

Better dates & times for Python Arrow: better dates and times for Python — Arrow 0.4.4 documentation arrow: better dates and times for python. arrow is a python library that provides a sensible, intelligent way of creating, manipulating, formatting and converting dates and times.

How to create a right facing arrow using xml shapes in android?

How to create a right facing arrow using xml shapes in android like this??enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Arrow operator (->) usage in C

I am currently learning C by reading a good beginner's book called "Teach Yourself C in 21 Days" (I have already learned Java and C# so I am moving at a much faster pace). I was reading the chapter on pointers and the -> (arrow) operator came up without explanation. I think that it is used to call members and functions (like the equivalent of the . (dot) operator, but for pointers instead of members). But I am not entirely sure. Could I please get an explanation and a code sample?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to draw a directed arrow line in Java?

I want to draw a directed arrow line through Java.

At present, I am using java.awt.Line2D.Double class to draw a line

g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL)); // g2 is an instance of Graphics2D
g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x1,y1,x2,y2));

But only the line appears and no directed arrow appears. BasicStroke.Join_BEVEL is used to draw a directed arrow. It is applied when two line segments meet.

The line I am drawing meets the border of a rectangle but no directed arrow is drawn. Only a simple line is drawn.

Is there anything I am missing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to plot arrow onto a figure in Matlab?

I know there is a function named annotation can plot arrows or double arrows. But annotation can only plot in normalized unit. For example:

annotation('arrows',[x1 x2],[y1 y2])

Here, [x1, x2] should be a ratio number less than one.

So, my question is how can I plot arrows with a true value rather than a normalized value?

I wonder if there is any other function can approach this or is there any function I can get the axis value of the figure so that I can adjust the true value into a normalized value.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I fully disable resizing a window including the resize icon when the mouse hovers the border?

I used: setFixedSize(size()); to stop the window from resizing, but the resize arrows still appear when the mouse is over the border of the window.

Is there a better way to disable window resizing to avoid showing the arrows when crossing the border?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Arrow and Monad, two independent viewpoints to compose computations?

I've reading the "The Typeclassopedia" by Brent Yorgey in Monad.Reader#13 ,and found that "the Functor hierachy" is interdependent of "the Category hierachy" as the Figure.1 shown.


And according to the author, ArrowApply == Monad, especially that the previous one is just a type class instance that can be used when

"we would like to be able to compute an arrow from intermediate results, and use this computed arrow to continue the computation. This is the power given to us by ArrowApply."

But how can we put these things together ? I mean that there are some flow control functions both in Monad and Arrow ( like if and else vs. ArrowChoice, or forM vs. ArrowLoop), and some features seem like "missing" in Monad ( (***),(|||) or first). All these are seem like that we need to make a choice between using Monad or Arrow system to construct our side effect computation flow, and will lose some features in another system.

Source: (StackOverflow)

CSS Drop Shadow for CSS drawn arrow

I want the arrow that appears when a div is hovered here to also drop a shadow. The arrow is drawn from css:

.arrow {
border-color: transparent transparent transparent #ccff66;
_border-left-color: pink;
_border-bottom-color: pink;
_border-top-color: pink;
_filter: chroma(color=pink);

The shadow setting I want to apply is:

-moz-box-shadow: 1px 0px 5px #888;
-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 0px 5px #888;
box-shadow: 1px 0px 5px #888;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=5, Direction=0, Color='#888888')";
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=5, Direction=0, Color='#888888');

The problem in just pasting the shadow setting into the arrow is that the shadow applies to the entire span box and results in a box shadow instead of an drop shadow for the arrow.

P.S. I want to try as much as possible to not use explorercanvas, since I'm trying to minimize script tags in the html. However, if its a must please do provide the code.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Animate drawer icon into arrow on setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled?

I'm using setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled in order to show the arrow instead of the drawer "burger" icon but it's not getting animated or anything. Instead it shows the arrow drawable instantaneously.

Home screen: (Album 1)

When you tap a movie: (Album 2)

The thing is, the icon does the animation just fine when I slide the drawer, which makes me think that maybe I'm not supposed to use setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled for this: (Album 3)

Album: http://imgur.com/a/LkXbh

Here's my drawer toggle code:

    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(R.id.my_awesome_toolbar);

    drawerAdapter = new DrawerAdapter(this, App.getNavItems(), getSupportFragmentManager());
    drawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(R.id.drawer_layout);
    drawerList = (ExpandableListView) findViewById(R.id.left_drawer);

    // Set onGroupClick and onChildClick
    drawerAdapter.setClickEvents(MainActivity.this, drawerLayout, drawerList);

    ActionBarDrawerToggle toolbarDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(
    ) {

        public void onDrawerClosed(View view) {

        public void onDrawerOpened(View view) {

EDIT: I want the animation not when opening the drawer, that works already. I would like to manually trigger the animation when I load a specific fragment. I may not have explained myself correctly.

Source: (StackOverflow)

When should I use the clojure arrow macro?

In trying to stay with the functional style, I am having difficulty understanding when I should prefer:

(-> [1 2 3] reverse last)


(last (reverse [1 2 3]))

When I come across both styles in a project, I find that it breaks my flow since I have to switch between thinking about function compositions and thinking about intermediate value states.

Which should I use at what times?

Source: (StackOverflow)

HTML character codes for this ▲ or this ▼

What are the HTML entity character codes for this up arrow () and its downward-facing dog version () ?

I've been using GIFs to represent these arrows since I don't know their codes.

Source: (StackOverflow)

getch and arrow codes

I'm writing a programm that's using getch() to scan for arrow keys. My code so far is:

switch(getch()) {
    case 65:    // key up
    case 66:    // key down
    case 67:    // key right
    case 68:    // key left

Problem is that when I press 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D' the code will also executed, because 65 is the decimal code for 'A', etc...

Is there a way to check for an arrow key without call others?


Source: (StackOverflow)

how to use an arrow marker on an svg element?

I need to create an arrow in d3.js, but all I find are examples with diagrams of nodes, what I need is to simply make an arrow that goes from point A to point B.

I tried, implementing part of the code in the following example: http://bl.ocks.org/1153292

this specific part:

    .data(["suit", "licensing", "resolved"])
    .attr("id", String)
    .attr("viewBox", "0 -5 10 10")
    .attr("refX", 15)
    .attr("refY", -1.5)
    .attr("markerWidth", 6)
    .attr("markerHeight", 6)
    .attr("orient", "auto")
    .attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5");

But as I mentioned earlier, I do not find the way to create the arrow with a svg:line

greatly appreciate the help you can give me.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How arrow-> operator overloading works internally in c++?

I understand the normal operator overloading. Compiler can translate them to method call directly. I am not very clear about the -> operator. I was writing my first custom iterator and I felt like the need of -> operator. I took a look at the stl source code and implemented my own like it:

MyClass* MyClassIterator::operator->() const
    //m_iterator is a map<int, MyClass>::iterator in my code.
    return &(m_iterator->second);

Then I can use an instance of MyClassIterator like:


Looks like the compiler does two steps here. 1. Call the ->() method the get a temporary MyClass* variable. 2. Call the APublicMethodInMyClass on the temp variable use its -> operator.

Is my understanding correct?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Need refactoring ideas for Arrow Anti-Pattern

I have inherited a monster.

It is masquerading as a .NET 1.1 application processes text files that conform to Healthcare Claim Payment (ANSI 835) standards, but it's a monster. The information being processed relates to healthcare claims, EOBs, and reimbursements. These files consist of records that have an identifier in the first few positions and data fields formatted according to the specs for that type of record. Some record ids are Control Segment ids, which delimit groups of records relating to a particular type of transaction.

To process a file, my little monster reads the first record, determines the kind of transaction that is about to take place, then begins to process other records based on what kind of transaction it is currently processing. To do this, it uses a nested if. Since there are a number of record types, there are a number decisions that need to be made. Each decision involves some processing and 2-3 other decisions that need to be made based on previous decisions. That means the nested if has a lot of nests. That's where my problem lies.

This one nested if is 715 lines long. Yes, that's right. Seven-Hundred-And-Fif-Teen Lines. I'm no code analysis expert, so I downloaded a couple of freeware analysis tools and came up with a McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity rating of 49. They tell me that's a pretty high number. High as in pollen count in the Atlanta area where 100 is the standard for high and the news says "Today's pollen count is 1,523". This is one of the finest examples of the Arrow Anti-Pattern I have ever been priveleged to see. At its highest, the indentation goes 15 tabs deep.

My question is, what methods would you suggest to refactor or restructure such a thing?

I have spent some time searching for ideas, but nothing has given me a good foothold. For example, substituting a guard condition for a level is one method. I have only one of those. One nest down, fourteen to go.

Perhaps there is a design pattern that could be helpful. Would Chain of Command be a way to approach this? Keep in mind that it must stay in .NET 1.1.

Thanks for any and all ideas.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Create a custom left back button on UINavigationBar WITH the standard arrow on the left

When I create a custom back button, I'm using the following code :

    UIBarButtonItem *leftButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]initWithTitle:@"Yeah" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:self action:@selector(backButtonPressed:)];
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = leftButton;

This works fine, and I obtain this result :

enter image description here

I would have the same result, but with an arrow on the left, like this (when it's a standard back button, not a custom one) :

enter image description here

How can I simply add this arrow ?

Source: (StackOverflow)