
black-screen-of-death interview questions

Top black-screen-of-death frequently asked interview questions

How to analyze a memory dump on Windows after a blue screen error?

My computer running Windows 7 x64 crushes time to time. Could you please advise tool which could help with analyzing memory dump or point out possible reason and further troubleshooting steps?

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000003b (0x00000000c0000005, 0xfffff96000015de8, 0xfffff88007db9fb0, 0x0000000000000000). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 080210-24819-01.

The quotation from the result of WinDbg run

EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%08lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx. The memory could not be %s.




PROCESS_NAME: explorer.exe



IMAGE_NAME: win32k.sys

Is there any way to understand which particular driver has a problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 8.1 black screen with mouse, cant acces task manager or safe mode

I am using Windows 8.1 (as an upgrade from 8). Yesterday I had to boot in safe mode through msconfig, but when my PC restarted, the Windows logo screen went black with only the cursor on the screen. I can't login, and I can't access task manager.

I had such an issue with Windows 8 when normally booting, but it was related to a Nvidia driver problem.

I have tried:

  • using Windows 8.1 USB to boot in advanced recovery:
    • Restore to recovery point failed telling me that my antivirus is the problem.
    • Refresh did not work either - There was a problem refreshing your PC. No changes were made.
    • sfc /scannow returned: There's a system repair pending which requires reboot to complete. Restart Windows and run sfc again.

I was able to get into F8, but none of options provided there worked.

  • I tried Shift+F8, but that didn't work.
  • I tried install windows 8 and picked Upgrade:Install Windows. That returned: The computer started using the Windows installation media. Remove the installation media and restart your computer so that Windows can start normally.
  • I tried install windows 8.1 as upgrade,but got the same message.

I have not tried Custom option, as I don't want to loose all my files.

It seems like I am stuck here! Is there any way I could access my data and back it up on external HDD? I will try any suggestions you have!

Source: (StackOverflow)


Windows 7 hangs on black screen for a while after log in

I have observed the following.

  • I get the welcome screen.
  • I click on my user and get the "logging on" screen.
  • After that all I get is a black screen with a mouse cursor.
  • I can't even start Task Manager. No Ctrl + Alt + Del or Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

It stays like this for about 10 minutes, then the desktop finally starts loading. According to the hard disk drive LED on my case, Windows isn't even trying to access the hard drive for that whole time. It's just hanging doing nothing it seems.

What I have tried:

  • Uninstalled the video driver and removed leftovers with Driver Sweeper
  • Disabled all startup programs and non-Microsoft services
  • Loaded "last known good configuration"
  • Ran the alleged "black screen fix" from prevx against my best judgement (I don't really like running random EXE files without knowing what they do at all)

None of that works.

I can boot into safe mode normally.

My specifications:

  • i7 920
  • Gigabyte X58-UD3R
  • Gigabyte HD5870 1 GB
  • 12 GB Mushkin Silverline 1333 MHz
  • Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

I'm also having another problem which I suspect is related.

After I have gotten the computer up and running, everything works perfectly, but when it's been on for a while it starts behaving strangely when changing display modes.
When I start up a game or anything that changes the screen resolution the computer freezes for about a minute every time until I reboot again.

I think this is probably related to the black screen problem.

I just thought I'd check to see if anyone has had the same problem. Let me know if I should post any more details about my system to help diagnose this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Black Screen when Computer Boots

I'm having a serious problem with my computer; I think I've narrowed it down to the motherboard, but I'd like a second opinion before I spend the money. I have no idea what's wrong.

Before I moved into my new apartment, my desktop was working fine; now, it just won't work. It will turn on, the fans will spin up, lights come on... but nothing appears on the screen. No POST, nothing. I've tried:

  • A different monitor (both are VGA)
  • A different video-card (both are DVI, PCIe)
  • Three different, known-good VGA->DVI adapters
  • The onboard video port (VGA)
  • Reseating the memory, and trying only one stick
  • Different, known-good wall-outlets
  • Unplugging the HDD and CD-drive from both the motherboard and PSU
  • Replacing the PSU
  • Replacing the motherboard
  • Taking the motherboard out and running it on a piece of cardboard

Has anyone had this happen before? Any advice!?

Here are my specs:

  • A13G+ V3.0 motherboard
  • 2 2-gig 800mhz DDR2
  • 600-watt PSU
  • two older Geforce video cards

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I stop mapped network drives which aren't available preventing Windows 7 64-bit booting past KSOD?

I have a QNAP server on my home network which I've mapped a few folders in Windows-7x64 using NFS. This works perfectly except for when I switch the server off (or disconnect it from the network). When the server is not available, Windows boots fine up until just after you've typed in the password and pressed enter, at which points it sits on KSOD doing apparently nothing.

Based on this question I loaded up in safe mode, 'disconnected' the mapped drives and now I'm back in normal mode, exactly as before.

What I want to know is how I can keep drives mapped when the server isn't available and still have Windows boot up? Or failing that, where's the best place to dig to find out?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 Black screen of death

My two week old computer went down early this afternoon. I've been working all day to fix it with no luck, I'd really appreciate any help or advice that you can offer.

I'll also mention that I am seeing tons of pages on this issue when I search, but none of the fixes I've found so far have done the trick. I have an OEM Windows license so unfortunately contacting MS will be fairly costly at this point.

The window load screen appears as normal and then my screen goes completely blank except for a white mouse pointer. The mouse pointer moves as normal but clicks / key combos / etc do nothing.

It is a new system so there have been a lot of new program installs and changes recently, however I have been too distracted by Dragon Age to have done much since the last restart.

Known changes since the last restart- Joined system to home network
Installed a Saitek joystick
Installed daemon tools immediately proceeding the crash

I can't find any similar issues related specific to either product so I assume that this is a general windows install issue, or a registry corruption that occurred during one of the installs.

Steps taken so far-

  1. Attempted to boot to safe mode & safe mode w/ cmd prompt - Same result
  2. Tried ctrl-shift-tab // ctrl-alt-delete // shift *5 - no results
  3. Attempted to boot to Low res mode - Same result
  4. Removed secondary monitor and peripherals
  5. Ran diagnostics on Memory & Hard drive - Tested Ok
  6. Ran system restore / System repair from disk
  7. Checked that Reg key @ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\MySYSTEM \ControlSet00X\Services\RpcSs is set to NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
  8. Underclocked RAM - Just in case
  9. Used RegEdit > load to get access to log files - temporally moved them
    1. Tried to view events in system32\winevt\logs\ but I can only work with command prompt / note pad so the contents are pretty garbled.
    2. Swore at computer / threatened computer - Swore at computer while threatening it

I can access command prompt using my windows disk - but i can't seem to do much as most of the system tools use dependencies that aren't loaded yet.

I am completely at a loss - Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. The system is less than two weeks old and has been rock solid up until this point. My husband is running a system with identical hardware / OS, and has not experienced any issues to date.

Obviously I can't rule too much out at this point but I'll also mention that this is a fairly low risk computer as far as malware goes. Less than two weeks since the last install - OS / AV always up to date - no file-sharing or pirated apps.

System specs

  • OS: Windows 7 pro 64bit- Version: 61.7600.
  • AV: Nod-32

  • Radeon HD5770 Sapphire video card

  • Core I7-860
  • Gigabyte P55-UD4P Motherboard
  • 4GB Ram : 2 X 2GB 240-PIN DIMM 256Mx64 DDR3PC3 -10600 Unbuff


Edit: Sorry for the lack of updates on this. I'm a bit afraid of reboots seeing that they haven't been going well for me. The problem has been reoccurring with pretty much every reboot although leaving the system off for a while solves the issue regardless of what I leave plugged in.

I removed and reseated the video card yesterday which immediately let me boot. I've done one reboot since and it actually worked although I haven't had the courage to try it again. I will keep updating as I know whether this worked or not.

Thanks again for all of the help- I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 x64 random black screen of death (not at start up!)

I have a relatively new machine (November 2009) with Windows 7 x64 Home Premium. Since beginning of January, I experience more and more frequent black screen of death. I could not associate to any software firmly, but it did crash relatively frequently during video playback, Google Earth, and flash movies within browser. The frequency of crashes increasing, now it make no more sense to start playing a DVD.

I restored the system from a backup image from early November when the computer was still rock solid. After restore plus installing Nod32 anti virus (I bought the AV after the backup) and the latest Windows Update patches, the computer crashed within an hour.

My guess is that the issue is caused by HW failure. I ran a memory tester all night, but it did not find any errors. Due to the frequent crashes during video/GE, I have suspicion towards the video card. Can you recommend any testing/curing solution?

HW: Desktop M5812/Intel i5 processor/NVidia Geforce 220/6GB RAM

EDIT: I have replaced the video card with another borrowed NVIDIA card, and DVD playback is as smooth as butter. I took a look at the old card and I recognized that the heat sink is completely jammed with dust, so cooling certainly was not going very well. I cleansed it and placed the old card back. It seems like it works again.

EDIT2: After vacuuming the original videocard, the computer is running very stable now for several days. Thank you for all the contributions!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 10 black screen - no cursor - no safe mode - can't get in to change video driver

Windows 10 upgrade from Win 7 Ultimate finished & rebooted into low res. But it did work. Tried to upgrade video drivers to latest 2 versions of Win 10 Nvidia drivers. Both failed. EVGA GTX 970 SSC. Rebooted & after logo, came to black screen & stops.

Before upgrade, I should have changed video driver to generic low res version but forgot & left it on the Win 7 Nvidia driver which was NOT listed as Win 10 compliant (I discovered afterwards)

Tried HDMI Out from Nvidia card; Fail

Removed Nvidia card, selected MB Intel graphics in BIOS & connected to MB Video Out; Fail

Tried my Ultimate Boot CD. All attempts crash to blue screen. BUT..... next Win 10 boot, goes to failed startup screen & displays Advanced Repair oOtions;

COMMAND PROMPT: Success I can get the dos prompt & can see files & directories but that's it.

At one point, got this error: "System Thread Exception Not Handled - wdf01000.sys"

NTBTLOG.TXT shows dxkrnl.sys is the last driver to attempt loading before the black screen; it fails to load even though higher up the list it shows it did load.

So I guess I need to remove Nvidia drivers or know where to go to change the video driver to a plain jane basic generic driver; but I have to do it from DOS.

Anyone know the locations & filenames to do the job?

MB - ASUS Gene V Maximus BIOS version-1903

CPU - Intel I5-3570k

RAM - 16 GB Crucial (2x8 GB)

Videocard - EVGA GTX 970 SSC

KB - Logitech G11

Mouse - Logitech Gaming Mouse.

Sound - Realtek built-in the MB.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Black screen without cursor after upgrading to Windows 10


I've been searching all over the internet for this one, so far without any luck.

Today I hit the big update button in Windows 7. I updated all my stuff before doing this, then restarted, then hit the button.

After the reboot, the screen went dark after the BIOS logo. At that time, 2 monitors were connected to my NVidia 750 Ti; the one through HDMI apparently got preference to the HDMI monitor - I could see that they got a signal, it's just pitch black.

Somewhere around 30% completion, the screen got back the round circle that was filling up. Some time later (60%-ish), the screen went black again.

After some more reboots, the screen kept being dark. Being scared of ruining something (I should have made a backup - but stupidly didn't... Murphy struck immediately), I've just disabled the monitor and let it ran for approx 8-10 hours to be sure the update completed.

The current status is that the screen is still black. However, I had a file share in W7, which I can actually approach in W10. In other words, it seems like the upgrade itself has completed.

At this point, I don't know what the status is of the PC, how I can access it (if at all) or how to fix it. I've been looking for a 'safe mode', but don't even know if it's logged in or not (I guess not, but I have no clue what the state of W10 is after an upgrade).

As they say, I'm completely in the dark and at this point willing to try anything.

Little update.

I've bought a cheap AMD card which seems to do the trick. The boot process continues, and I've been able to setup the system.

Next thing, I've enabled RDP and deleted all NVidia stuff from my PC that I could find.

After another swap back to the NVidia card, the screen went back to black again. ough. Went to RDP, downloaded latest W10 x64 compatible driver from NVidia: (Driver version 353.62 x64 W10). Install and YES we've got stuff on the screen again.

Lesson learned:

Before starting the W10 update process:

  1. Enable RDP on your old PC.
  2. Make a backup.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Getting a black laptop screen

I get a black screen when I boot my laptop.

The laptop was in sleep mode initially, so when I pressed the power button, it looked as if it woke up from sleep mode, but the screen was blank. So, I held down the power button to force shutdown the laptop and then removed the battery. But after booting the laptop the screen still remains black. The bios/boot screen remains black as well.

I have tried connecting it to external hdmi/vga/s-video devices and booting still no go.

Windows loads fine, as I can type the password and get the 'Ding', then alt-f4 and shutdown windows.

If it helps, the laptop model is Asus G1S-A1.

Thanks in advance!


After several hours of searching for a solution, I have decided to give up on this. The best option is to replace the motherboard, since the GPU is soldered on the MB. I would have happily replaced the MB, but couldn't find a replacement anywhere online.

So, I will have to buy a new laptop (!asus) pretty soon and transfer the data+code.

Thanks for your response.


I got it to work!!! Opened the laptop and used a hot air gun @200F and heated the GPU for about 1 minute. Then used a cloth to pressed the chip and held it for sometime. Applied back thermal paste, put back heat sink etc. and voilĂ ! I think, I just got lucky.

Disclaimer: I disclaim any liability for any damages that may result from performing above steps.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 doesn't boot further than a blank screen with only a mouse cursor [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How do I make Windows 7 boot further than a blank screen with only a mouse cursor?

I am doing a clean install, having tried from both USB and DVD with two different images (32 and 64-bit) and am still receiving this error regardless of which boot options I choose. I've done Safe Mode, Safe Mode with networking, Low Res, and everything else on the list, and yet I am always encountered with the following:

  • Boot from USB/DVD, press f8 for alternate boot options
  • Choose any of the listed options
  • Black screen with grey bar on the bottom shows loading status
  • Windows 7 logo fades on screen and starts animating to show further loading
  • Logo fades out, and a black screen with mouse appears
  • Mouse is able to move, but nothing happens even when left alone for days at a time

I'm tempted to think this is a video card or CPU incompatibility problem, but it had the same version of windows installed before I decided to reinstall.

I'm working with a Compaq Presario CQ61-411WM laptop.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Black screen with cursor after successful Windows 10 upgrade

Last night I tried to upgrade my Lenovo G580 laptop from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 using the icon/reserve feature in the corner.

It completed 100%, rebooted, asked me whether to use Express Settings regarding their data collection, rebooted and presented me with a login screen.

I entered my password and clicked Enter and it gave me a black screen with a cursor. I left it for over half an hour and still nothing.

I tried pressing all key combinations. Ctrl Alt Del worked and brings up the menu, but clicking Task Manager wouldn't do anything. I was able to log out or lock the screen and could re-enter my password but still black screen. I tried plugging into external monitors and also using the Windows Key + Enter for narrator and Windows Key + P for projection settings but nothing.

I did a proper restart from the power menu, still nothing. I tried a shut down. Tried to cold boot by pressing and holding the power button, followed by a warm boot. I also tried removing the battery.

I rebooted into the advanced startup settings and tried low resolution mode, but still the same issue. Then I tried the thing about unsigned drivers. Then tried safe mode (normal), same issue. Nothing. I tried safe mode with networking, nothing. (The network side panel would show as well). I tried safe mode with command prompt and the command prompt did show.

I tried opening task manager, which did flash up the small task manager window for a second and then it vanished. Control panel won't open. None of the control panel applets. Regedit did open. "mmc" management centre did open with no snap-ins. I manually added device manager, disk management, services, and event log.

Disk management looked normal. Services seemed normal. Device manager looked okay too except a warning sign on the laptop screen (I think this is caused by safe mode). I uninstalled the drivers for webcam, bluetooth and graphics. Event log showed an error to do with a scheduled task for the browser chooser task, so I navigated in CMD and deleted this task, but on reboot still nothing.

At this point I was worried of losing my data so I went into recovery mode and clicked "Rollback to previous build" which gave me Windows 8.1 back just how I left it.

At this point I am unsure whether to attempt it again or wait. Is it possible to delete the downloaded Windows 10 and get it to re-download just in case it was corrupt or something?

My laptop is a Core i3 with Intel 4000 graphics. 8GB of RAM and a Crucial MX100 512GB SSD (replaced the original hard drive with this SSD).

I am in the UK and the laptop came with Windows 8, I got the upgrade to Windows 8.1 which went smoothly.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 10 not starting - black screen and letter 'Y'

I have upgraded my laptop from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 without problems. Windows 10 has worked correctly until today.

Now my pc (Acer 5745G) don't boot: when I press the power button, after showing the ACER mark, it passes to a black screen that shows only the 'Y' letter. There isn't the cursor of the mouse. F8 and other options to go into recovery mode don't work, probably for UEFI BIOS. So, I've downloaded the Media Creation Tool from the Microsoft site, installed (in autoboot mode) it into an USB key, tried to change the boot order to use it...but still not working.

Please, help me. I need to access to my computer.

Here there is a photo:


Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 10 Remote Desktop Connects with Black Screen then Disconnects

I've been having this issue since I updated (fresh install) to Windows 10 Professional. I used to connect to my computer via RDP through WAN and LAN with no issues.

After installing W10 and setting up everything correctly (ports, static IP etc) I still can connect, but during the day it randomly kicks me out and I can't successfully log in afterwards. It makes a secure connection and connects, but I get a black screen without a cursor and disconnects a few seconds after that without any errors.

It's an Intel i7 desktop with nVidia GPU with the latest drivers.

Things that I know/tried:

  1. When issue occurs, I can replicate it on Windows, Mac, or iPads/iPhones over LAN or WAN.

  2. Rebooting temporarily fixes the problem, until it starts happening again.

  3. Disabling bitmap caching or changing resolution on RDP client doesn't fix it.

  4. Pressing CTRL + ALT + END doesn't do anything.

  5. Created a new account and tried logging on to that to test if it is account related, still didn't log in.

  6. Did a sfc /scannow to do a system scan and fix corrupt files, it came out with no errors.

  7. I checked the event log and apparently WINLOGON keeps crashing. It only says "the windows logon process has unexpectedly terminated"

I ran out of options to fix this, any help will be appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 8 loaded to black screen

Windows 8 booted, I got the "logging in" circular progress thingy, then loaded to a black screen, with a moving cursor. I was confused since the start screen did not appear. I cannot windows+R, but I could ctrl+alt+del and then open task manager. I used "run a command" in the task manager to run cmd.exe (explorer.exe did not load) and can run programs from either of those places. I could print screen and paste it into paint, then open chrome and load it to imgur here: http://i.imgur.com/8UJvKTX.png and since this opened Paint, and was able to use save and load dialogs even though explorer.exe did not load.

  • I can alt-tab but it looks like an older style of dialog box, like Aero is off.
  • I opened control panel fine.
  • Right clicking a task manager entry lets me show location, opening an explorer window.
  • The windows key does nothing.
  • On the bright side, my passive cpu usage and memory usage are very very low.
  • I was just booted fine in Linux
  • I have Windows on an SSD, with EasyBCD letting me choose windows or linux (which is on a hard drive) and that works fine.

How do I get my desktop back? I'm going to try turning it off and on again but posted this first because I figured I should document it while it was up.

EDIT: I logged out through ctrl+alt+del and logged back in, no go.

EDIT2: Reboot fixed it. Can someone explain to me what happened is my question now? Some weird things happened, too. SkyDrive is refusing to accept my SkyDrive folder location, saying it needs to reconfigure, though the folder is right there. Steam forgot my user/pass but kept SteamGuard.

Oh, also last time I was in Linux (immediately before the weird boot) I ran a SMART scan of both the SSD windows is on and the HDD hooked up to it. Everything seemed fine. Last time I ran memtest86+, roughly 3-4 months ago, everything was fine and I haven't changed hardware since then.

The other weird thing recently is on occasional boots it won't recognize my wifi card and i have to physically reseat it to get it to load.

Source: (StackOverflow)