

An Object Oriented DOM Tree in Ruby

Attributes_table formatting using Arbre in ActiveAdmin

I am displaying an ActiveAdmin registered model to the user.

ActiveAdmin.register ConfigurationFile do
  show do
    attributes_table do
      row :name
      row :filename
      row :content

:content is a string with newlines, but when rendered by Arbre newlines and extra whitespace are dropped.

How can I display :content without dropping extra whitespace and newlines?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I have a div with multiple children in ActiveAdmin/Arbre

I have this code:

div class: item.ui_type do
  link_to image_tag(item.image.image_public_url), item.target)
  link_to item.label, item.target

Basically, I want a div with 2 links inside. However, only the last element is getting rendered, presumably because what gets rendered inside the body is the return value of the block.

I know I can declare those as an array and join them, but then I need to call html_safe. I'm trying to find a way to do this when you actually don't trust the input that you're receiving.

This seems like it should be an extremely simple thing to do, but I can't find it anywhere.

Any pointers?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Activeadmin: Could not find arbre-1.0.1 in any of the sources

I'm trying to run rails g active_admin:install script after installing of activeadmin gem. When I run this script I get an error

Could not find arbre-1.0.1 in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

Although I've already installed all necessary gems and my app is using arbre gem:

Using arbre 1.0.1


source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'rails', '4.1.1'
gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 4.0.3'
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.0.0'

gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'turbolinks'
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.0'
gem 'sdoc', '~> 0.4.0', group: :doc
gem 'spring', group: :development

gem 'devise'
gem 'activeadmin', github: 'gregbell/active_admin'

How can I fix that problem? Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Row level caching with "Index as Table"

I am displaying a table with ActiveAdmin using the "Index as Table" functionality:

index :pagination_total => false do

    if Ability.new(current_user).can? :manage, :metric

    column '' do |metric|
        links = link_to(metric.icon, admin_metric_path(metric), :title => metric.comment)
        links += link_to(metric.data_icon, admin_metric_path(metric)) unless metric.datum_ids.empty?

    column 'Status', :success, sortable: :success do |metric|
        metric.success == 1 ? status_tag('Success', :ok) : status_tag('FAILED', :error)
    column 'When (UTC)', :createddttm
    column 'What', :metric_name
    column 'Area',    :logarea
    column 'Subarea', :subarea
    column 'Value',   :value
    column 'Machine', :machine_name, sortable: 'machinename.machinename'
    column 'Domain',  :domain_name, sortable: 'domain.domainname'
    column 'Product', :product_name, sortable: 'product.productname'
    column 'Version', :product_version, sortable: 'product.productversion'
    column 'Install Type', :install_type, sortable: 'product.productinstalltype'
    column 'Lang', :language
    column 'Duration', :duration

Given that the row data does not change, I would like to add row level caching of the rendered html with a long expiry time but I can't figure out how to hook into the row rendering code in Arbre.

I am currently caching the entire page for 60 seconds but that is not optimal. My cache store is Dalli / memcached.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to DRY up arbre code into a reusable component?

I have a common pattern or repeated code that I'd like to DRY up in my ActiveAdmin views. I'm using arbre components to render as much of my views as I can and I'd like to keep it that way if possible (i.e. I don't really want to convert to straight up HTML in the normal fashion -- I'm trying to understand the arbre way here). Here's the code I'd like to DRY up:

clients.in_groups_of(3).each do |clients_group|
  columns do
    clients_group.compact.each do |client|
      column do
        panel client.name do
          # ...

After reading through the documentation in the arbre gem, I started to try to create my own, custom arbre component. But I was quickly forced to realize that I have no idea how to satisfy arbre. I couldn't figure out how to pass my local variables into the block. For example:

# config/initializers/active_admin.rb

module ActiveAdmin
  module Views
    class ClientsBreakdown < ActiveAdmin::Component
      builder_method :clients_breakdown

      def build(clients, attributes = {})
        group_size = attributes.delete(:in_groups_of) { 3 }

        clients.in_groups_of(group_size).each do |clients_group|
          columns do
            clients_group.compact.each do |client|
              column do
                panel client.name do
                  super(attributes) # Doesn't seem to matter where this `super` call
                                    # is, but I do want to be able to pass `client`
                                    # into the `clients_breakdown` block here
                  # yield(client)   # -- I've also tried adding this.

Then, calling this in my ActiveAdmin User view might look like:

clients_breakdown(Client.all, in_groups_of: 2) do |client|
  ul do
    li client.name

Running the above code results in this error:

UPDATE 2 The exception has changed to this after moving my custom component code into the ActiveAdmin::Views module.

New Exception

My key issue seems to be that I can't just call yield(client) where I currently have super(attributes). But that's an arbre thing so I don't know what to do there to pass the client into the calling block. Is this the right track or is there another way to DRY this up?


I've realized that the call to super can happen anywhere in the build method and really has nothing to do with what is output. So even if I move the super(attributes) call up... I still can't figure out what to put inside of the panel block so that I can render the rest of my arbre components in there from the call to clients_breakdown.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Active Admin : Can't access show/edit pages

I'm having an issue with Active Admin. Here are the versions :

  • ruby '2.2.1'

  • rails '4.2.0'

  • activeadmin : 1.0.0.pre1

  • arbre : 1.0.3 (mentioning this one because it seems to be linked to my issue somehow)

We upgraded to rails 4.2 and had to upgrade activeadmin as well (from 0.5). After a couple of tweaks (especially the authorization system) everything seems to be fine, except for 1 big issue : I can only access the index pages. When going to a page with an ID (for example : "http://localhost:3000/admin/companies/2968"), I am getting this error :

No route matches {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"admin/companies", :format=>nil, :id=> #{User id: nil, [all user attributes with nil value]}}. Missing required keys: [:id]

Looks like the param[:id] got changed to an empty user somehow, which of course makes it break.

Here's what I know :

  • when putting a binding.pry on top of my ApplicationController and inspecting the params, I get {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"admin/companies", :format=>nil, :id=>2968} (so no problem here)

  • the lines that raise the error are :


-> arbre/element/builder_method.rb#insert_tag

-> arbre/element/builder_method.rb#build_tag

-> actionpack/actiondispatch/journey/formatter#generate (when this method is called, the path_parameters ID value is already corrupted, which raises the error)

Any idea why my ID parameter is not interpreted correctly / where I could look further ?

EDIT >> I have this in my routes.rb

devise_for :admin_users, ActiveAdmin::Devise.config

And the generated routes look fine with rake routes (in this particular example, I have admin/companies#edit admin_company GET /admin/companies/:id(.:format)

EDIT2 >> In case it wasn't clear, this happens for all show pages. If I go to http://localhost:3000/admin/projects/ for example, it works fine, but http://localhost:3000/admin/projects/23815 gives me id = empty user as well

Source: (StackOverflow)

Active Admin Rails 4 inline form

I am using on Rails 4 ActiveAdmin and Money-Rails. Is there a way to have two or more inputs in a single line of text?

para "Please enter the amount"
f.input :amount_due_currency, :label => "Dollars ",:input_html => {:style => 'width:3%'}
para "and"
f.input :amount_due_cents, :label => "cents ", :input_html => {:style => 'width:10%'}
para "to deposit on your account."

the output that I need would look like Please enter the amount __ Dollars and __ cents to deposit on your account.

I tried string interpolation but that fails. Can someone help me please?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use Arbre gem in rails?

I want to try the Arbre gem for rails. There is an example on this page: https://github.com/activeadmin/arbre/blob/master/README.md

Where must I paste the next code?

html = Arbre::Context.new do
  h2 "Why is Arbre awesome?"

  ul do
    li "The DOM is implemented in ruby"
    li "You can create object oriented views"
    li "Templates suck"

I want to try the code above, but I don't know where I must paste it. Which file? Which method? I pasted the code into my controller, but it doesn't work.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use Rails' simple_format with special characters?

On Rails 3.2.13, simple_format does not return what I expect it to do, on an admittedly convoluted case:

> simple_format("a <= 2, b < 4")
"<p>a &lt; 4</p>"

Since this case does not seem to work properly (I'm losing half my string!), is there a way to pre-escape special characters so that it works everywhere?

Source: (StackOverflow)