
alt-tab interview questions

Top alt-tab frequently asked interview questions

How can I remap a tablet hardware key to alt-tab?

My issue is that there's no way to alt-tab on a tablet running W8 Pro (NOT RT) when I'm in a full screen desktop application. I want to remap my screen orientation hardware key to Alt-Tab. However, the problem here is that its scan code, E0_5B, is shared with the scan code for the hardware key for the Windows key. How can I remap the screen orientation key to alt-tab while retaining the functionality of the Windows key?

Edit: Before anyone brings this up, tablet buttons is not supported.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 Alt+Tab transparent windows effect delay

In windows 7 when browsing through the alt+tab thumbnails, lingering on one thumbnail for a second will engage the Aero-Peek effect causing every window to be transparent except for the chosen window.
This effect is slightly delayed before starting for the first time of each alt+tab “session”, and afterwards will be applied quicker as you browse through the thumbnails.

Is there a way to change the value of that initial delay?
And maybe even that of the subsequent faster delays?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Juggling between 2 Chrome windows in Mac OS X

I open a lot of separate windows of Chrome on my Mac. However, juggling between two separate windows of Chrome doesn't work with Command+tab. When I press command+tab, only one instance of Chrome can be seen although there are many others in the dock.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to disable the command-tab application switcher in Mac OS X Lion?

This shortcut drives me crazy. I would like to remap command-tab for snippet insertion while coding, but the switcher gets in the way...

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cmd+Tab App Switcher is on the wrong monitor

I have an external monitor connected to my laptop, and the external monitor is set as the primary display. My problem is that sometimes after I've connected the monitor, the App Switcher still shows on the laptop screen. How can I set/reset it to show on the primary display (external monitor)?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are there (free) alternatives to OS X task switching mechanism?

I find OS X task switching very annoying. Specially while using spaces.

I'd like to be able to switch between windows regardless the app it belongs to, just like in Linux or Windows environments. I'd like the list of windows to be restricted to the space I'm current in. I'd like it also to include minimized windows. I've tried Witch but it would miss chrome so I gave it up. More recently I found out it is not free anymore.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Fast application switching in XMonad

I often have several applications open across several workspaces in XMonad. I'd like to be able to switch between them without hunting; specifically, I'd like to be able to type something that identifies the application window (the window title?) and jump to it. Any creative ideas about how to do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Applications randomly alt-tab? (especially full screen games)

I'm not sure when this began, how it happens, or why it happens, but it is quite bothersome and apparently random.

Just randomly throughout the day my computer will just go to the desktop. I could be in a full screen game and it will just immediately alt tab and present the desktop. Or I could be watching a movie and this happens.

Sometimes it happens once every three hours and other times (just today actually) it did it twice in the span of 30 seconds.

I am positive I am not pressing a hotkey because I launched a game, sat idle, and noticed it alt tab while cleaning up around my room after about 20 minutes.

Sometimes it goes days without this happening.

Specs: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit, 10 gigs of RAM, GeForce GTX 260, Intel Xeon CPU.

I also have basically nothing running when it happens other than the game and FireFox.

My FireFox add-ons: Adblock Plus, Download Statusbar, Firebug, FirePHP, lazarus form recovery, tree-style-tabs, yslow.

I doubt FireFox is causing the issue but I figured I'd include it anyway because it is the only application I have running when it happens.

As for user processes I have running: VCDDaemon (context menu for virtual clone drive), razerhid (mouse), OSD, taskhost, dmw (desktop window manager), anyfullscreengame, audiorepeater, netsession_win, explorer, razerofa, tsvncache, firefox, plugin-container, and EKIJ5000MUI (printer).

Whew. Okay. That was a lot of information. If someone could diagnose this I would be most grateful for this has been around with me for years.. Thanks for reading!

PS: I doubt it's a virus because I never download illegal software and pretty much only browse Reddit and Stackexchange and play games. If it was a virus it would be a pretty lame one.. Hah..

Source: (StackOverflow)

Making always-on-top windows follow the same MRU order as other windows

Note: I'm using Windows 7 with the classical alt-tab style, ie the registry key AltTabSettings set to 1.

I want to use MRU (most recently used) ordering of windows in the alt-tab list. However, because the windows are ordered in the Z order of the windows rather than actual MRU, this sometimes gives a different order after switching from an always-on-top application.

Example: I have applications A, B and C open. A is set to always-on-top while the others aren't. A is focused. I now press alt-tab and application B is focused. I now press alt-tab but instead of application A receiving focus, application C does. Since A has a higher Z order, it's now left of application B, despite being the most recently used, and application C is placed right of B and is the one first getting focus by the cursor. To switch to application A, I need to press shift+alt-tab or cycle through all the other open windows. This is annoying when flicking focus back and forth between an always-on-top application and one that isn't always-on-top.

Is there a way to make the alt-tab ordering strictly MRU?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Vista's alt-tab behaviour: can the ordering be reverted to XP's order?

Under XP (and earlier) the windows list in the alt-tab display was fairly simple (ignoring small complications caused by always-on-top windows and some items that didn't appear at all): the windows were ordered by Z-order, which essentially meant most recent first and explicitly minimised windows at the bottom.

Under Vista this is not the case.The first six are in that order, then the desktop appears, and the remaining windows are grouped by app exe and order by window caption. I find the arrangement unhelpful.

I have found reference to this in a number of places, including Wikipedia, but I have not found anyway to revert the behaviour back to just simply ordering the windows by Z-order/recent-use. Is there a way to control this behaviour, or am I stuck with the mild annoyance?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Switching efficiently between windows, not apps, in OS X

Previous questions have asked "how can I efficiently switch between windows, not applications, in OS X"? (Switching windows on OS X, Switch between windows on Mac OS X? and others). The most recommended suggestions seem to be:

  • Use some combo of cmd-tab and cmd-~.
  • Use Expose, and possibly Spaces
  • Use Witch

I spent the money on Witch, and have been using it for a few weeks; it's ok, but it is sometimes slow to respond, sometimes buggy on window order, crashes my system if I disable and re-enable it too many times, and doesn't work properly with X11 apps.

The built-in cmd-tab and cmd-~ are ok, but still bring an entire application to the forefront. I find a very common workflow I use is to bounce back and forth between two windows (for example, a browser window and a Thunderbird email in progress), when both apps (the browser and email software) have multiple windows open. I can use Cmd-Tab to get back and forth between apps, but whenever I switch to an app, ALL windows from that app pop up. That suddenly fills my screen with irrelevant data and windows, and often drops those other windows in front of the single window from the other app that I was using and would conveniently like to keep viewing even though it isn't in focus.

Expose seems to be the preferred "OS X natural way," but I can't seem to get myself to use it efficiently. I hit F9, and see 10 windows; I then need to squint, try to find the window I want, then use the mouse or the cursor keys to navigate to the one I want. Given the number of power users who say they use Expose, I must be missing the boat here.

My goal is not to make this a repeat of previous questions. I'm not asking "what are my alternatives?" (unless I've missed one above!) Rather, I'm asking: what are you, OS X power users, actually doing to handle the use case I described above? Another common use case for me is having multiple Excel spreadsheets open and multiple browser windows open, and I'm rapidly switching back and forth between one spreadsheet in particular and one browser window. Every time I Cmd-Tab, all spreadsheets or all browser windows appear: I don't want to see the ones I'm not working with, and they tend to hide the windows from the alternative app that I don't have in focus but I'd like to at least eyeball. Can you describe what your workflow is like, and how you rapidly and thoughtlessly switch between windows from apps that have multiple windows open?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change "Show Desktop" to "Minimize All"

I'd like to use Alt+Tab a lot when I'm programming under Windows. It's the quickest method to switch between windows. However, there's one annoying thing about this, and that is when I switch over to Desktop using Alt+Tab, Windows uses the Show Desktop functionality instead of minimizing all Windows.

I personally hate Show Desktop, since it creates a separate window on top of all the other windows which captures a live display of desktop, and this causes all the widgets I have on the desktop to be hidden under this live window, and I love my widgets.

An ideal behavior for when I switch tabs to Desktop using Alt+Tab would be the "Minimize All" behavior, which simply minimizes all windows, leaving me with my actual desktop, which sits behind everything. In order to achieve this, I have to move my fingers across the keyboard, and press Win+M, which just feels clunky.

How can I tell Windows to Minimize All rather than Show Desktop when I use Alt+Tab to Desktop?

Source: (StackOverflow)

ALT-Tab box displaying "hidden" programs in Windows 8

Since yesterday, when I use the ALT+tab keyboard shortcut to switch between applications, I see my current running programs as usual but also five other "programs".

Three of them don't display a name and the two remaining onces are respectively called "Immersive Background" and "Snapped Desktop", when I try to switch to those, they just display my Desktop but with no icons and no taskbar ...

The weird thing is that I didn't install anything, nor did I tweak the registry. This doesn't seem to affect the behavior of my laptop, but it's quite annoying. The other odd fact about this is that these "processes" aren't listed in the task manager.

Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I send a window to the end of the Alt-Tab list in Windows 8?

Up until upgrading to Windows 8, I would use Alt+Esc to make a window go to the end of the Alt-Tab list, and "get out of the way." For example, if my Alt+Tab list looks like:


With A as the active window, hitting Alt+Esc will make it into:


With B active, and Alt+Tabing once will end with window C:


Ever since I got Windows 8, this isn't working any more –– hitting Alt+Esc hides the active window, but Alt+Tab will get it right back.

Why is that? Is there a way to get it back?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Customizing Windows 7 alt-tab Experience

New Windows 7 User here (Mac OS X user, Windows XP if I have my choice in a windows only environment)

Is there a way to customize the Windows 7 Alt-Tab user experience? Ideally I’d like to return to

  1. Not switching to the application until I release both keys (Windows 7 changes to the application as you alt-tab through)

  2. Showing Icons instead of screenshots in the alt tab overlay

Built into the operating system solutions are preferred, although third party applications are welcome.

Source: (StackOverflow)