
blogger interview questions

Top blogger frequently asked interview questions

Exclude own visits from being reported on Blogger stats

Blogger real-time stats was introduced. How can I exclude my own visits from counting in these statistics?

I know it is possible to set a cookie to exclude self traffic in Google Analytics. Is something similar possible with Blogger real-time stats?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I programmatically back up my Blogger site?

If you are logged in to your Blogger account, you can easily download a dump of your website by clicking on the Settings → Other → Export Blog link. (Source.)

How can I do this automatically each day on Linux, from a cron job?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I connect Blogspot to my Google Apps?

I want to connect my Blogspot account to my Google Apps domain. I have told Blogger to use blog.mydomain.com yet my browser tells me this didn't work. Because of the popularity of the words "blog", "google", and "apps", googling the solution does nothing. So I figured I'd ask the experts. Any thoughts?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to Unfollow a Blog in Blogspot

You can follow any blogs that are hosted on blogspot. But how do you unfollow a blog, if you accidentally follow one?

I tried the suggestion here on unfollow a blog, but unfortunately the help seems outdated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to cross-post in Blogger?

I have two blogs and I would like to cross post some thing from one blog to other. For example if you visit this page http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2012/12/get-whole-family-together-over-holidays.html, At the bottom of the post, it says "(Cross-posted on the Gmail Blog)".

Are there some ways I can cross post without duplicating the content?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Blogger options missing

I see some of the options missing in the new post wizard of Blogger, as in the image below.

enter image description here

There I don't see text alignment to center/left/right and Numbered List or Bulleted List etcetera. My friend told me he can view them all. How can I get those options?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I use both Disqus and Google+ comments on Blogger?

I have a blog with Blogger. I used Disqus before and there are a lot of comments on that. However now I want to use Google+ comments on Blogger because I use Google+ a lot. But I cannot find a solution to use both on Blogger at the same time.

I found other solutions to use both Blogger default comments and Google+ comments but not Disqus. How can I do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to post source code in Blogger?

I noticed that when I post source code in a Blogger post, the code wraps to the next line if it's too long. I use the pre tag to post the code and I used different styles (overflow: auto; white-space: pre), still the code wraps in all browsers except in FireFox.

Is there a way to post source code without having the code wraps?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Markdown for Blogger

Is it possible to have Markdown integration for Blogger? How can I do it if possible? Is there some sort of plugin or JavaScript trick that I can use to modify my template to make it support Markdown?

Source: (StackOverflow)

MathJax on Blogger

I want to add MathJax on my blog hosted on Blogger. The only solution I found is this post, but it requires a hosting server. Any other option?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I make blogger insert

tags instead of
when using rich text editor?

I don't like how when I'm using the rich text editor in Blogger and I press Enter it inserts a <br > instead of a <p>. Is there any way to get the behavior to change? Or at least is there any way to insert a <p> without switching to the HTML tab?

I'm using Blogger in draft, by the way. I tried both the old editor and the new one; and using Press "Enter" for line breaks instead of Use <br /> tags doesn't help.

I also tried disabling Convert Line breaks, which is described as :

If Yes is selected, single hard-returns entered in the Post Editor will be replaced with single <br /> tags in your blog, and two hard-returns will be replaced with two tags (<br /><br />).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Adding meta tags to individual Blogger posts

I want to add meta tags and keywords for individual posts in Blogger. Is this possible or does it only work for the whole blog?

I'm trying to see if adding meta data per post will have any effect on their search engine rankings.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add my Ask Ubuntu Flair HTML code to blogger

I am about to launch a personal blog on blogger and I have been told I can add my Ask Ubuntu Flair code to my 'About me' column. I am a newbie to these HTML stuffs so how do I add this code to my blogger blog? If it helps I will be using a custom template and not the default ones

Source: (StackOverflow)

Excessive number of +1's on Blog posts

On my blog posts on blogger, I have an inordinate amount of +1's (Like 10,117!). As seen here:

enter image description here

This seems exceedingly odd as this is a private blog that only approved users can read. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this is happening and how to stop it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Sitemap and static pages on blogger

So blogger now has static pages and this is all very nice. Unfortunately, these pages don't appear in the sitemap generated at atom.xml or rss.xml and there is no way to publish a file on blogger within the same domain name.

How can the static pages get listed in a blogger sitemap?

Source: (StackOverflow)