
basecamp interview questions

Top basecamp frequently asked interview questions

How to synchronize Basecamp and Google Docs automatically?

Is there a way to synchronize Basecamp attachments with Google Docs? Are there any products on market doing this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I start a new Basecamp Classic account?

With the new Basecamp (since Jan 2012) the old Basecamp is labelled 'Basecamp Classic'. For a new project starting now I would like to use some functionality available only in Basecamp Classic and not (yet) in the new one.

Is there a way I can still open an account which uses Basecamp Classic? When I normally register I get the new one, no questions asked.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is there something like private items in Basecamp?

While in Basecamp classic you were able to mark todo-lists or messages as private (only visible by your company), it seems that there's no such feature in the "all-new" version of Basecamp.

I know that you can set permissions for whole projects in way that only your company is able to access the project and that you can move whole todo-lists to another project. But that's an annoying and complicated workflow.

Is there another easy workflow which simulates the Private Items feature from Basecamp classic?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to Manage Project Status in Basecamp?

Can anyone recommend a way to monitor project status in Basecamp (New Basecamp)? I have a list of 25 projects, and I'd love to be able to label them "action needed", "on hold" , "waiting for client". I spoke to support and the only way they know of is to change the titles of the projects to reflect these statuses, but I don't like that because my clients are in on the projects and I don't want to create confusion by changing project names.

Thanks for any advice.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I nest lists?

Is there a way to

  • nest lists
  • in Basecamp
    • like this?

I sometimes get it to work by copy-pasting, but that makes it really hard to modify. Or is that purely a bug and it doesn't "work" at all?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to integrate Basecamp with Dropbox?

How do integrate project attachments and messages and between Basecamp and Dropbox?

Is there an application which can integrate Dropbox with Basecamp in such way so that I have all Basecamp attachments and messages inside my Dropbox? I.e., if just edit a file in Dropbox it will be uploaded into Basecamp automatically?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I exit a comment in Basecamp?

The following occurs fairly often: I start writing a comment in (the new) Basecamp and then decide not to submit it. How do I exit from the comment text box?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Getting someone's attention in Campfire

According to this help page, you can get someone's attention by starting a message with @. But I don't see what it does. What I want is similar to IRC - normal messages don't make a sound effect, but messages with someone's name do. Is that possible with Campfire?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the markup language used in Basecamp?

You can enter text into Basecamp discussions, to-dos, and text documents. And you can use basic formatting like bold, italics, lists, and quotes.

formatting options

However, I once copy/pasted text from another program and saw an inline hyperlink appear ("some text" anchored to a web address). I really want to use inline links, but I can't figure out what markup is required.

Wikipedia notes 37signals as Textile users. And there's an old "product" blog post that indicates that it is Textile. But, the linked reference page is now defunct, appearing to be a cached version.

I tried the basic Textile link syntax and a variety of Markdown formats, but nothing worked.

"some text":http://example.com

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to prevent Writeboard from showing two hyphens as an em dash?

In Writeboard, if you enter -- (two normal dashes/hyphens), it gets displayed as — (one em-dash).

That's probably fine and cool in most cases, but gets annoying if you'd want to document e.g. Unix commands—like wget —auth-no-challenge—for copy-pasting them later. This breaks down with the "clever" em-dash conversion.

I found a clumsy workaround: write the two dashes like -<b></b>- or -</b>- in the page source. Is there any better way to avoid Writeboard converting the dashes? Using <pre> tags for verbatim formatting doesn't seem to help in this case.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What web-based software combines bug tracking, agile project management and client collaboration? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What are project managing, task/issue/time tracking web apps are available for free or at least cheap enough?

I'm aware of really good packages that handle each one individually: 1. Bug tracking: Trac, Mantis, JIRA, FogBugz 2. Agile Project Management: Version One, Pivotal Tracker 3. Client Collaboration: Basecamp, activeCollab

But I haven't seen anything out there that handles all three things very well.

We've been slowly building our own system over the past 3 years, but I'd like to know: Is there a definitive web app already out there that combines these three things nicely?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Email replies from Exchange email accounts are not posted to Basecamp site

We are using Basecamp for project management and Exchange for our email. The problem we are having is when we get an email from Basecamp and a user replies to it, it isn't posted to Basecamp. Basecamp requires plain text email, however most email clients default to Rich Text/HTML.

I did some tests using Mail and Outlook, both on a Mac. When using Rich Text (Mail) and HTML (Outlook) from my Exchange email account the message did not appear on Basecamp. When using plain text from my Exchange account the message did post. It isn't so simple as that....

If I change the sending server to my personal email account (non-Exchange, Bluehost IMAP) and send it with the Rich text option, it works and is posted to Basecamp.

Is there a configuration in Exchange that is getting in the way? Can Exchange be configured to send as plain text and HTML? Any other fixes that people know about?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Transferring data between Google Docs and Basecamp

How do I transfer data and files between Basecamp and Google Docs applications?

Basecamp is a web-based project-management tool. Google Docs is a free, web-based word processor, spreadsheet, slide show, form, and data storage service offered by Google.

Is there an application I can use to transfer my documents and data between the two services?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to completely clear the unread items on the Hey list?

It sometimes becomes too cumbersome to open each unread item on the "Hey" list to turn their status into "Read". Do you know of a practical way to get rid of the unread items on "Hey" list?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Add existing to-do item to new milestone in Basecamp

How do you add a to-do item in Basecamp to a newly created milestone?

When you create a new to-do list item, there is an option that asks, "Does this list relate to a milestone?"

However, if you edit an existing to-do item, this option is missing.

How can you move a to-do task into a new milestone when the item was created prior to said milestone?

Source: (StackOverflow)