
airport interview questions

Top airport frequently asked interview questions

Volume formatting for network backup using Macs and PCs

I'm trying to use a LaCie 2TB drive as an AirPort drive, for backup on a home network. We have one mac and two PC laptops.

My plan is to create a Mac partition and a Windows partition. However, Disk Utility won't let me set the windows partition to Windows format; there's no option in the menu for it in the partition tab. Am I doing something wrong?

Alternatively, is there a way to partition the drive with one partition that all three machines can see? We have a Mac G5 with 10.4 and two laptops with Windows 7.


I've formatted the disk with one big Mac partition, and both of the Windows PCs and Mac can see and write to it. The Mac is currently doing a whole-disk backup using Synk Standard. (It's a first backup and has been going for over a day and a half, but seems to be making progress.)

Darth, thanks again for the heads-up about security. I've researched this further, and the questions to ask in this case seem to be [1] is the disk password-protected (it is), and [2] Is the AirPort using WEP or WPA (It's using WPA/WPA 2 "Personal").

Source: (StackOverflow)

My AirPort Express 802.11n is slowing down my broadband connection

I just upgraded my broadband connection to 64mbps. When I connect my MacBook Pro laptop directly to the router, SpeedTest.net reveals my downstream speed to be around 61mbps, which seems reasonable.

But when I try the same thing over my Wi-Fi network, through my AirPort Express 802.11n router, my downstream slows down significantly to 21mbps. Now, this is still quite fast, but its not what I'm paying for.

Note that I also have an Apple Time Capsule on the same network, and it's configured to extend the network. I would hope that this would not result in a 50% reduction in speed.

What could the problem be here? My Wi-Fi connection reports that it is at full strength.

edit: By request, here is the info provided on the wifi connection:

PHY Mode: 802.11n
BSSID: 90:27:e4:5e:32:53
Channel: 2 (2.4 GHz)
Security: WPA2 Personal
RSSI: -64
Transmit Rate: 117
MCS Index: 14

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to connect to Google App Engine server in internal network iMac?

I have 3 iMacs and a Windows machine on my home network, all connected via an Airport Extreme router. I'm developing Google App Engine applications locally on one of the iMacs, and can view applications using http://localhost:8080 (or whatever port I choose).

How do I connect to those applications from other iMacs and Windows machines in my network? I've located the IP for the iMac hosting Google App Engine: But when I try from another machine it will not load the page.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How is double NAT bad practically?

As the ISP-provided modem was generating pretty weak WiFi signal I've disabled its WiFi function, bought an Apple AirPort Extreme and connected it's WAN port to the modem. Now everything works just perfectly, but the AirPort configuration utility keeps complaining (yes, I know how to turn it off, but I am curious) about double NAT and demands me to reconfigure the modem to bridge mode. Why should I? What problems can double NAT cause?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mac OS X automatically turn off Airport if ethernet cable is plugged in

I have a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard, any way to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are the differences between the IPv6 options in AirPort Utility?

In AirPort Utility, my Time Capsule has under Manual Setup->Advanced->IPv6 the options Link-local only, host, and tunnel. What are the differences between these options, and which one should be used in which situations?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I tell which network interface my computer is using?

On a MBP (OS X 10.6.2) I've got the wired ethernet and wireless airport configurations set up to use the same static IP to my router (e.g. as described at http://forums.macrumors.com/archive/index.php/t-708685.html). I've also got the Service Order set up so that the wired connection is above Airport (e.g. as described at http://superuser.com/questions/83943/mac-os-x-automatically-turn-off-airport-if-ethernet-cable-is-plugged-in/83952#83952).

This seems to "work": an open ssh connection to a remote location stays up as I plug in and unplug the ethernet cable. However, since the Airport card stays live (and connected to the router) regardless of whether the wired connection is present, how can I tell that the wired interface is actually the "active" connection when it is available? Since the IP address is the same for both, is this a guarantee that the wireless interface cannot be used? Is there some other way to tell if this interface is in use?

PS. I'm going to post a (partial) answer as soon as I post this, as the act of writing this up and checking all my facts lead me to some insights. (The more interesting and unanswered part is in bold above.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I get more information on a potential network freeloader?

I have a home network set up, complete with a relatively good password. I'm in Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and have been noticing, on occasion, a computer showing up in my Finder's Shared section, that is not one of my own (the "pe-xpjalle" box pictured below). He has a tendency to come and go.


How can I figure out his MAC address or something, so I can block him? I checked my "Logs and Statistics" in the Airport Utility, and didn't see that computer under DHCP clients. I'd rather not change my password, since I have quite a few devices I'd have to update. Is there any other reason he's show up on my network besides having guessed my password?

Update: I fixed the Dropbox URL above (how embarrassing, I'm new to Dropbox. Thanks for the heads up, Doug.)

Update 2: I tried clicking on "Connect as..." just for the hell of it, and got the dialog below. Now I have even less an idea what's going on than before. I don't have Parallels of VMware running, just the following: Transmission, NetNewsWire, Mail, Things, Safari, iTunes, Photoshop, Pages, Yojimbo, Preferences, AppleScript Editor, Software Update, Airport Utility, and Terminal. I don't think any of those create a virtual network machine, right? And no VMware machine of mine has ever had a name resembling "pe-xpjalle".


Update 3: I just changed my passwords on both my N- and G-only networks, and I'm still seeing this, so I highly doubt that it's someone who's figured out my password (twice now). I'm really stumped.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to turn your Mac into a WiFi hotspot using OS X’s internet sharing while connected to a VPN

I have somewhat of a complex configuration question for you.

I would like to share my VPN connection to other devices, iPad and Apple TV via Wi-Fi using my Mac Book Pro and Airport.

I know that OSX Supports sharing of VPN connections via Airport, as there is the option to share my Ethernet and Strong VPN Connection via Airport.

However, when I attempt to connect my iPod Touch to my shared VPN connection via Wi-Fi (from MBP) the iPod gets a full signal but nothing will load in Safari.

Yet, if I disconnect the VPN, then my iPod works fine with the shared Ethernet (Broadband) via Wi-Fi.

This leads me to think that there are specific IP Address details that need to be entered for the iPod or Apple TV to make this work.

Does anyone have any past experience with this type of setup?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Macbook WiFi won't connect to public wifi hotspots, but works fine otherwise

I've looked at other posts with similar keywords, but none of them seemed to apply quite right.

(I have a Macbook purchased in June 2008)

I am able to use my home wifi, the wifi at my mom's house, and even my neighbor's unsecured connection.

However, every public wifi spot I've tried to work at fails. I AM ABLE TO "connect" to the network (Airport shows I am connected), but when I open a web browser I get a "Not connected to the internet" message. This has now occurred at four different locations. (Also, at one of them, I tried to connect with my iPod touch, and i was able to get online without issue.)

Also, when I first bought this macbook, I did not have this issue.

Any helpful suggestions? Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Airport Express Airplay Over Existing WiFi Connection

I am trying to use my Airport Express as an Airplay adapter (play to speakers through iOS device) connected to my existing (not-Airport-Extreme) wireless network. The Express is the kind that you plug into the wall - not the new model. In one sentence, I would like to connect my Express to my existing WiFi network and be able to Airplay to my attached speakers.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I configure a "global hostname" in Airport Utility?

AirPort Utility 5.6.1 for Windows disallows entering dots ('.') in the global hostname. Whenever you try to enter a '.', it just beeps with an error.

AirPort hostname dialog

Setting a global hostname is the AirPort way for the "Dynamic DNS" feature found in other routers; i.e. a way to register a hostname for your dynamic IP. It can be found by clicking the AirPort button, then going to the Base Station tab and clicking the Edit button by the AirPort Express Name field.

Configuring AirPort Express hostname

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you re-associate an Airport Time Machine backup after migrating to a new mac?

I used the migration assistant to copy my files directly from my old Mac to a new one.

My new Mac won't "link" Time Machine backup on my Airport disk.

I can browse the old Time Machine backup, however.

I did find the related article with this specific comment: http://www.macosxhints.com/comment.php?mode=display&format=threaded&order=ASC&pid=97623

Unfortunately, my Mac still won't associate with the old Time Machine backup.

Any advice?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Airport Extreme and External HDD not staying connected

I have an Airport Extreme wireless router and I use the usb port on the back to connect my old IoMega HDD to it as sort of a fake NAS (until I have enough cash to get a Drobo).

Every time I wish to access the external HDD I cannot connect via my mac or windows pc. So what I have to do is reset the Airport then connect. I have googled this and tried other suggestions like rolling back the firmware on the Airport but nothing seems to work.

Any other opinions?

Source: (StackOverflow)