
analytics interview questions

Top analytics frequently asked interview questions

Is there a web application that tracks visitors to a specific web page? [closed]

I would like a web app that tracks visitors to a certain web page of a big website. i.e. a page in TMZ or my YouTube channel. I would also like to be able to track whether they came from a link or inputted the url manually. Is there a tool like that?

Edit: I don't own the webpage so I have no access to the source code.

Edit 2: The exact reason I need it is because I'm making a puzzle with a giveaway for a forum I frequent, and it would be an extra measure to detect leakage.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What application is alternative to WebTrends? [closed]

I want to tracking of my php system and want to know what people do with my site (like google analytics but i will use for internal system) but I don't have any money to pay for WebTrends. My budget is no more than 500$.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is there a way to track gross number of Twitter followers gained?

I'm searching for a tool that will track the gross number of Twitter followers gained. Most tools I find will track the net amount, for example, if I were to gain 9 followers in a day, but lose 15, it would only show me a loss of 6 followers.

I'm trying to see the data before the losses are factored in, so in the above example, I'd just want to see the 9 followers gained.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to tell how much of a video has been watched in YouTube?

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to tell how much of a video of mine has been watched. Something like, most people got to 50% of it, or most got to 90% of it and so on. Anyway to tell from the data available?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Track certain weekday in Google Analytics

I'd like to compare the number of visitors on all Thursdays (of the last 12 month) in a custom report. How can this be done?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to differentiate between real users and bots / apps on Google Analytics?

On Google Analytics (GA), I see many visits from various countries some of which I doubt actual users or not. As a beginner, my basic doubt is does GA differentiates the real user at all? Or the Javascript just considers the server requests?

Is there any way for webmasters to know the real users? What is the industrial practice used in this regard?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google top 100 words searched for

Is there any way to see the list of top words searched for on Google? I'm looking for a range of somewhere like 100-500 words.

The problem with Google Hot Trends/Searches and Google Zeitgeist is that it shows searches, not words. Here's an example of why the latter is more important to me. Say I want to find out if a lot of people are using search engines to find recipes. You would think that I could look at the term "recipe" and find this out. However, this is not the case because "recipe" will only show me the results for people searching for "recipe" as a single keyword (e.g. they are looking for recipe sites). I'm looking for how many people are actually looking for recipes with queries such as "pumpkin pie recipe", "scones recipe", etc.

The problem with Google Trends is that it only shows you the popularity of a single term over time, or it allows you to compare it to other terms. This can't easily be used to for the scenario I presented above.

If this is not possible, I'm also looking for a way to do the opposite, that is, given a word, I want to know how popular it is. For example I would ask how popular the word "email" is, and then it would say something like 86, indicating that "email" is the 86th most searched word on Google.

The closest thing I found is this page which claims to list the top 500 search words, but it doesn't mention where it gets its data from or which search engine it is talking about.

Note: if other popular search engines provide this feature, I would be interested in those as well.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which survey software will let you embed a module in another web app / web page? [closed]

I want to create a one-question survey (actually multiple surveys over time) and embed a module with the survey question in our web app. Analysis of the results would take place online through the survey software.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Newsgroup analysis web site [closed]

Is there a web application that will analyze a public news group for top posters over a specific period of time? The more analysis the better!

Note: While it is public, it isn't listed on Google Groups.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I see statistics for a Google Slides presentation

Specifically, I'd like to see the amount of visits that it gets and the geographic region. Is that possible at all? Searching in Google it looks like it was possible at some point but for the life of me I can't find it in the interface.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can Google Analytics track Javascript or .NET version usage?

I know that Google Analytics requires javascript to work, so I doubt it tracks that. But what about .NET version? Is there a way to view what .NET versions people are using on my site using Google Analytics?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Mashery fit my needs? [closed]

There's a lot of non-technical info on the Mashery site. And it's stated everywhere that Mashery is all about API management.

I have three questions about it:

  1. What is API management in plain English?

  2. How does the integration process look like? (Should I change my program? Should my existing users change their programs? If both answers are "no" then how does it work?)

  3. I have a stateless application with RESTful API which is deployed on many servers. I need to obtain statistics on:

    a) Incoming requests: HTTP headers, path, request body, time stamp, instance ID;

    b) Exceptions: request identifier, error type, error details, time stamp;

    c) Requests processing: start time stamp, duration of the overall request processing.

And then I also need combined (merged) results (as graphs maybe). Does Mashery fit these requirements?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I keep track of when videos get a large number of views?

I monetize my Youtube videos, but to avoid annoying my regular subscribers I set my video defaults to disable the "TrueView" ads (the video ads) but enable the less-annoying overlay ads on new videos. My plan is I'll use less annoying ads on the majority of the videos so I don't annoy my subscribers, but on very popular videos I'll enable the TrueView ads since A) that's where the money is anyway and B) most of my "regulars" have already seen the view without the extra annoyance.

So I'd like to know when videos reach a threshold of say 1000 views. For now I've been glancing at the Video Manager page to see if any large view counts pop up, but old videos rapidly pop off the first page. I have a large number of videos over 1000 views already, so the "most viewed" page also isn't useful for seeing which new posts have hit over 1000 views.

How can I most easily track which videos have recently gotten over 1000 views or at least which videos are recently abnormally popular, ideally with Youtube's included analytics/pages on Youtube itself? The "Top Ten Videos" part of the Overview section in Analytics isn't super helpful either, as it contains many old but still popular posts.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Huge increase in Facebook traffic are there facebook analytics to see how people found us ?

We've got a company facebook page, we rarly update it, or engage with our audience, but today i went on to google analytics for our company website, and saw this enter image description here.

To put this into perspective we usually get between 1 and 0 people coming through facebook each day to our site.

Along with the increase in traffic we got a large increase in likes, we have no idea who these people are, or why so many people have visited our FB page and then clicked on our website. (i recon about 6000 people must have been on our FB page today, baring in mind that only a small % of them would then click though to our company website.)

Does facebook have built in analytics to :

  1. Stat's ie how many page view our company page has had today
  2. a referals view ti see were these people came from

Is this real or could it be a malicious bot ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any way to see traffic sources to a Github project?

A lot of people just starred one of my Github projects overnight (yay!). Is there any way for me to figure out where this influx of traffic came from? Does Github provide any kind of analytics?

Source: (StackOverflow)