

Build, display, and solve algebraic equations. algebra.js by nicolewhite

Is there any Mathematical Model or Theory behind Programming Languages? [closed]

RDBMS are based on Relational Algebra as well as Codd's Model. Do we have something similar to that for Programming languages or OOP?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Algebra equation parser for java

I need a library to be able to parse an equation an give me the result giving the inputs.

For example something like this:

String equation = "x + y + z";
Map<String, Integer> vars = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
vars.add("x", 2);
vars.add("y", 1),
vars.add("z", 3);
EquationSolver solver = new EquationSolver(equation, vars);
int result = solver.getResult();
System.out.println("result: " + result);

And evaluates to: 6

Is there any kind of library for java that can do that for me?


Source: (StackOverflow)


Quaternions vs. Euler Angles

What is the pros and cons of "Quaternions" and "Euler Angles" Method
- Which one is faster?
- Which one need less Computational Effort?
- which one is more accurate, (in round off error)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make catamorphisms work with parameterized/indexed types?

I recently learned a bit about F-algebras: https://www.fpcomplete.com/user/bartosz/understanding-algebras. I wanted to lift this functionality to more advanced types (indexed and higher-kinded). Furthermore, I checked "Giving Haskell a Promotion" (http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/dimitris/fc-kind-poly.pdf), which was very helpful because it gave names to my own vague "inventions".

However, I cannot seem to create a unified approach that works for all shapes.

Algebras need some "carrier type", but the structure we're traversing expects a certain shape (itself, applied recursively), so I came up with a "Dummy" container that can carry any type, but is shaped as expected. I then use a type family to couple these.

This approach seems to work, leading to a fairly generic signature for my 'cata' function.

However, the other things I use (Mu, Algebra) still need separate versions for each shape, just for passing a bunch of type variables around. I was hoping something like PolyKinds could help (which I use successfully to shape the dummy type), but it seems it is only meant to work the other way around.

As IFunctor1 and IFunctor2 do not have extra variables, I tried to unify them by attaching (via type family) the index-preserving-function type, but this seems not allowed because of the existential quantification, so I'm left with multiple versions there too.

Is there any way to unify these 2 cases? Did I overlook some tricks, or is this just a limitation for now? Are there other things that can be simplified?

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}
module Cata where

-- 'Fix' for indexed types (1 index)
newtype Mu1 f a = Roll1 { unRoll1 :: f (Mu1 f) a }
deriving instance Show (f (Mu1 f) a) => Show (Mu1 f a)

-- 'Fix' for indexed types (2 index)
newtype Mu2 f a b = Roll2 { unRoll2 :: f (Mu2 f) a b }
deriving instance Show (f (Mu2 f) a b) => Show (Mu2 f a b)

-- index-preserving function (1 index)
type s :-> t = forall i. s i -> t i

-- index-preserving function (2 index)
type s :--> t = forall i j. s i j -> t i j

-- indexed functor (1 index)
class IFunctor1 f where
  imap1 :: (s :-> t) -> (f s :-> f t)

-- indexed functor (2 index)
class IFunctor2 f where
  imap2 :: (s :--> t) -> (f s :--> f t)

-- dummy container type to store a solid result type
-- the shape should follow an indexed type
type family Dummy (x :: i -> k) :: * -> k

type Algebra1 f a = forall t. f ((Dummy f) a) t -> (Dummy f) a t
type Algebra2 f a = forall s t. f ((Dummy f) a) s t -> (Dummy f) a s t

cata1 :: IFunctor1 f => Algebra1 f a -> Mu1 f t -> (Dummy f) a t
cata1 alg = alg . imap1 (cata1 alg) . unRoll1

cata2 :: IFunctor2 f => Algebra2 f a -> Mu2 f s t -> (Dummy f) a s t
cata2 alg = alg . imap2 (cata2 alg) . unRoll2

And 2 example structures to work with:

ExprF1 seems like a normal useful thing, attaching an embedded type to an object language.

ExprF2 is contrived (extra argument which happens to be lifted (DataKinds) as well), just to find out if the "generic" cata2 is able to handle these shapes.

-- our indexed type, which we want to use in an F-algebra (1 index)
data ExprF1 f t where
     ConstI1 :: Int -> ExprF1 f Int
     ConstB1 :: Bool -> ExprF1 f Bool
     Add1    :: f Int  -> f Int -> ExprF1 f Int
     Mul1    :: f Int  -> f Int -> ExprF1 f Int
     If1     :: f Bool -> f t -> f t -> ExprF1 f t
deriving instance (Show (f t), Show (f Bool)) => Show (ExprF1 f t)

-- our indexed type, which we want to use in an F-algebra (2 index)
data ExprF2 f s t where
     ConstI2 :: Int -> ExprF2 f Int True
     ConstB2 :: Bool -> ExprF2 f Bool True
     Add2    :: f Int True -> f Int True -> ExprF2 f Int True
     Mul2    :: f Int True -> f Int True -> ExprF2 f Int True
     If2     :: f Bool True -> f t True -> f t True -> ExprF2 f t True
deriving instance (Show (f s t), Show (f Bool t)) => Show (ExprF2 f s t)

-- mapper for f-algebra (1 index)
instance IFunctor1 ExprF1 where
  imap1 _    (ConstI1 x)  = ConstI1 x
  imap1 _    (ConstB1 x)  = ConstB1 x
  imap1 eval (x `Add1` y) = eval x `Add1` eval y
  imap1 eval (x `Mul1` y) = eval x `Mul1` eval y
  imap1 eval (If1 p t e)  = If1 (eval p) (eval t) (eval e)

-- mapper for f-algebra (2 index)
instance IFunctor2 ExprF2 where
  imap2 _    (ConstI2 x)  = ConstI2 x
  imap2 _    (ConstB2 x)  = ConstB2 x
  imap2 eval (x `Add2` y) = eval x `Add2` eval y
  imap2 eval (x `Mul2` y) = eval x `Mul2` eval y
  imap2 eval (If2 p t e)  = If2 (eval p) (eval t) (eval e)

-- turned into a nested expression
type Expr1 = Mu1 ExprF1

-- turned into a nested expression
type Expr2 = Mu2 ExprF2

-- dummy containers
newtype X1 x y = X1 x deriving Show
newtype X2 x y z = X2 x deriving Show

type instance Dummy ExprF1 = X1
type instance Dummy ExprF2 = X2

-- a simple example agebra that evaluates the expression
-- turning bools into 0/1    
alg1 :: Algebra1 ExprF1 Int
alg1 (ConstI1 x)            = X1 x
alg1 (ConstB1 False)        = X1 0
alg1 (ConstB1 True)         = X1 1
alg1 ((X1 x) `Add1` (X1 y)) = X1 $ x + y
alg1 ((X1 x) `Mul1` (X1 y)) = X1 $ x * y
alg1 (If1 (X1 0) _ (X1 e))  = X1 e
alg1 (If1 _ (X1 t) _)       = X1 t

alg2 :: Algebra2 ExprF2 Int
alg2 (ConstI2 x)            = X2 x
alg2 (ConstB2 False)        = X2 0
alg2 (ConstB2 True)         = X2 1
alg2 ((X2 x) `Add2` (X2 y)) = X2 $ x + y
alg2 ((X2 x) `Mul2` (X2 y)) = X2 $ x * y
alg2 (If2 (X2 0) _ (X2 e))  = X2 e
alg2 (If2 _ (X2 t) _)       = X2 t

-- simple helpers for construction
ci1 :: Int -> Expr1 Int
ci1 = Roll1 . ConstI1

cb1 :: Bool -> Expr1 Bool
cb1 = Roll1 . ConstB1

if1 :: Expr1 Bool -> Expr1 a -> Expr1 a -> Expr1 a
if1 p t e = Roll1 $ If1 p t e

add1 :: Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int
add1 x y = Roll1 $ Add1 x y

mul1 :: Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int
mul1 x y = Roll1 $ Mul1 x y

ci2 :: Int -> Expr2 Int True
ci2 = Roll2 . ConstI2

cb2 :: Bool -> Expr2 Bool True
cb2 = Roll2 . ConstB2

if2 :: Expr2 Bool True -> Expr2 a True-> Expr2 a True -> Expr2 a True
if2 p t e = Roll2 $ If2 p t e

add2 :: Expr2 Int True -> Expr2 Int True -> Expr2 Int True
add2 x y = Roll2 $ Add2 x y

mul2 :: Expr2 Int True -> Expr2 Int True -> Expr2 Int True
mul2 x y = Roll2 $ Mul2 x y

-- test case
test1 :: Expr1 Int
test1 = if1 (cb1 True)
            (ci1 3 `mul1` ci1 4 `add1` ci1 5)
            (ci1 2)

test2 :: Expr2 Int True
test2 = if2 (cb2 True)
            (ci2 3 `mul2` ci2 4 `add2` ci2 5)
            (ci2 2)

main :: IO ()
main = let (X1 x1) = cata1 alg1 test1
           (X2 x2) = cata2 alg2 test2
       in do print x1
             print x2



Source: (StackOverflow)

Books & resources to teach myself Linear Algebra [closed]

I'm looking for books and resource to teach myself linear algebra to be used in 3D graphics programming. I prefer practical approaches to teaching over theoretical (even though math is what, 99.99% theory?) ones, so the dream resource for me would be a book that tackles linear algebra as it's used with 3D graphics programming from a practical perspective.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I implement this more efficiently

So I have a function (I'm writing this in a pseudo-functional language, I hope its clear):

dampen (lr : Num, x : Num) = x + lr*(1-x)

And I wish to apply this n times to a value x. I could implement it recursively:

dampenN (0, lr, x) = dampen(lr, x)
dampenN (n, lr, x) = dampenN(n-1, lr, dampen(x))

But there must be a way I can do it mathematically without resorting to an iterative procedure (recursive, or a loop).

Unfortunately my algebra skills are rusty beyond belief, can anyone help?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Greatest GCD between some numbers

We've got some nonnegative numbers. We want to find the pair with maximum gcd. actually this maximum is more important than the pair! For example if we have:

2 4 5 15







The answer is 5.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can program be used to simplify algebraic expressions?

We know 1+2+...+n is equal to n(n+1)/2.

But can we get the same result programatically if we don't know it in advance?

About why I have such a question.

Think of a more complex situation:

X1+X2+...+Xk=n, where Xi is integer and >= 0.

What's the Expectation of X1^2+...Xk^2?

The result is not obvious just by a glance, and we'll want to feed it to a program to reduce the algebra once we've worked out the (verbose)mathematical representation of Expectation of X1^2+...Xk^2

Source: (StackOverflow)

Java/Scala library for algebra, mathematics

Can you advise me some flexible and powerful, yet fast library which could cover SciPy (both in performance and functionality). I found SciPy very expressive - but I want to try something in Scala.

I read a little about Scala - but is not as featured as SciPy. Any alternatives? Maybe Java library?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Abstract algebra and Programming

I am going to start learning Abstract Algebra- Groups, Rings,etc. I am interested to know any programming language, if at all which can help me learn/try the concepts I learn in theory.

EDIT: I am not really looking at implementing what I learn. I am interested to know any language which already supports them.

Thank You.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is a "multisorted algebra", and how do I use it to solve "real problems"?

Apparently, Alexander Stepanov has stated the following in an interview:

“I find OOP [object-oriented programming] technically unsound. It attempts to decompose the world in terms of interfaces that vary on a single type. To deal with the real problems you need multisorted algebras - families of interfaces that span multiple types.[Emphasis added.]

Ignoring his statement regarding OOP for a moment, what are "multisorted algebras", beyond his terse definition, and can you give a practical example of how they are used (in the language of your choice)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Whats the reverse function of x XOR (x/2)?

Whats the reverse function of x XOR (x/2)?

Is there a system of rules for equation solving, similar to algebra, but with logic operators?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How could I implement logical implication with bitwise or other efficient code in C?

I want to implement a logical operation that works as efficient as possible. I need this truth table:

p    q    p → q
T    T      T
T    F      F
F    T      T
F    F      T

This, according to wikipedia is called "logical implication"

I've been long trying to figure out how to make this with bitwise operations in C without using conditionals. Maybe someone has got some thoughts about it.


Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I remove a column from a sparse matrix efficiently?

If I am using the sparse.lil_matrix format, how can I remove a column from the matrix easily and efficiently?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the difference between sympy and sage?

What do you guys recommend for extensive mathematics/physics/chemistry solving systems.

Sympy or sage based on the latest versions?

I also heard about mathics using both of them, w hat would be the best option if there is another option?

Source: (StackOverflow)