
bittorrent interview questions

Top bittorrent frequently asked interview questions

What is the difference between "Force Start" and "Start" in BitTorrent?

My BitTorrent download has been stuck at 99.8% for five hours. The bar is green so I have no idea what's going on.

If I pause it and "Force Start" it again there is still no progress.

  1. What's the difference between "Start" and "Force Start"?

  2. What's the difference between "Pause" and "Stop"?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What do Flags and Reqs mean in uTorrent?

I'm seeding a torrent file in uTorrent, and under Peers tab it shows the following statistics:

01 02

What do those Flags (some combinations of upper and lower case letters like u, h, i, x, e, p) mean? Secondly, what does Reqs (0|5, 0|7, 0|11, etc.) mean? It's not visible for every peer and its value changes every second.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How does BitTorrent work with only outbound connections?

What is the mechanism behind allowing BitTorrent to work with only outbound connections?

That is, without port forwarding.

Brian's BitTorrent FAQ and Guide says:

BitTorrent will usually work fine in a NAT (network address translation) environment, since it can function with only outbound connections.

Do other peers work as rendezvous servers in this case?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the difference in using Pause/Stop in µTorrent?

Is there any technical difference in choosing Pause or Stop button to block the download of a torrent in µTorrent?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is distributing random pieces of a file faster than a contiguous transfer?

Why is it said that BitTorrent is faster, partly, because it transfers random pieces of a file instead of transferring it from start to finish in a contiguous/linear fashion?

EDIT: But why do they have to be 'random'? Why not a more predictable 'semi-contiguous' transfer in which one peer gives you the first half, and the second peer the other half? This would theoretically reduce overhead.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why some torrent files are split into many small rar files?

Why some torrent files are split into many small rar files? Does this improve the download speed? Or is it better for the trackers? What's the rationale behind this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the difference between a torrent file and a Magnet link?

What's the difference between a torrent file and a Magnet link?

What is the difference between usage, can I use μTorrent to download files from a Magnet link?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you set a password for transmission-daemon, the BitTorrent client server?

The config file is ambiguous, and keeps getting overwritten when you restart the daemon in Debian, anyway.

In /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json, there are these options:


Every time I restart the daemon with:

/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon restart

It overwrites rpc-password, and the password it prints doesn't work anyway.

Does anyone know how to set the password properly? I don't want to disable it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What kind of IP address is this? (WIN-F9PTTKUMI2U:29901)

While downloading a file with μTorrent, I noticed a strange peer with an address that was not an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

μTorrent showed it as WIN-F9PTTKUMI2U:29901.

What kind of address is this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Linux BitTorrent client with support for magnet links [closed]

Is there a Linux application (bonus points for being console/headless) that supports magnet links - like the ones provided now by some famous "bay" for pirate BitTorrent users?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to avoid bit torrent to degrade my connection performance without limiting bandwidth usage?

The only way I found so far to have a normal web surfing, while the uTorrent is on, is to limit its bandwidth usage.

There is a smarter way where the torrent can use the remaining bandwidth?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does Bittorrent work?

I want to learn more about the bittorrent way of file sharing. I am a technically advanced user (programmer), so technically advanced material is no problem, but it should be concise and to the point. I need a good resource book/web which explains the overall bittorrent architecture.

I am not interested in details, just the overall architecture and the terminology like seeds, peers, etc.

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to retrieve magnet link via transmission-remote?

I'm running torrents on the home server, and I talk to home server via the transmission-remote utility. I'd like to retrieve the magnet link for one of my torrents, however this seems to be impossible, as the transmission-remote -t[torrent-id] -i doesn't give me the link, and the manual also says nothing. Is there any way to get a magnet link?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where does a magnet/torrent client look for the hash/torrent/file?

In short:

Wikipedia mentions a required "availability search" to find peers (and the actual file):

Note that, although a particular file is indicated, an availability search for it must still be carried out by the client application.

Where does the client look? Does a magnet link require a tracker URI or is that up to the client's network?

More info:

A certain magnet URI/URN from tpb looks like this:


It contains 4 tr query params with (I suppose) tracker locations that contain some sort of hash index. However, Wikipedia doesn't mention the tr param, so I assume it's not mandatory.

Where does a client start looking for the file if no tracker URI's are included? And if there are? I can imagine a torrent client (like uTorrent) itself having an enormous index of file hashes.

Source: (StackOverflow)