
apple-mail interview questions

Top apple-mail frequently asked interview questions

How do I stop Apple Mail from opening because of iCal appointments?

I use only webbased Gmail for mail, but Mail.app keeps popping up as a result from iCal-appointments that have a e-mail reminder setting. I also get these reminders from Gmail anyway and I would like to disable the Mail.app program altogether.

I'm kind of fed up of doing "forcequit Mail.app" from Alfred several times a day. How can I solve this? Is there some kind of hook like "When Mail.app launches, kill it"? Mail.app cannot be removed from OSX.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Apple Mail doesn't apply rules unless I choose "Apply Rules" manually

I'm using Apple Mail with IMAP account. I have several filtering rules defined. The problem is that Mail doesn't apply them automatically to incoming email. Even spam isn't filtered automatically.

For all incoming email, every time, I have to select e-mails and select "Apply Rules", and then rules work fine (that one time on selected e-mails only).

It works like this on two separate installs of Mail with different accounts (both IMAP though).

How can I get Mail to apply all rules automatically every time to all e-mails?

I wonder does it ignore rules because of misconfiguation, bug or does Apple seriously expect people to use "Apply Rules" menu item regularly?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to put unread mail messages in shell prompt

I am using OS X and I want to know if there are any unread messages in my Mail.app? I want to put that number in my shell prompt.

How do I go about it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How disable Apple iCal from popping up with every email invite/update?

My iCal has new behavior (since upgrading to SL). Every time I get an ical attachment in Mail, the iCal app flies up in my face. I don't see any way to turn off this behavior and it's amazingly disruptive when I'm busy with other activities. Help?

EDIT: I want iCal to add the invitations, so when I cmd-tab to the app those items are in the queue awaiting approval. What I am hoping to learn is how to stop the popup action forcing the application to become the top-level window.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Apple's Mail showing "the identity of smtp.gmail.com cannot be verified"

When trying to send email using Gmail in OS X Mail, I get:

The identity of "smtp.gmail.com" cannot be verified.

The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be "smtp.gmail.com" which could put your confidential information at risk. Do you want to connect to the server anyway?

What to do?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Font changes when sending from Mac Mail to Windows Outlook

How do I get the font to display properly when sending email to my Windows Outlook colleagues from Mac Mail?

Currently it just picks any font up as Times New Roman on their machine even though I have chosen something else in Mac Mail.

On occasion any emails they receive from me are displayed in a HUGE font size.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How should I configure Mail.App and Google Mail?

I'm running the Mac OS X 10.6 version of Mail.app and accessing Google Apps' mail via IMAP. I'm trying to make the integration as seamless as possible because I'm thinking of switching my wife to the combination.

I've used the Labs Advanced IMAP Controls to remove hide Starred, Chats, Spam, Bin, and — perhaps importantly — All Mail from my IMAP client.

I've configured Mail.app per Google's instructions. I've set auto-expunge off, and set the last expunge action to "Archive":

alt text

What I expect: when I delete a message from the Inbox, it's archived.

What I get: the message disappears from Mail.app, yet remains visible from Google Mail.

How can I tweak this so everything works as advertized?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Suddenly can't send E-Mails with Apple Mail to Gmail SMTP

I have a weird problem that started just today. I am using Apple Mail on a Leopard machine, connecting to Gmail. Fetching e-mail works just fine. My SMTP settings are also correct. Still, I can't send mail, it will display a pop up saying that "transferring the content to the mail server" failed (translation from German, could be different in English OS X versions).

I have verified the following:

  • My SMTP settings are definitely correct. I have not changed them and the issue appeared today.
  • Also, I went through the Apple online configuration for Gmail accounts and did not have to adjust any setting.
  • I can run network diagnosis and it will connect to both POP and SMTP servers without a problem (all green lights)
  • The Telnet details will show me the HELO message from the Gmail servers, so there's no authentication failure.
  • Console.app will not show any messages related to "mail" when I try to send the mail, so there's no specific error message
  • The mail I'm trying to send does not have an attachment, it is plaintext only
  • I can login to gmail.com and send mails without a problem
  • The recipient address exists and contains no syntax errors
  • I can also not send mails to myself
  • When using another IP and ISP (through VPN), it still doesn't work

As for my settings: I connect to smtp.gmail.com and for advanced settings I choose password-based authentication with user: firstname.lastname@gmail.com and my password. I let Apple Mail try the default ports (for SSL and TLS, respectively).

Again: I have not changed a thing between yesterday and today. What is causing that strange behavior? Any help would be much appreciated.

If you have the same issue, please don't answer below. If you have no real answer to the problem, make it a comment on the original question.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Modern vertical layout for Thunderbird?

It's weird that I haven't been able to find relevant information anywhere. Basically what I want is a modern vertical layout for the inbox of Thunderbird. That is to say, the message sender and subject should not be crammed into one line, but displayed in a taller row, in the same manner as Apple Mail/Airmail. The current manner in which messages are displayed in Thunderbird under vertical layout makes it very uneasy on the eyes, and I'm not really a fan of horizontal layouts.


Thunderbird Vertical Layout


Apple Mail:

Apple Mail Layout

Source: (StackOverflow)

Creating "save as" functionality to .eml file in AppleScript

I'm new to AppleScript and trying to figure out how to save a Mail.app message as an .eml message. Ideally, I would like it to act similar to the Mail menu bar actions, in which it saves the message and the attachments together.

The workflow is that you have a selection in Mail, hit a hotkey and the function creates a filename (newFile) for the email to be saved. I just need help with how to save the message to the path (theFolder) in an .eml format.

tell application "Mail"
set msgs to selection

if length of msgs is not 0 then
    display dialog "Export selected message(s)?"
    if the button returned of the result is "OK" then

        set theFolder to choose folder with prompt "Save Exported Messages to..." without invisibles

        repeat with msg in msgs

            -- determine date received of msg and put into YYYYMMDD format
            set msgDate to date received of msg
            -- parse date SEMversion below using proc pad2()
            set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:h, minutes:min} to (msgDate)
            set msgDate to ("" & y & my pad2(m as integer) & my pad2(d))

            -- assign subject of msg
            set msgSubject to (subject of msg)

            -- create filename.eml to be use as title saved
            set newFile to (msgDate & "_" & msgSubject & ".eml") as Unicode text

            -- copy mail message to the folder and prepend date-time to file name

            -- THIS IS WEHRE I AM COMPLETE LOST HOW SAVE THE EMAIL into theFolder           
        end repeat

        beep 2
        display dialog "Done exporting " & length of msgs & " messages."
    end if -- OK to export msgs
end if -- msgs > 0
end tell

on pad2(n)
return text -2 thru -1 of ("00" & n)
end pad2

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to get mail from /var/mail in a different client?

Many Linux systems store mail for users in /var/mail. Is there some way I can fetch that mail using my preferred email client?

(I use Apple Mail on OS X Lion, but if there's way to do this that works for most clients, please post that—it'll be useful to more people. ^^ )

Source: (StackOverflow)

Apple Mail: Can't undo a delete?

Sometimes I can't, and sometimes I can. I want to be able to ⌘-Z after I accidentially delete a message. Or multiple messages. I want the Undo feature!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I add a comment when I decline an invite in iCal or Apple Mail?

I'm using iCal to manage my calendar on an Exchange server. In outlook, when I accepted or declined a meeting, I was able to add a comment telling the sender why I couldn't make the meeting. With iCal, it just rudely declines the meeting with no ability to add a comment.

Am I missing something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mail.app: Showing remote images automatically for specific senders

In a similar way to what gmail allows, I'd like to get specific senders' remote images to be auto-loaded.

One option that I came across is using a rule and an applescript: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2405934

However, this doesn't seem to work (at least on the current 10.7.3 - that solution is a bit outdated)

Any ideas how to fix this applescript or, alternatively, another way to achieve the desired end result?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Import contacts from MS exchange to Address Book

Does anyone know how to import contacts from MS exchange to OSX Leopard Address book? I am able to get auto-complete in Mail for the email address stored in Exchange but I cannot import the contacts to Address book. Anyone know how?

Source: (StackOverflow)