
3g interview questions

Top 3g frequently asked interview questions

3G + ADSL Combined Speed?

My PC is connected to the Internet via ADSL. I have a 3G USB dongle, so if I connect both, will the Internet speed be the sum of both the speeds?

If the answer is "no":

  1. Is it possible via alternative methods?

  2. How do I know which connection my software is using? Can I control (by example) if my Firefox will use 3G and FreeDownloadManager will use ADSL?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does a VPN make 3g/4g/cellular connections more secure?

I have been reading the FAQs at witopia.net, publicvpn.com, and other VPN providers, and I see why their services might be valuable when I use my computer or smartphone at a WiFi hotspot. But what about when I use my smartphone with AT&T's 3g cellular data? Will a VPN make my data more secure, or does 3g already include comparable encryption?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Any way to bond 2 3G wireless USB keys on a single PC?

I have 2 USB dongles for 2 different carriers, both of which offer 3G speeds. Is there a way to bond them together, and used them at the same time, in order to increase speed?

EDIT: I need this in order to stream video, at a higher bit-rate than would be possible with a single 3G+ connection.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to use multiple 3g dongles simultaneously?

Im going to move to Africa and needs fast connection. Several providers have 3g. I wondered if I could buy 2 or 3 3G dongles to get the speed up? Is it possible to set this up in any software or router?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Dual internet connection setup

So I'm currently connected to two internet connections. My 3G network and the company's wireless connection. But I don't really understand which one I'm using. Is there a way to find out which connection is being used. And is there a way to use both at the same time. Either by load balancing or dedicating each to separate tasks. For instance, one for downloading, one for surfing?

I'm on Ubuntu 9.10

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I tell Windows to use 802.11 in preference to 3G?

I have a Samsung NC-10 netbook which I take to work every day. Most of the time I use it just on the train/bus, but I also use it at work and home.

It has a built-in 3G card which I want to use when travelling, but I'd prefer to use wifi when I'm at work or home, for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, if the 3G connection is up, Windows appears to use that in preference to wifi.

Starting up and shutting down the 3G modem is a bit of a pain - it's not hard as such, just a bit inconvenient. Ideally I'd like it to always be up, and even have the connection itself up all the time, but without routing traffic through it if there's a wifi connection up. This is what my Android phone does, for example.

Is there somewhere in Windows which lets me express an ordering for network interfaces? I suspect the routing table may be relevant, but it's a bit of a pain to mess around with. I'd really expect there to be a simple GUI way of setting this up - after all, it would equally be useful when dealing with wired vs wifi connections.

I'm currently using Windows XP Home, but Windows 7 answers would also be useful as I'll be migrating soon.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Puzzling TCP performance over 3G / UMTS

I'm using 3G as my primary internet connection, and TCP over this thing is getting more puzzling every day. For example:

  1. Downloading from kernel.org is crazy fast:

    $wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/linux-3.6.8.tar.bz2

    increases to ~500kB/s after a few secs !

  2. Some servers are incredibly slow, for instance www.graphic-pc.com:
    Same thing, downloading a big file with wget it starts at ~30kB/s for a split second, then collapses to 5-10k or even worse.

  3. Web browsing is decent but somewhat unreliable. Randomly, a page will take really long to load or even fail to load, but a reload can succeed almost immediately.

  4. Now, by chance i started playing with OpenVPN over UDP on top of the 3G connection, and OMG suddenly everything's extremely fast !
    Same www.graphic-pc.com now shoots at 100-200kB/s !

  • What's going on here ???
  • How come it is so much better with the VPN than without ??
  • And why does graphic-pc.com crawl when kernel.org flies ?
    Something to do with my tcp stack (or the server), or some buggy router in between ??


Setup is laptop running Ubuntu Lucid and a Huawei 3G dongle (So direct pppd connection).

I can reproduce this pretty much any time during the day and I'm not moving, so it's clearly not cell environment or internet congestion. (although kernel.org without VPN sometimes does worse in the evening, 60kB or so - but still 500kB with VPN !)

For 2) wireshark shows retransmitted packets, dup ack's, even out of order sometimes.

I've tried playing with different /proc/sys/net/ipv4 parameters (tcp_rmem, window_scaling, tcp_congestion...) doesn't seem to make a difference.

Tried under windows 7 (no VPN) with some interesting results:

tcp settings  :  default          tcp_optimizer
kernel.org    :  10 kB/s          20 kB/s
graphic-pc.com:   8 kB/s          70 kB/s !

tcp_optimizer turned on ctcp among other things. Have to check what os graphic-pc.com is running, my bet is linux's tcp_westwood and ms ctcp don't mix well here...

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I share my laptop 3G connection with another laptop using Wi-Fi?

I have an Intel laptop with Wi-Fi running Windows Vista, and connected to the Internet using the Huawei 3G key. Can I share this connection using Wi-Fi with another laptop/device?

I can't find an ad hoc Wi-Fi network option, maybe because I'm not using a wired connection.

Any solution?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Could I buy a 3G router and have it broadcast WiFi around my house?

I live at a place where the WiFi signal overshoots my house, and thanks to that I have to use dialup. My brother has an Android phone I think and he is able to browse the internet and stuff using 3G, which lead me to think about trying to get 3G. Could I buy a 3G router and have it broadcast WiFi around my house? I think you have to pay for 3G but I'm not entirely sure how it works. Any help or information would be much appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

My computer gets hosted when using 3G

I recently activated 3G(UMTS) connection on my cellular network. I use Nokia S60 phone as a modem while connecting from Scientific Linux 6.

While I am able to access net pretty well, the problem is my computer gets hosted. By using ip-address in a web-browser, anyone can access my localhost (running apache), this never happens with my wireline (ADSL) connection. Furthermore, even the Shell prompt changes from:

[mach2@localhost ~]$


[mach2@XX.XX.XX.XX ~]$

where XX.XX.XX.XX is the IP of the 3G connection. The very thought of putting my machine 'in the wild' is disconcerting. How can I rectify the situation without disabling services like apache, sshd and others?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Monitor modem speed and transfer volumes in OS X

I've got Nokia CS-17 internet stick and looking for a simple utility that would show me my connection speed and transfer volumes while i'm connected, ideally directly in the menu bar.

I don't want to use the utility provided by the vendor. I'm using Mac OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Do all Samsung NC10 netbooks have 3g modems

Do all Samsung nc10 netbooks have 3g sockets.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can we increase speed of 3g internet?

I use 3G internet. My modem works excellent in some places of my city, but in some it works terrible. Speed is low.

How can I increase the speed of it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

internet access options in remote area? (read: no comcast,qwest, etc) [closed]

Currently I am living in a fairly "remote" area, in the countryside, and cable internet access through the typical companies like comcast and qwest is just not available here.

I've been trying to research other options for fast internet access. There are some small cable companies but they currently do not offer broadband access here.

I thought about maybe buying a 3g phone with a data plan and doing some sort of tethering, or perhaps getting an android phone and using it as a wireless AP. This would of course depend on 3g being available here.

The only other thing I can think of is some sort of satellite internet service, or doing something crazy like adapting wifi over am radio. Anyone have any ideas, at all, short of moving somewhere else?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How are IPs assigned on 3g networks?

I am a mobile apps developer who has run into some strange and interesting problems with 3G connections. We develop applications using both the Twitter API and Twitter Streaming API. The normal Twitter API allows 150 requests per hour from one IP. This limit is cleared for every IP at the beginning of every hour (e.g. 3:01 PM).

What we experience using AT&T's 3G service on the IPad is, no matter how many new IPs we get toward the end of the hour, usually somewhere around and after (e.g. 3:30 PM), we get rate limited. My theory is that AT&T actually uses the same IP's for multiple devices and is routing the requests through a central computer. So the device doesn't really have it's own IP Address. I have no idea how these systems works or weather I am even on the right stackexchange, but is this theory correct?

There is no way our device is hitting the 150 requests an hour. That would literally be almost 2.5 requests a minute. The device always gets rate limited towards the end of the hour even with an IP change.

Source: (StackOverflow)