
address-bar interview questions

Top address-bar frequently asked interview questions

Is there a Firefox plugin that will allow me to edit the address in a popup?

The website I'm developing uses a lot of popups. It is handy for me to be able to edit the address in the address bar so that I can append variables and such. FF seems to prevent me from doing this. Is there a plugin that will unlock it again?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Search for Images from Omnibox directly in Google Chrome

Is there anyway to configure Google Chrome's Omnibox to search directly for Images instead of default Web search?

Relatively any possibilities for making news search and rest types?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Firefox 4 Beta 12 -- Move Link URLs back to Address Bar?

The latest beta of Firefox seems to have moved the link URL display from the address bar to a small box in the bottom left. I was happy with them in the address bar, so is there a way to move them back?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get the address bar and tabs on a different row in IE9?

Is it possible to change the layout of IE9 in order to have the address bar be longer or on a different row than the page tabs?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the shortcut to select the address bar in Google Chrome?

What's the shortcut to select Address bar of the current page on Google Chrome?
I always have to create a New tab to write in address bar. So is there any shortcut?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the keyboard shortcut to focus to address bar in Mac Chrome?

In Windows Chrome, alt + d is the shortcut.
What is it in Mac Chrome?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get an address bar in Finder?

I'm used to knowing where all my files are. Is there a way to get an address bar to show up in Finder in OS X (10.5+) like in Explorer in Windows or Nautilus in GNOME?

I also want to be able to copy the address bar. Perhaps the workflow is different on a Mac, but I'm used to throughly sorting my files under many layers of folders and then when I need to upload or download something, or access a file in command line or etc, I can copy and paste that directly into the file dialog.

To clarify, my goal is to have an experience like in Windows: press CtrlD (CmdL) and CtrlC.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Chrome: remove URL from autocomplete which doesn't show up in history? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I accidentally visited gist.gihub.com (note the missing t), and now that URL auto completes each time I start typing gist.…. How can I remove this URL?

I've tried removing it from my history, but that doesn't help:

enter image description here

(note the empty search results)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Removing past searches from Google Chrome's omnibar

One time I searched for Orange Juice in Chrome's Omnibar. Now, every time I start typing Orange, I get the search suggestion:

How do I get Chrome to stop offering me this search suggestion? If I need to edit some config file, I can do that.

Please don't post answers if you haven't ensured they work first. (This is intended to prevent people from answering "Press Shift-Delete.")

Clarification: I'd prefer a solution in which I can selectively delete entries, not just by time segment. I also prefer a solution that does not involve cancelling any Chrome functionality.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to delete an URL from Chrome's Omnibox suggestions? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How do I delete previously entered items from Google Chrome Omnibox?
Chrome: remove URL from autocomplete which doesn't show up in history?

How can I delete an URL from Chrome's Omnibox suggestions?

The URLs won't be deleted even if I clear my entire browsing history. I've also tried deleting the "History Provide Cache" file, but to no avail.

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Make Chrome's Omnibar behave more like the Firefox AwesomeBar

One of my favorite features of the Firefox AwesomeBar is that I can simply type a substring of any URL or page title in my history and it finds all matches sorted by how frequently they were accessed.

Example: I simply type "ask" when I want to ask something on stackoverflow.com., "inbox" goes to my GMail Inbox and so on because the substring matches any part of the URL or the page title.

Chrome's Omnibar is quite frustrating in this area. I am not able to predict what it's gonna fetch and I seem to have no way to train the thing to do my bidding. I have unchecked the option that says: "Use a suggestion service to help complete searches and URLs typed..." but there has been no noticeable improvement.

Any clues how I can make the Omnibar behave?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the keyboard shortcut to enter address bar of Windows Explorer in the German version of Windows 7?

I open Windows Explorer mostly by using the Win+E shortcut. I want to enter the folder directly after Windows-Explorer opened but for that I have to use the mouse, click to the address bar and then I can start typing.

How can I achieve this via the keyboard in Windows 7?

I am aware of a similar question, but the mentioned Alt+D just opens an item of the menu bar, at least in my Windows 7.


I am using the german version of Windows 7. The first menu in the menu bar is labeled "Datei" ("File"), which has the "D" underlined .. so it seems to be a menu shortcut. Checking the german version of the keyboard shortcuts overview for Vista does not list Alt+D, for Windows 7 it is listed, but does not work.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I teach Chrome's omnibar to search in Google Maps?

It seems that the only site on the web that is unavailable for search via Chrome's omnibar is Google's own Maps. Is there any way I could teach the omnibar to search Google Maps?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I stop Firefox from autocompleting the wrong site in the location bar? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

There are a few sites I have visited by mistake. These are not bookmarked, but despite repeated clearing of browser history, both from within Firefox, and using CCleaner, Firefox keeps suggesting these sites via autocomplete in the location bar. This happens on both OSX and Windows.

For example, one time, about 23 versions ago, I typed vim and then accidentally pressed ⌘-Enter instead of ⌘-Shift-Enter. The latter would have browsed to www.vim.org whereas I ended up on www.vim.com.

To this day, when I type vim in the location bar, I am offered vim.com, and not vim.org as the first choice even though I have cleared history many times, and vim.org is bookmarked:

Firefox autocompletes vim to vim.com

How can I get Firefox to offer vim.org (which is bookmarked) instead of vim.com (which is not bookmarked) when I type vim in the location bar?

PS: Search suggestions in both the search bar and the location bar are disabled.

PPS: On my MacBook Pro, if I press Delete, or ⌘-Delete, or Shift-Delete, it clears vim.com from the location bar, but the same thing happens again the next time I type vim into the location bar.

PPPS: The magic of asking on SuperUser strikes. Doing the same thing I have done before, delete from auto-complete, clear history, and then clean using CCleaner, I now have what I want.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to make the Firefox address bar only show the first level URL the user visited before?

Is there a way to make the Firefox address bar only show the first level URL the user visited before?

If I visited www.example.com, I hope that whenever I type e, it will only show www.example.com and not www.example.com/sub/sub/sub/***.

Is there an add-on or trick to do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)