
blog interview questions

Top blog frequently asked interview questions

How to move from Graffiti CMS to blogger?

I currently use Graffiti CMS for my blog. I am experiencing a lot of issues lately so I am thinking of moving to Blogger.

How can I move all my posts from Graffiti CMS to Blogger?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Blog site with existing domain name

I would like to have a blog site, though I have created my own by writing the code. Huhhh... hosting cost is killing me. I have my domain name with me and I just wanted to get the blog where I can use my unused domain name.

My blog will me 80% technical (i.e. I will show peices of code and downloadable content to my user). Which blog will be useful for me. I just don't want my URL look like http://mysite.hosterName.com

I want it like this http://www.mysite.com

Source: (StackOverflow)


Bilingual blog: Wordpress, Tumblr, or Blogger?

I'm helping a Korean artist setup an internet blog to showcase her work. Since her goal is to have her blog in both English and Korean, my question is: which of these platforms better supports bilingual posts: Wordpress, Tumblr, or Blogger?

By better support I mean, which of these platforms will help avoid having to ultimately manage two different blogs?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What blog reading websites are Kindle friendly?

My favorite blog reading applications are ajax heavy sites that are likely to crash the "experimental" browser on the Kindle.

What web site can I use to aggregate my favorite RSS feeds and get an acceptable layout and minimize browser crashes.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Changing messy Tumblr URL

On Tumblr we keep getting really messy URLs generated for our blog posts. Is there any way that this can be changed?

For instance, in the example bellow, the blogs title is ‘Playing with scale and proportion’ so I’d like the URL to read


without all the numbers in-between.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Blog reading and following for busy people

There are lots of RSS readers out there, but they just flood you with a big list of all the posts from the site to date. For those of us who are time-starved, but still like to keep in touch in a passive way (meaning not regularly going through your RSS reader like your inbox), this is overwhelming.

What I want this reader to do is, whenever I have some time to catch up, show me the top X posts (using whatever criteria) from the blog for a specific time period. This period could be a day, a week or a month! By this way, even if I took a long break, I could still catch up and feel not being left out!

Are there any apps like this out there?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Automatically cleaning up Google Reader for now defunct blogs [closed]

I am having hundreds of feeds in my Google Reader. Some of the feeds have ceased to work (technically) or have not received new posts for years. Would there be some kind of automatic way to clean-up your Google Reader from feeds which are no longer active?

I can Javascript, etc. using Google APIs if needed.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I delete a tumblr blog?

I have 2 tumblr blogs, and one of them I didn't mean to make, is there a way to completly delete it from my account?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mapping the link network between websites (blogs)?

I wish to create a link map between blogs so to reflect the "social network" between bloggers.

Such a service would take a starting point of a blog or two, and start adding links and mapping the links between them.

Is there a web service to do this?

(I am sure I once found a service that does that - but can't find it at the moment)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Syndicate all posts and photos made to facebook

My family has a website that helps to keep us all in constant contact with each other. Recently a good number of the younger family members have started to use facebook. Our little family website is somewhat idle as a result which is where a few older family members still visit.

Is it possible to automatically cross post all status update and images from facebook over to our family blog so that these little historical tidbits of information aren't locked away in the great facebook network and the older family members who don't quite get facebook can benefit?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I backup my blogspot.com hosted blog?

I have a blog hosted on blogspot.com, and I'd like to back it up.

How can I do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disabling a blogspot/blogger blog after losing access to the owner e-mail account

I need to remove a blogspot (AKA Blogger) blog from the Internet. I made it over five years ago, and I no longer have access to the e-mail account that it was created with. As a result, I have no way of closing the blog, deactivating the URL or preventing the blog from being searched.

Apparently Google doesn't remove URLs from its index even if you put them under the category of defamation unless you have a court order.

What can I do to make this blog go away?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Web resources for specific types of funny pictures? [closed]

No, not lolcats. And I'm not really looking for a specific site, either.

I have often wished that I had some funny picture to illustrate a presentation, a website, a post, an email, or something else. Google image search and stock photo services have hardly ever helped me, although that may be because I'm doing something wrong.

Jeff Atwood seems to have no problem to find funny pictures for his codinghorror and stackoverflow blogs, as well as for the error messages on the trilogy sites. One of my favourites was this elephant. Other bloggers also seem to be quite good at it.

I'm wondering if I simply lack the creativity or if there's sources or methods I don't know about. I could think of the following ways to get pictures, but I'm not sure whether this is really "how they do it".

  • keep a collection of pictures that you stumbled upon and liked (takes quite some time to build up to a proper library), when you need a picture, there's one in there
  • maybe have pictures on paper, too, like from magazines or ads.
  • when you are looking for a picture, search online (Flickr, Google, stock photos). This has never really worked for me, I don't know why.
  • produce the pictures yourself, i. e. have a good library of source material or find some online and apply some creativity and suitable software. I could imagine that this could work well once you have the practice.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are some good Web Tools to help me format my code for blogs? [closed]

What are some good Web Tools to help me format my code for blogs?

I'd like to be able to copy & paste my code into textbox/textarea and have the web tool format it nicely for various popular blogging sites.

Features: Color, indentation, line numbers, etc.

Languages: C/C++/C#, VB.net, XML/HTML/Xaml, Ruby, etc.

Bloging sites: Blogger, Wordpress, etc

Source: (StackOverflow)

Blog/Wiki Hybrid? [closed]

I want to start a blog that has public editing rules, like a wiki. Is there such a thing?

Edit: That is also hosted (like Blogger) or a method I can host it on a web space (such as Google Pages)

Source: (StackOverflow)