
attachments interview questions

Top attachments frequently asked interview questions

Selecting and saving all .jpg attachments (and no others) using Mutt

I am using Mutt, and I have a message in my inbox with around ~1000 attachments, about 50% of which are .jpg files. I want to save all of those to a specified directory, leaving the other attachments alone.

Is it possible to do this easily with a few keystrokes or commands? Shift+T appears to allow for pattern-based tagging for messages, but not attachments.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Extract/save a mail attachment using bash

Using normal bash tools (ie, built-ins or commonly-available command-line tools), is it

  • possible, and
  • how

to extract/save attachments on emails?

For example, say I have a nightly report which arrives via email but is a zip archive of several log files. I want to save all those zips into a backup directory. How would I accomplish that?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Save attachments from many emails at once in Outlook?

Someone sent me 200 emails overnight, with one file attachment apiece. sigh

I'm expecting another 200 each night for the next three nights (the emails come from a server, so asking them to batch them isn't possible).

The file attachments have unique filenames, so is there a straightforward way to save the attachments from the entire group of emails at once?

I'd hate to have to open each email individually, right click, save, rinse, repeat...

I'm fluent in VBA, very comfortable creating Excel macros, so I can imagine it should be relatively easy to traverse a given folder for all messages and save attachments for each, but I haven't written an Outlook macro before, not familiar with the object hierarchy.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where does Outlook 2007 store opened attachments temporarily?

If a 'friend' has double-clicked an Excel attachment from an Outlook 2007 email and worked on it, saved it and then closed Excel and the email, where would that file be lurking (assuming I haven't exited Outlook?

I seem to remember Outlook 2003 putting stuff in
%username%\Local Setings\Temporary Internet Files in OLK prefixed folders, but no sign of anything relevant looking in there.

I'm he's on Windows XP.

Temporary folder eventually found in:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook
but need to navigate directly to this folder via pasting into 'Run...' dialog or Explorer to see it.

Unfortunately, Outlook deletes the attchment when you close the email.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent Thunderbird from trying to display large plain text attachments

I have a coworker who loves sending large plain-text tab-delimited data files by e-mail instead of our network share. The problem is that Thunderbird hangs while it renders all of that text into the message view window, making my inbox unhappy for minutes at a time.

Ideally, I'd like to disable viewing of text/plain attachments above a few K, but if necessary I'd be fine disabling viewing of all text attachments and just rely on an external viewer. There wasn't an immediately obvious way to do this in Options. Is there a way?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Search for email containg attachment of specific file type

I'd like to search for an email that contains an excel attachment. I'm using outlook.

I know I can do


but this matches any attachment type

I've also tried,


but this doesn't work

Source: (StackOverflow)

Download multiple attachments

The Notes native client has an option to download all attachments to a folder. I cannot found similiar on web based iNotes (8.5). Is there a way to download all attachments at once ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

"This file can't be previewed because of an error in the Microsoft Word previewer."

The issue is: Outlook 2013 simply will not give a preview of Word (nor Excel) docs in attachments.

Never had the issue with Outlook 2010. Using Outlook 2013 on Windows 7 64bit SSD with Word 2010.

I did notice that "Microsoft Word" is not listed specifically in Trust Center attachment handling, could that be part of the problem? Excel, Visio, RTF and many more are there.

Update: strange, search can be performed in Word attachments... but can't preview Word file. So, Outlook can 'see' Word docs but won't let us have that preview.

For reference, here is a similar question I posted in the Microsoft Answers forum.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Strip attachments from emails to disk but leave a link in the email to the attachment

I want to be able to strip attachments from emails and save them to disk. What I also want to do in addition to this is leave a link within the email to the attachment that was stripped out and saved to disk.

Lots of reasons to do this:

  1. Speeding up Outlook by not having so much data in open PST files (including archive folders).
  2. Allowing other users quick access to the attachments in structured folders, without having to use Outlook.
  3. Also, in an Exchange setup only mailboxes can be shared - not archive pst folders stored locally. (The archive pst files can of course be shared from the computer they are on but not opened by more than one user at the same time.)

An automated solution similar to auto-archiving would be ideal.

Any suggestions?

Operating systems: XP/Vista/Windows 7
Microsoft Office: 2003/2007

Source: (StackOverflow)

Add attachment in Windows 8 mail

How can I send a file attachment from Windows 8 mail? I don't see any button anywhere.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Stop warning box when attachment is still open in outlook 2003

Stupid warning box keeps coming up when I close email and still have attachment open.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How much larger does UUENCODE make binary files?

I remember reading somewhere that any binary files sent attached to an email must be first UUENCODEd, which makes the file sizes considerably larger, hence why it's better to send files via some other direct-transfer means such FTP, Skype, etc.

How much larger will UUENCODE make my binary files?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to mass remove attachments in Thunderbird using Attachment Extractor?

I found the Attachment Extractor that should do exactly what I want--to delete attachments from selected or all emails. Unfortunately, after installing it and restarting Thunderbird, it did not work for me. I selected a group of messages, some with attachments, and picked "Extract from selected messages" on the context menu. Nothing happens; no JavaScript errors. I have tried for a single email message, and for an entire mail folder with the same results. My AE settings include "delete attachment with normal Thunderbird code" and "notify me when all have been extracted". No other check boxes are enabled on the "after extraction" tab.

I attempted to post this question first on the author's bug tracker forum but I could not even register on his site to get a login. (I tried with two different email addresses.)

So my questions:

  • Is there something obvious I am overlooking with Attachment Extractor?
  • Or is there another tool that would accomplish this task?

My configuation: Attachment Extractor 1.3.5, Thunderbird 3.1.6, Windows 7.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How disable Apple iCal from popping up with every email invite/update?

My iCal has new behavior (since upgrading to SL). Every time I get an ical attachment in Mail, the iCal app flies up in my face. I don't see any way to turn off this behavior and it's amazingly disruptive when I'm busy with other activities. Help?

EDIT: I want iCal to add the invitations, so when I cmd-tab to the app those items are in the queue awaiting approval. What I am hoping to learn is how to stop the popup action forcing the application to become the top-level window.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to save a Gmail attachment in a desired location on my hard drive using Chrome?

Recently, my workplace moved to Google services based environment, and that includes adapting Chrome as our default browser rather than IE. When using Gmail, I am trying to download a file I received as an attachment to a location on my hard drive (and NOT to the Downloads folder). I only see the option to download to that folder or to my Google Drive. When trying Save As... from the context menu, the browser saves the whole HTML page and not just the attachment.

How can I tell Chrome to save the attachment in a desired location?

Source: (StackOverflow)