JS bookmarklet, which is capable of the following:

  • Can be clicked on any site.
  • Does it's job in the background (doesn't distract on top of what is pointed out next)
  • Notifies whether my action worked (the url is submitted and is now among my other favorites)
  • Notifies of failure either due to network problem, or that the user is not logged in, etc...
  • If the url is yet to be added to SU's database, open a new tab and take me to the appropriate page so that I can add it myself.

It is not a big problem if there are bookmarklets which do only a subset of what I outlined as I think I would be able to modify it more tailored to my needs.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a bookmarklet that will let me add a Delicious link in one click?

I use Delicious.com and want a bookmarklet that just adds a link with a specific tag in one click, rather than bringing up the new link window and requiring me to enter tags and click enter. Does anyone know where I can get this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to copy title and URL in bookmarklet

This links tell me how to create a bookmarklet for copying a tab’s title.


I want to copy both the URL and the title in the bookmarklet—how can I do it? I don't want an add-on.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you select which Google profile is used with the Google Bookmark Bookmarklet?

I have 2 different gmail/google accounts. I'm usually logged into both. When I set up Google Bookmarks and dragged the bookmarklet to the toolbar, all was well. It was associated with the right profile and recorded bookmarks accordingly. However, for some reason, from time to time, it switches to the other profile. When I click on the bookmarklet, it will show me which profile Google Bookmarks is using, including my picture. Like gmail, clicking on my picture shows a dropdown list of my Google profiles. However, where selecting from the list in gmail takes me to gmail for that profile, selecting here instead opens a new windows showing my bookmarks for that other profile. It doesn't switch the bookmarklet window so that I can actually store the bookmark in the other profile.

Is there an easy way to fix this? So far, the only way I've been able to "fix" the bookmarklet and have it associate with the profile with which I want to use it is to log out of the other profile. And that seems to be temporary. I'm sure there's a simple way to fix, but its beyond me.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google+ bookmarklet for Google+ Page

I know there is a Google+ bookmarklet for Google+ Profiles, but is there also one for Google+ Pages?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I tell Google Reader to mark the currently-shown page as read if I know it's in one of my subscribed feeds? [closed]

Occasionally, I browse to (i.e., arrive at without using Google Reader) a URL that I know is an item in one of my subscribed feeds. (One common way this happens is through Twitter.) I'm wondering if there's a way to tell Google Reader not to keep that page read anymore. It doesn't matter whether it remotely marks the item as read or opens Google Reader to that item (each has its advantages).

I thought the Next » bookmarklet provided by Google Reader did part of what I wanted, but I've since found that it doesn't.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Posting to both Delicious and Pinboard at the same time with a bookmarklet

I'm trying to cross post between Delicious and Pinboard with a bookmarklet but don't know how to create it.

I want to be able to keep the tags and notes intact. I know that Pinboard will sync with delicious (every few hours) but I'd prefer to have one bookmarklet that posts to both sites at the same time.

Source: (StackOverflow)