
ads interview questions

Top ads frequently asked interview questions

Any way to manage a LinkedIn Ads account through multiple users?

Is there any way to grant multiple users the permission to administrate a LinkedIn Ads account? It would be very handy to monitor complex campaigns.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Block advertising from appearing on YouTube channels

A customer of mine has created a YouTube channel for their business but is concerned about the advertising distracting from the product.

Is there any way to stop or prevent the adverts from appearing?

The channel is here - http://www.youtube.com/user/AtholeStillOpera

Source: (StackOverflow)


Show the same ad in multiple locations on a page [closed]

What service is used to serve the same ad in multiple locations on a single page load?

For example

enter image description here

It appears in this example Google is serving the ads, however I don't see an option for this in Google Adsense.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How Do I get Rid of Ads on the Right Side on Gmail?

Not only am I inundated with ads in Gmail, but they seem to be reading my mind. Is there any way to turn this off or otherwise change this "tracking."

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a whitelist for AdBlock Plus of well behaved sites?

I don't mind text ads, or Reddit's advertisements where I can comment on them, and I should probably be supporting the sites I visit.

As it stands I'm whitelisting the ads manually from well behaved sites, is there a subscription that automatically whitelists good sites? The closest I've found is "EasyList without element hiding"

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I disable the advertisements shown before Youtube videos?

I don't mind the advertisements on the right side or the small banner inside Youtube videos, but the advertisements shown before a video is played are really annoying.

How can I disable those advertisements? I know I can install AdBlock Plus for Firefox, but that also disables all other advertisements which is not fair for webmasters. If that's the only way to get rid of the advertisements, Google seriously did something wrong.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Setting Google results to stay in a language, regardless of location

How do I keep the Google search results in English regardless of where I am searching from? Google is a genius at knowing what ads to show me and what particular language to show me the ads.

If I travel to Germany, I start getting Google results in German, which is OK because I can somewhat manage. However, when I go to Brazil I don't speak Portuguese and would like the results in English. Or is Google only allowing me to read the ads in a language I know?

I'm constantly having to click and reclick the bottom link "Google in English". I have tried every setting I can think of set to English in my Google preferences/settings, is there one I'm overlooking?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I hide channels from Youtube?

Some highly ranked Youtube channels seem to do nothing but reupload others' videos and slap advertisements on them. I am really really tired of giving those channels views, but it's sometimes hard not to. I'm looking for a browser plugin of sorts to help me in this.

For example, say you want to view the TF2 "Meet the Spy" video; the official video isn't even on the search results page, while the top hit is comes from the Machinima channel. One has ads, the other doesn't; guess which?

For bonus points, in addition to removing videos from known bad channels, it would be nice if I got a warning before loading a video of theirs through a direct link. For example, today I was linked to Gamespot's reupload (full of the lamest advertisements ever seen in history of world) of the official video announcing Toki Tori 2. A warning would've been nice.

Is there anything like this out there? I'm happy to view ads to support content creators and refrain from using ad blockers whenever possible, but I don't want to give sharks my impressions.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I find out the cost per click for specific key words on Google Adwords?

I'm new to the "Adwords" feature of the Google search engine. I understand that for a fee measured in cost-per-click, I can have sponsored links appear in Google searches. I see that on the Adwords homepage, I can search for information about how often my key words are searched and a gauge that shows "competition" for my proposed key word.

My question is: how can I find out (estimate?) the actual cost that will be incurred to me when someone clicks on my ad (which is not yet running). I just want to know how much to expect to pay when people click on my "Adword".

My limited understanding is that Google's web app uses some sort of "bidding" process to determine which ads to show and how much to charge per click, but the details are confusing.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Who pays to drive traffic to Wikipedia?

I sometimes use Goodsearch.com, as it apparently donates a part of the advertising revenue to charity. Regardless, sometimes I see really odd behavior that results from non-commercial sites like .edus and even Wikipedia appearing as sponsored results. Does Wikipedia advertise to drive revenue to their sites? If not, who is sponsoring (i.e. paying) to drive visitors to Wikipedia and other apparently non-commercial sites? In the screenshot below a number of results are from Wikipedia. Or is it Yahoo or Bing trying to get a larger share of visitors going through them?

screen shot for the search "does wikipedia advertise" on goodsearch.com

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Gmail leak the contents of my email via ads?

I have assumed for some time that de facto Gmail leaks information about the contents of my email. Having just read a related question, I'm wondering if my assumption is correct.

Suppose, for example, Merck buys an ad that links to keywords related to embarrassing medical condition XYZ. They link the ad to a URL in which they have encoded XYZ. When I click on the ad, whose text is something innocuous, I'm sent to the XYZ URL, whose contents sets a cookie saying "Gmail tagged as XYZ". Voila, Merck has now pried personal info from my Gmail account. (Merck also takes the precaution of logging my IP.)

Is there any reason this wouldn't work? Does anyone do this? The only defense I can see if Google wants to prevent this is to carefully examine keywords (nearly impossible to do with 100% efficacy) and also do some robot testing for cookies. Or legal defenses, but suing your clients gets messy.

(Note 1: Merck is a trademark and simply an example; I have no beef with them. Nor do I have any embarrassing medical conditions for which they sell pharmaceuticals. :)

Note 2: This is far more insidious these days, since Gmail stopped only displaying keyword ads by the particular email containing the keywords. Now you could click on an ad for a free iTunes song that leaks info about an email you read 10 minutes ago.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Facebook want me to add more friends?

Facebook keeps spamming me with different variations of "Friend Finder", "Find more friends" & co (mostly on the right column, where the ads belong), and I'm just wondering: why are they doing that?

I already have more than 250 friends, so they could see that I'm not new to Facebook, and it's likely that I already added almost all of my friends and people-I-know-enough-to-be-considered-by-Facebook-as-a-friend. So their goal is not to help me find real friends (that is, somehow improve my Facebook experience), but just to add more connections to their social graph. So if there is no interest for me in that, there must be some interest for them, but I don't see it.

Also my primary thought was that more friends = more information about me = more targeted advertising = more profit for them, but I'm really not sure if adding people who are not my real friends would help Facebook target me better...

What's the explanation?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I get Google (or others) to pay me for putting ads on my site?

Let's say that I have a super popular blog and I want to start making some ad revenue from the people that come there. How do I set it up so that ads are automatically placed on my page and so that when someone clicks them I am automatically paid?

I'm looking for a basic "how-to" and possibly some links to get me started.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get rid of web ads that show what you've looked at on Amazon?

It seems now that anytime I "shop" online, i.e., look at anything in a shopping site such as Amazon, ads for that thing I looked at show up everywhere. For instance, I happened to click on ladybugs and now I have ladybugs showing up everywhere. These things last for weeks even if I actually buy the thing! I'm sure they have something to do with cookies. Is there anyway to remove that cookie without disabling my ability to shop on Amazon?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook advertising: targeting for exact users

Is it possible to target Facebook advertising for exact users? For example: to show advertisements to all friends of a particular person?

Source: (StackOverflow)