
accessibility interview questions

Top accessibility frequently asked interview questions

Mouse anti-tremor solution?

My 73 year old mother is a surprisingly savvy computer user. She uses her computer for research almost daily. As she has gotten older, she has developed a tremor in both hands. This makes using the mouse difficult when clicking on small items on the screen. She currently uses Windows XP. Is there software or hardware that can dampen her tremor so she can continue to use enjoy her computer?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Display Green as another color in Windows?

I'm green and red color blind.

Is it possibly in Windows 7 to display green as a shade of another color so I can at least somewhat distinguish green and red when they are next to each?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Upgrading and installing packages through the Cygwin command line?

I'm a blind computer user that uses Cygwin.

The installation program isn't very accessible: upgrading, installing, and removing specific packages is quite hard to do since you have to use simulated mouse keystrokes to click and scroll.

Is there a way to either manually install/upgrade packages or install/upgrade them through the commandline?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Captcha workaround while using a text only broswer

Has anyone developed or found a workaround for getting passed captchas while using a text only webbrowser, such as Links? The only thing that occurred to me would be to download and render the image using an ascii art program. Any other suggestions would be appreciated, as would a good ascii art program.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Customise on-screen keyboard

How would one go about customising the on-screen keyboard on a Microsoft Surface Pro? I've noticed that it doesn't have an alt or Esc key and I can't think of any good reason why those keys, among others, should not be there. In particular I want to use keys such as [ and ]. Also there are no up and down arrow keys.

I already have a type cover but sometimes I'd like to use those keys without having the type cover attached.

Ideally I'd like a way to enable those missing keys and perhaps to remove the ones that I don't want, such as the emoticon key.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I use the keyboard to navigate dialog boxes in OS X Lion? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
OS X: using the keyboard to select an option in a message window / box?

On Snow Leopard 10.6 I used to be able to use tab and space to navigate between buttons and select one. I looked through the Accessibility preference pane and I have the "enable access for assistive devices" enabled, and everything else looks good - it is factory default.

Two examples of dialogs I can no longer navigate with tab / space:

textmate dialog

photoshop dialog

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to resize Yahoo Messenger window?

Yahoo Messenger is huge:

alt text

And that's as short as you can make it, it won't shrink vertically anymore.

How can I make it a more reasonable size, e.g.:

alt text

In fact, if we're making it look better, how about Yahoo stops pissing on their users and makes it:

alt text

Okay, yes, the last one was me complaining. But the first two are a valid question!

Note: The cut-off title bar is because Yahoo! developers don't pay their taxes, and assume that everyone runs at 96dpi.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What music-playing software application would work well for a blind user? [closed]

I have a friend who is blind and enjoys listening to music. But he struggles with Windows Media Player; it's difficult for him to navigate to the song he wants, or control playback.

I'd like to find him a straightforward music player with good screen-reader support (he uses JAWS) that can be controlled easily using only the keyboard (ideally without having to memorize complicated keyboard shortcuts).

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 menu color

I find the Windows 7 menu quite hard to differentiate. The default background color and highlighted background color are too similar:

alt text

Can I change this without changing the actual theme? Or do I need to choose a high-contrast theme?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can one-handed work in Emacs be eased?

My right hand is temporarily immobilized and I would like to do some minor work in Emacs, mostly in Org-mode, but also in AUCTeX. Are there ways to ease one-handed work in Emacs, such as some mode or particular work flow? For instance I noticed that for undoing it is easier to press C-x u than C-_ and that it is easier to mark text with methods involving C-Space than with combinations of S- and movement commands.

I have found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2391805/how-can-i-remain-productive-with-one-hand-completely-immobilized but that is not exactly what I am asking for. I want to ease whatever little time spent one-handed in Emacs (not in any program) and this is also interesting for situations where there is no injury involved, such as when one hand is occupied. I do realize that I should avoid unnecessary strain.

I am using GNU Emacs 23.3.1 in Ubuntu 11.04.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Lock the mouse cursor to one screen in Linux / Ubuntu

This question has already been asked, but for Windows: http://superuser.com/questions/50726/is-it-possible-to-lock-the-mouse-to-one-screen

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 with 2 screens with different resolution. Getting the mouse cursor moving accidentally from one screen to another is really annoying.

Is it possible to temporarily lock the mouse to one screen, and possibly releasing it with a shortcut ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Reorder/rearrange tabs using keyboard shortcut

In Firefox, it's possible to rearrange tabs (reordering, moving to a new window, etc.) by drag-and-drop. But drag-and-drop is slow and unwieldy, and is difficult for some people to use.

In Chromium/Chrome, it's possible to reorder tabs using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-Shift-PgUp/Ctrl-Shift-PgDn (see also https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/moigagbiaanpboaflikhdhgdfiifdodd).

How can one reorder tabs using the keyboard in Firefox? What about moving tabs between windows?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Configure Windows 7 to show all windows in black and white [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I have difficulty viewing different types of colors.

Many would call it a color impairment, because when I see to many colors my brain gets overloaded. I would like the following for Windows 7 How can I use my macbook in grayscale?

Is there accessibility setting that can make all windows in Windows 7 black and white?

Source: (StackOverflow)

One finger scrolling on a Macbook touchpad

After an accident that damaged my hands, I am no longer able to do the two finger scrolling gesture on Macbook touchpad. On Windows I set up so called "scrollzone", it allows me to scroll smoothly by dragging one finger along the right edge of the touchpad.

I would like to have this feature on OSX as well.

I tried many apps, namely

and none of them could do this. I even tried to contact the developers if they would be willing to work on this, but they either ignore me or say they cannot do it.

People advise me to buy a Magic Mouse, which supposedly can do it, or to scroll with arrow keys. No, thanks. I know there are workarounds available, but I know what works best for me (scrollzone) and I am unwilling to settle for less.

I would gladly sacrifice other trackpad gestures. I cannot use them anyway.

There was a program called SideTrack that could do this, but it does not work any more. I wrote to the author, but got little help.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which browsers support Window's Low Integrity level? [closed]

Normally i like running ie, but it's rendering speed at high-dpi is poor.

More recently i've switched to Chrome, but it does not support high-dpi displays. i'm interested in trying other browsers, but they must support protected mode.

Are there any other browsers, besides IE and Chrome, that support Mandatory Integrity Levels (i.e. protected mode)?

Browsers that i know about:

Browser            Protected Mode   High-dpi Aware
==============     ===============  ==============
Internet Explorer      Yes              Yes
Chrome                 Yes               No
Firefox                 No               No
Opera                   No               No
Safari                  No*              No*

(* not personally tested, reported by others)

Are there any others?

And just as an fyi, the clear, unambiguous, non-argumentative, non-subjective, question is:

Are there any browsers, aside from Internet Explorer, available for Windows, that run at the Windows Low Mandatory integrity level, and support high-dpi (i.e. non-96 dpi) displays?

Source: (StackOverflow)