
adobe-flash interview questions

Top adobe-flash frequently asked interview questions

How to get good video performance for remote access to virtualized computer?

At home, I'd like to move my main Windows installation off of my desktop computer and replace it with a virtualized guest installation on my combined file server, web server and media center. The server is always on so I plan to connect with Remote Desktop locally from my desktop computer, or remotely from a 3G laptop, whenever I want to access this main installation with all programs etc. Windows 7 everywhere (and server needs to keep running it in order to provide Windows Media Center).

When running over LAN from my desktop computer I would really like to be able to stay in the virtualized installation for as many tasks as possible. I've tested running the guest in Windows 7 Virtual PC, connecting to it with standard Remote Desktop, and most things work really really well except that video can be quite choppy. I can see that RDP7's Windows Media Player redirection is working nicely, as WMV files play smoothly, but unfortunately most of the video content I watch is Flash based (seminars, Google TV on Youtube, etc) and doesn't get that speed-boost.

So, can I improve this in some way to get better [Flash/non-WMV] video performance? Can I optimize the setup somehow?

Or are there alternative remote display products with better Flash performance? (I read that Citrix does Flash redirection, but the product suite seems very enterprisy)

My current LAN is 100Mbit, but I can easily upgrade to 1Gbit, if needed.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Switching Between Flash and Gnash in Firefox

How do you easily switch Flash players in Firefox on Linux between Adobe Flash and Gnash? Neither players work very well, but when one fails, the other usually works, so being able to quickly try one after the other would be extremely convenient. There's a buggy Firefox plugin, but it only works on Windows, and only supports switching between the various Adobe Flash versions.

The only way I know how to switch players on Firefox Linux is to shutdown Firefox, uninstall Gnash, reinstall Adobe Flash, and restart Firefox. This is obviously quite painful, and pretty much keeps me tied to Adobe Flash. Is there an easier way?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do you tell the version of Flash Player running in Chrome?

I am getting an error trying to debug in Flex: it says to make sure I'm running the debugger version of Flash Player.

I downloaded it and installed it, but still am getting the error. But I wonder how in Chrome do I check which version of Flash is running?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change FPS in flash without speeding up animation

Does anyone know how to change the fps of an fla without speeding up the animation. I need to hand it over to a video editor and he needs the fps to be 59.94 fps.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I zoom in on Flash applications?

I often use applications made in Flash. Due to my high resolution the standard browser zoom means that everything in these applications is too small.

Using the default zoom function in all major browsers I have tested does not zoom the Flash content, so that does not help.

My best solution at the moment is to keep changing the screen resolution. This is, however, tedious, so my question is whether there is a better solution?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How is Flash installer being invoked?

About once a week this program is being run automatically:


I know what it is, and what the updates are, I don't care about that. What I would like to know is how this program is being launched. It is run as a child process under explorer.exe (as shown in Sysinternals Process Explorer), and it appears at Windows login.

I can't find this program in autoruns (by Sysinternals), it doesn't appear to be a driver, service, or listed in scheduled tasks. It is listed in the registry in 2 places, but not in a way that would cause it to run automatically as far as I can tell.

I even checked win.ini and system.ini, nothing.

How is this program launched? I like to understand Windows to the level of knowing what and why programs are running and where they come from.

I think this is the first time I have not been able to determine the launch mechanism for a program. About all I can guess at this point is that it is somehow integrated into Windows Explorer desktop, but I don't see how this is being set up.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Wireless Mouse Behaving Improperly

I recently received a new wireless mouse (Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000) for my laptop for Christmas. I liked it a great deal, until I recently began working in Adobe Flash again, and started experiencing some problems.

When I'm working in Flash with this mouse, and I use the scroll wheel on the stage to scroll down, all seems well. But when I try to scroll up, moving even one notch on the wheel scrolls more than half of the stage distance. (It goes really, really fast). This isn't supposed to happen.

Even curiouser, the scroll wheels doesn't seem to have any effect at all in the layers panel. No scrolling is achieved.

Flash is the only application that I've had any trouble with using this mouse: it seems fine in everything else.

Any other mouse, wireless or otherwise works fine with this software.

Today, I tried installing the mouse software, to see if that had any effect. It did not. However, if I change the [Connected Device] option to "Basic Optical Mouse", then there is a change: The scroll wheel now works in the layers panel of Flash, but the scroll speed is now sped up in both directions on the stage!

Any suggestions?

Note: I'm running Windows 7 - 64bit.


Today I determined that Microsoft has been implementing something they call high definition scrolling to their mouse wheels, where each 'notch' of the wheel indicates a much smaller scroll distance than normal, but there are many more of them. (The wheel turns smoothly, not in 'steps' like others. This seems like the kind of thing that would screw stuff up. Any information about this?

Mouse Settings

Source: (StackOverflow)

Any need to open Adobe socket policy server port 843?

So I've noticed that whenever I visit a adobe flash site I get entries in my outgoing iptables logs like

netfilter:out dropped: IN= OUT=eth1 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=15830 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=46964 DPT=843 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 

I discovered this port 843 is to do with Adobe's Socket Policy Server.

1) Given these packets are not getting through, how is it that flash content loads and plays fine? (Any benefit in me opening this outgoing port?)

2) Is the purpose of the policy file to decide which sockets on my home computer flash can use, or is it asking its host server what sockets it wants the client (me) to be allowed to connect to the web server on?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Flash not working in Google Chrome

I have been experiencing problems in using Flash on Google Chrome on Mac. I have updated to Google Chrome version 6.0. I checked that my flash version is Since it is Google Chrome on Mac that is why the flash player is built-in.

The problem that I am having is that I cannot install Adobe air apps like one over here, Youtube doesn't work properly specially volume controls, basically websites with embedded flash files which require any kind of interaction with mouse do not work.

The same websites on Firefox work ok. Google Chrome on Windows doesn't give any problems either. Its just the Google Chrome on Mac.

Has been anybody else been experiencing the same problem? Is there a solution?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I use Flash Catalyst standalone? [closed]

I'm a web designer who likes to code everything by hand in Notepad, but now that I'm upgrading software I am looking to modernize by adding some newer graphic design software to my computer. I have decided on the GIMP for image development, possibly Inkscape for some designing (maybe), and Flash Catalyst to make some lightweight Flash applications.

In doing some research, I've noticed that Flash Professional obviously has all the features I'd need, but it's a bit heavy and it looks really hard to use. I was thinking that I can do most of the web applications development that I need (minimal animations) in Flash Catalyst. But, in watching video tutorials, I see that most people use Catalyst in conjunction with Photoshop and Illustrator. Do I need these programs to import graphics into Catalyst, or can I just manipulate JPEGs and PNGs? What's the essential difference here?

Also, will I need Flash Builder to develop the code for programs made in Catalyst, or is that only for more robust applications development?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Constant Adobe Flash, browser and laptop crashes - reason?

Since two days I have constant problems with my browser and laptop, as both crash pretty fast (every 30-45 minutes) and regularly, consistently. Now I don't think it is a browser issue, even though I use a Google Chrome deviant and not Google Chrome itself. But it is not the first time I use the browser intensely. Also today my laptop crashed while I tried to record a webcast.

Only then when my laptop restarted the "page file" settings popped-up! Otherwise I would have never noticed: They were set to 167 MB ?! I still don't know how that could happen, as I have 6 GB of RAM!

Browser: SRWare Iron v.16.0.950.0, based on Chromium / Google Chrome v.16

Laptop: Sony Vaio Z11Z9E/B

After I changed the pagefiles size (to 400 / 4000, see [3]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/hmIjd.jpg), it still doesn't work and browser and laptop crash. Now I ran memtest86+ (v.4.20) and Windiag and exported all the browser extensions and their memory footprint (through "about:memory" [5]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/y9Cm5.jpg) plus all the other information (through "about:net-internals") at http://pastebin.com/enQjWtbp. And the ProcessExplorer (v.15.11) task list: http://pastebin.com/qJQjK5w3. I want to mention that memtest86+ ( [1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/Us1ui.jpg) and windiag ([2]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/TR1qL.jpg) did not find any RAM errors. So either my pagefile size is still screwed or I have to search in another direction. sysinfo file: http://tinypaste.com/5887026e

I want to add, recently (2 weeks), the "explorer.exe" freezes / crashes with every startup/restart of my laptop. (See: [4]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/UaO2j.jpg) First I tried to "kill all processes" on it, but ProcessExplorer tells me it can't restart explorer.exe. Just for your information...

If anyone is expert on this topic, I'd appreciate if you could have a look in my logfiles! Sorry that part of the logfiles are in German. Ask Microsoft why...(or ask me to export and reupload them with another program.)


![memdisk86+ result][1] ![windiag result][2] ![pagefile settings][3] ![freezing and crashing explorer.exe][4] ![about:memory SRWare Iron][5]

Source: (StackOverflow)

Flash CS5 failing to open it's own documents

Pretty disastrous really, on Friday I made a few tweaks to some production files, nothing out of the ordinary at all. Today, I cannot open a large number of my own documents.


  1. I have only one version of CS on my WinXPSP3 machine, CS5
  2. I created all of the unopenable documents in CS5
  3. I have edited them above files successfully over the last few months
  4. Nobody else even tried to open them, let alone actually managed to
  5. Occassionally when I attempt to open a suspect file, it does actually open and is then fine (like 3 across 28 source files), but mostly I just get the 'Unexpected File Format' error followed by document auto-close.

Possibly important:

  1. I recently uninstalled Flash Player, installed the Adobe 'official' archived Flash Player 7 version to do some version detection testing (oh dear, here we go)
  2. I also subsequently finished the above testing, uninstalled FP7, reinstalled FP10 (non-debug)
  3. Chrome fails to launch FP10 plugin occasionally, across a range of sites

Other than the Flash Player un/install business, nothing unusual as stated. It should also probably be noted that the un/installation of the player happened over a week ago, so may be totally unrelated.

Ugh, no source files, awesome Adobe. d

Source: (StackOverflow)

Adobe Flash: Getting the Alt-Ctrl behaviour back to normal

When typing, many of the special characters I type are with Ctrl-Alt. Ctrl-Alt-0 is ], for example. Those are characters essential when writing code. But this term, at school, we're learning to program in Flash, with ActionScript. For some reason, Flash, just like Illustrator and Photoshop [those two are somewhat understandable since Ctrl and Alt change the tool you're using], blocks me from doing that. Ctrl-Alt-0 does nothing in Flash.

Those characters can be typed with Alt Gr, the right-hand Alt, instead of Ctrl-Alt. But that's crazy impractical. It forces me to move my left hand quite far on the right side of the keyboard, and that's inefficient.

This is pretty annoying. I could type the code in another software, but being in Flash and able to test my things with a simple Ctrl-Enter is a notable speed boost as well. Is there a way to return this to normal?

PS: The problem doesn't really show itself on a Mac, where it's replaced by another, more global one: the Mac keyboard uses left Alt only to type those characters. (Pretty inconvenient since the key isn't even in the same place as Windows' Alt, but anyway.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Flash does not activate window where I mark code

In Flash CS6 when I mark code in one window, Flash does not activate that window. This means that no shortcuts are working for that window (save, copy, paste, etc.).

Are other users having that problem? And what are you doing about it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Adobe Flash Player installation progress always stopps at 12%

I can download the file flash player http://aihdownload.adobe.com/bin/install_flashplayer11x32_mssd_aih.exe

I use Windows 7. Java Scirpt is activated. No Virus scanner is installed. I have a 32 Bit device.

But in Firefox and Opera it stop retrieving data at 12%.

Can somebody help me?

More details necessary?

Source: (StackOverflow)