
autorun interview questions

Top autorun frequently asked interview questions

How to disable "igfxHK Module" process from starting up with Windows

I have a laptop with Intel GPU and their software is currently faulty in that it globally registers certain keyboard hotkeys and won't let them go. The way to kill them is to kill the igfxHK Module:

enter image description here

The problem is that this "module" which is represented with the C:\Windows\system32\igfxHK.exe file is started after each reboot.

I have tried using Autoruns to disable it but when I do a search for "igfxHK" there, it yields no results. What are some other ways I can try to disable this EXE from starting up with Windows?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to do safe USB autorun with Task Scheduler on Windows 7?

I found out that Windows 7 doesn't allow autorun on USB drives.

Is it possible to circumvent this (in a safe way) by setting up a task with Task Scheduler, which fires when the USB drive is inserted? At a first glance I couldn't find any related events with Event Viewer.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Open PDF when USB is plugged in

I have a PDF file on an USB drive. How do I get it to open automatically when I plug in the USB drive? No dialog or anything, just open the PDF directly after the UBS drive is plugged in. Let's say we have to do this in win XP. autorun.inf does not seem to be able to do it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any way to force a Windows 7 computer to process autoruns.inf on a USB stick?

There is nothing nefarious about this question.

We have some temporary worker who will be doing work on some confidential information.

I would like to give them the data on a USB stick, set up as a Truecrypt traveller disk, which they can stick into one of our computers.

I would like them to be prompted for the password, the partition gets mounted, they can then work on the data, save it, shut down the computer and return the USB stick.

Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable AutoRun for specific external drive

I have an external USB hard drive with two partitions on it. Every time my computer boots up Windows 7, I get two autorun popup windows. This is annoying; I'd like Windows to just mount the partitions silently.

I could disable autorun for a specific drive type, but the drive classifications are not very fine grained, and I'd still like to get autorun for USB keys.

Is there a way I can disable autorun specifically for the two partitions on my USB hard drive, and nothing else?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 autorun enabled... yet disabled?

The checkbox "Use AutoPlay for all media and devices" is checked.

Yet, at some point in time, my computer has stopped giving me AutoPlay prompts.

I can't really elaborate beyond this because that's basically all there is to observe.

Does anyone know of a solution?

EDIT 19/03/2010: I have attempted to disable and renable AutoPlay a few times to no avail, in case you're going to suggest it. All options are on "Ask me every time".

EDIT 21/03/2010: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\cdrom\AutoRun is and was set to 1

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to stop the Google Update background tool?

On my Windows Vista PC, there is always an instance of "GoogleUpdate.exe" running. I find this annoying, so I'd like to make sure it doesn't start automatically. This proves to be not so easy, as I have tried these solutions:

  • I disabled the "Google updateservice" service
  • I removed the registry section "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Google Update"

None of these worked. The registry section is simply re-added.

Does anyone know the trick to avoid GoogleUpdate.exe to be started after booting the system?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 Autoplay completely disabled - how to re-enable?

I'm running Windows 7 32-bit.

I am unable to use any of the Autoplay features. I plug in a USB drive, pop in a CD, or connect a camera, and I get no reaction.

I need to restore the Autoplay function. How can I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to extract an icon from a dll or exe

I'd like to use a default Windows icon for the autorun.inf on a USB drive.

How can I extract an .ico file from SHELL32.dll?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the danger of inserting and browsing an untrusted USB drive?

Suppose someone wants me to copy some files to their USB stick. I'm running fully-patched Windows 7 x64 with AutoRun disabled (via Group Policy). I insert the USB drive, open it in Windows Explorer and copy some files to it. I do not run or view any of the existing files. What bad things could happen if I do this?

What about if I do this in Linux (say, Ubuntu)?

Please note that I'm looking for details of specific risks (if any), not "it would be safer if you don't do this".

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can a virus on a flash drive run itself without autorun?

Someone told me that it's possible for a virus to run itself from Flash memories even if autorun.inf is not present or this feature is disabled using gpedit.msc. He said a virus can run itself as soon as I plug in a flash memory. Is it correct?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Autorun file on USB drive in OS X

I would like to have my USB flash drive auto-run a file on it when plugged in.

Source: (StackOverflow)

2 exact copies of autorun.inf, one works one doesnt [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I have two Autorun.inf files, the code inside them are exact same. But only 1 works, other one doesn't work.

The one that work is copied from DVD, and i edited it. The one that doesn't work created on my desktop by renaming text file ( i correctly renamed it ).

This one works

enter image description here

This one doesn't work

enter image description here

If you want the files :

Working one : http://www16.zippyshare.com/v/64IutSu4/file.html

Not working one : http://www98.zippyshare.com/v/zEqU2BZ7/file.html

Does anyone know why doesn't the one i created on my desktop wont work? and how can i get it working? and whats the difference between those 2 file?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Using udev rules to run a script on USB insertion

I'm trying to set up a script to run every time I plug in a USB device. I created the file /etc/udev/rules.d/90-local.rules and added the following rule:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{model}=="Cruzer*", RUN+="sh /home/jesse/Documents/Scripts/cruzer.sh"

The problem is that when the drive is connected, nothing happens. The script, for debugging purposes, is rigged to send a notification with notify-send, which is installed and works fine from the terminal.

The path to the script is correct, as I've run that exact command in the terminal without any troubles.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Automatically executing commands when a command-prompt is opened

I am looking for a way to execute some console commands automatically when a command-prompt is opened in Windows, specifically to set some command aliases.

For example, when a command-prompt is opened, I want a command such as the following to be automatically run so that I can use ls instead of dir.

doskey ls=dir

How can this be done?

Source: (StackOverflow)