
backtrack interview questions

Top backtrack frequently asked interview questions

Alfa (AWUS036H) wont connect to backtrack5 r3

As the title states, I'm trying to connect my Alfa (AWUS036H) to backtrack5 r3. I've already installed the drivers on my host (windows 7). When I go into VMPlayer and try to disconnect it from the host. I get the error "Connection for my usb device 'Realtek RTL8187_Wireless_Lan_Adapter' was unsuccessful" the device is currently in use. I then tried to disable the device from the host. That didn't work either. How can I get my AWUS036H to connect to backtrack 5 r3?

Even after removing the device, I still get a device busy error.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why would an iPod Touch and PS3 respond to netdiscover as

Only slightly related to this question, because it was discovered in the same scan:

Can someone explain how this happened?

When running netdiscover on my home network, my iPod Touch (identified by DHCP-reserved IP address and MAC address) responded to both its own IP address on our 10.x.x.x subnet and to also. Why would this have happened?

EDIT: After letting netdiscover run awhile longer, it seems one of the PS3s on the network is also answering to - why is this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Cannot boot from Yumi multiboot USB stick

I've just created a multiboot USB stick using Yumi. I tried to start my notebook (Asus K70IO) using it, but all I see is just a black screen with blinking underscore even after waiting for minutes. If during this time I remove the USB stick I get the message: "Operating system load error".

How do I properly load my Yumi USB stick and use it? I've tried formatting it using Yumi's checkbox to format the stick in FAT32 too, but it didn't help.

Now I tried to use Sardu 2.0.5 and met same problem: black screen and blinkin underscore, if I remove stick I see "Operating system load error" and my OS starts to boot.

At the same time if I create bootable USB stick from ISO using UltraISO it boots smoothly.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you install drivers on linux?

When you download linux drivers for devices such as wireless dongles, you'll get a folder full of random files that I'm assuming oyu need to compile? How do you install a wireless driver in linux?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Virtualbox and IDS

I am working on a project for grad school and I am way over my head. The goal is to set up three VM's, I am using Virtualbox. One being Windows XP (the victim), the second VM running of form of Snort (playing with Snorby and EasyIDS), and the last VM running Backtrack. The point of the project is go use backtrack (metasploit) to hack into the XP VM and monitor it with the Snort VM. The problem I am having is, I have never used VM's before and I can not figure out how to network them properly. I am able to exploit the XP VM, but I can not figure out how to get the Snort VM to monitor it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Source: (StackOverflow)

SCardEstablishContext: Service not available

I installed the following packages:

  • libusb-dev
  • libusb++-0.1-4c2
  • libccid
  • pcscd
  • libpcsclite1
  • libpcsclite-dev
  • List item
  • libpcsc-perl
  • pcsc-tools

But when I send the pcsc_scan command I received the below output :

root@bt:/# pcsc_scan
PC/SC device scanner
V 1.4.16 (c) 2001-2009, Ludovic Rousseau <ludovic.rousseau@free.fr>
Compiled with PC/SC lite version: 1.5.3
SCardEstablishContext: Service not available.


Note: I use BackTrack5

Source: (StackOverflow)

A file shows in "locate" command but don't exist. Why?

I'm having a strange issue.
I am currently fixing a flash install on Backtrack 5 (Based on Ubuntu). I really need to get flash to work, so I looked up on google. On some board, one guy said that on this distribution (which is finally based on Debian) flash installs into iceweasel-flashplugin, so we need to change the path to there from iceweasel to firefox. (Or tell firefox to look for the plugin down there, I'm not sure).

But Here comes the weird part. When using the locate command, I can find some file and the path to it. Trying the cat command on this exact path gives "no file or directory", and even with ls -la nothing comes. I have only two files beginning with i's.

Does someone know why this is happening ? And would there be a way to fix this flash install ?
Thank you very much in advance.
shell screenshot

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can someone explain how this happened?

I seem to be having some odd results when running netdiscover on my home network. From the cable modem to my scanner (skipping a few peripherals), here's the basic layout:

The cable modem is connected to our router, which also serves as DHCP server and primary Wi-Fi AP.

From there (again, skipping peripherals) the connection goes to a LAN port on another router, which has been stripped of its router roles (DHCP, etc) and acts only as a secondary Wi-Fi AP.

My laptop is connected to the secondary AP, running Windows 7 x64.

I'm running netdiscover from a virtual machine on my laptop, which is running Backtrack Linux.

The virtual machine is connected to my network via a VirtualBox adapter, running in "bridged" mode.

The network's addresses are in the range of RFC 1918 address space.

So, I ran netdiscover on the Backtrack VM. Most of the addresses returned were pretty much as expected, except for two.

 IP            At MAC Address      Count    Len   MAC Vendor                   
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------     00:17:9a:8f:69:cf    01    060   D-Link Corporation        00:17:9a:8f:69:d0    01    060   D-Link Corporation           

I've got a fairly solid guess as to what this is - a D-Link VoIP router that we're only leaving connected (hard-line to the router) for its VoIP functions. The IP address looks like it may be a factory default (I'll be troubleshooting that another time) for the device.

What's I'm scratching my head over now is: Why was the D-Link device at able to receive and return the ARP packets across a 10.x.x.x network?

Source: (StackOverflow)

MacBook Pro and Backtrack 5R1 Configuration

I have a Macbook pro Quad core (2.2/8gb ram/750gb hdd). I have went through tons of forums on the Internet, but none of them seemed to be updated for the current Backtrack 5R1, or the question of getting it to correctly work on the MBP. Can anyone help?

I don’t have a USB Dongle, and I want to be able to use the internal airport extreme wireless of the MBP to use BT 5R1. I have downloaded Backtrack 5R1 onto VMWare Fusion, and got it up and running, but to no avail. It keeps recognizing my card as a Ethernet connection. Kismac wont recognize the card either. So what I am asking for is this:

  1. The proper “download method.” for Backtrack 5R1 to my MacBook Pro. (YES I AM WILLING TO RE-DOWNLOAD BT 5R1). The Complete process from start to finish, UP TO DATE, from someone who has done this using an MBP Running Lion OSX.

  2. The proper tweaks, settings, or commands to get my airport extreme wireless card to work (it is BROADCOM 4331 I think). The wireless connection I need to use the tools on both Backtrack 5R1 and Kismac. I mainly need to test WEP cracking on my network for security.

  3. The difference between running BT 5R1 on VMWARE Fusion and running from downloading it directly to the MBP, if there is, How to download it directly to the MBP?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Z not working in terminal

I setup a virtual pentest lab on my Mac.

When I am using lanmap2, every time I try to stop it with Ctrl+Z it just types ^Z, but if I type Ctrl+C, the entire terminal window closes.

Are there any commands that I can use to stop the process instead of using a keyboard shortcut?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Multi Encrypted Operating Systems with TrueCrypt

My laptop has a 250GB hard drive, and I currently use it to do a lot. I have Windows 7, Ubuntu 11.10, and BackTrack 5 on it, but I'd like to switch it up and add more security.

What I aim to do is have full disk encryption with TrueCrypt, along with making BackTrack a hidden operating system. Theoretically, the process I see is this: Boot up the laptop, it asks for a password. I can type in the decoy password, then it would forward me to GRUB so I can choose to boot Windows or Ubuntu, then everything acts as normal. When I boot the laptop, I could also put in the hidden OS password, then that would boot up BackTrack. Most guides I've seen basically just do one decoy OS and one hidden OS, so I'm not 100% sure really how to go about it.

Also, whenever I get this up and running, how possible would it be to change around some OS's? For example, if I wanted to replace Ubuntu with something like Arch Linux. Would I be able to do that, or would that break encryption somewhere?

Thank you so much for everthing!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I wipe a hard drive using Backtrack 5 RC3?

I need to wipe an entire hard drive and the only tools I have are Backtrack 5 RC3 and the internet. Apparently earlier versions of Backtrack had a tool to wipe the hard drive, called wipe.

I need to wipe these two partitions(well, the entire drive really), called WINDOWS and Data.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Unrecoverable system error when try to install Kali Linux on VirtualBox running on Windows 7

Downloaded kali-linux-1.0.2-i386.torrent and mounted ISO on a virtual drive.

Followed directions on http://docs.kali.org/installation/kali-linux-hard-disk-install to install Kali on VirtualBox running on Windows 7. When I try to boot in regular mode I get the Kali splash screen and then the error:

Oh no! Something has gone wrong. A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please contact a system administrator.

I can boot in recovery mode, but I'm unsure what I should try next.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Kevin

Source: (StackOverflow)

Providing a Hyper-V virtual machine access to USB devices

I have Backtrack hosted on a Hyper-V virtual machine, and I want to give it access to my USB WiFi dongle, not just access to the network, but actually access to the hardware itself so I can scan for WiFi networks etc.

In the past I have used VirtualBox, and this has been relatively painless, but I have Windows 8.1 Pro, so thought I would give Hyper-V a go.

With the device enabled under "Network Connections" I the following error:

Failed while adding virtual Ethernet switch connections. The Requested resource is in use.


When it's disabled, I get this error instead:

Failed while adding virtual Ethernet switch connections. Adapter not enabled or not functional.


Is this possible, or do I need to head back to VirtualBox?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Running chrome in Backtrack Linux

I am using the Backtrack 5 linux distribution, and i wanted to install chrome, but it wont run as root for default.

I know that using --user-data-dir will let me run it as root.

But is there a safer way to use chrome on this linux distribution without having to run it as root?

Source: (StackOverflow)